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    StreamFab for Windows YoutubeToMP3Process

    Please update StreamFab's YoutubeToMP3Process.exe (and YoutubeToMP3Service.exe). You are three versions behind yt-dlp. Many improvements have been made since yt-dlp 2023.07.06 and none of them have been added to StreamFab's custom version. The current yt-dlp is yt-dlp 2023.10.13.

    2023:10:16-16:26:13 0x00000ca0 [Info]: Client Process: "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/YoutubeDL/YoutubeToMP3Process.exe"
    2023:10:16-16:26:14 0x00000ca0 [Info]: [custom info] version 2023.07.06 [b532a3481046e1eabb6232ee8196fb696c356ff6]
    2023:10:16-16:26:14 0x00000ca0 [Info]: [custom info] number version

    While I have you - Several months back you updated StreamFab's use of Python 3.7 to Python 3.8 because 3.7 had reached end of life and several programs such as yt-dlp refused to run under 3.7 anymore. At the time I recommended that you switch to 3.11 which was the latest Python 3 version. You, instead, went with 3.8. 3.8 will reach end of life in October of next year and you will have to go through the same type update. Why not simply update to 3.12, which is now the latest Python 3 version, and you won't have to worry about it again until October of 2028 when it reaches end of life? Besides the EOL factor, the latest Python versions are much faster and more efficient. Another option would be to remove all "shebangs" so that StreamFab doesn't depend on one particular version of Python 3. A prerequisite would be for the user to install the latest Python version and add it to their path. StreamFab could offer the option to download and install that as part of StreamFab's install.
