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Getting wrong audio language

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    StreamFab for Windows Getting wrong audio language

    I'm currently using Streamfab, but my problem started with a slightly earlier version. I'm running Windows 11 on a large desktop PC.

    My problem is that Streamfab is downloading the wrong audio language for a video on PBS Passport. I am using my Streamfab YouTube subscription to obtain the download. The video having the problem is two episodes of The American Buffalo. It is available in both English and Spanish. I want the English version, but Steamfab keeps downloading the Spanish version. I haven't had this problem with other programs I've downloaded from PBS. On the PBS website, my setting is to view videos in English. On Streamfab, my setting used to be to download the UI language (which is English). I changed my Streamfab settings to only download English, but that didn't work. I always get the English subtitles. The problem is only with the audio language. What can I do about this?

    Please provide the latest StreamFab.log file. Thanks.


      I'd be glad to do that, but your system won't let me. Every time I try to attach the file, the system says my session has timed out and I need to log in again, but there is no button to do so. When I log out of the forum and log back in, I get the same error message as soon as I try to attach the log file even though it has been less than a minute since I logged in. How do I get around that? Also, is there some way I can get an email message when someone replies to my posts?


        Originally posted by Bill8100 View Post
        Also, is there some way I can get an email message when someone replies to my posts?
        Go to My Profile under your username at the top right of the forum page:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	566
Size:	22.7 KB
ID:	432011


          Originally posted by Bill8100 View Post
          When I log out of the forum and log back in, I get the same error message as soon as I try to attach the log file even though it has been less than a minute since I logged in. How do I get around that? Also, is there some way I can get an email message when someone replies to my posts?
          jpp72 answered your second question about getting 'Notifications' when someone replies to your post.

          For your first question about keep getting kicked out of your sign in. Had that issue awhile back out the blue. Do you have the 'Remember me' box checked when you are logging in with your 'User Name' and 'Password'? Try it with it checked if it's not!
          Last edited by Down2Earth; 10-23-2023, 10:06 PM.


            I've attached the log file you requested. I hope that will help.
            Attached Files


              Thanks to jpp72 and Down2Earth for your helpful suggestions. They worked.


                I'm still getting the wrong audio language for "The American Buffalo" video on PBS.

                Today, I saw that there is an updated version of StreamFab. I updated my program to version and tried to download the first episode of "The American Buffalo" again. When I played the downloaded video file, it gave me only the Spanish audio! So, I still have the problem of StreamFab downloading the wrong audio language. I have attached the log file for this latest attempt.

                I don't understand much of what the log file is recording. However, I did see a line where it requested the "en" audio stream, which I presume to be the English language audio. So, why was the Spanish language audio the only audio stream received? BTW, I did try to play this episode in the PBS player shown on the StreamFab Home tab, and it played in English as expected.
                Attached Files


                  Originally posted by Bill8100 View Post
                  I'm still getting the wrong audio language for "The American Buffalo" video on PBS.

                  Today, I saw that there is an updated version of StreamFab. I updated my program to version and tried to download the first episode of "The American Buffalo" again. When I played the downloaded video file, it gave me only the Spanish audio! So, I still have the problem of StreamFab downloading the wrong audio language. I have attached the log file for this latest attempt.

                  I don't understand much of what the log file is recording. However, I did see a line where it requested the "en" audio stream, which I presume to be the English language audio. So, why was the Spanish language audio the only audio stream received? BTW, I did try to play this episode in the PBS player shown on the StreamFab Home tab, and it played in English as expected.
                  This whole ridiculousness about have no actual module for DRM MPD and M3U8 is even worse now with the cash grab that is the Youtube Movies module. The system decides which module to use and it sucks in its decisions. Here's how to get the English audio with v6.1.4.7:

                  In StreamFab, go to the American Buffalo page on

                  Click on Episode 1 (Blood Memory).

                  You will get a generic Youtube Downloader window. That is the wrong downloader so you need to cancel out of that window.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	617
Size:	69.8 KB
ID:	432192

                  If after pressing cancel, you get a Youtube Plus Downloader window, then you are golden. If not, then click the M3U8 blue pill next to the Ready to Download blue pill at the top of left of the page.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	467
Size:	19.2 KB
ID:	432193

                  You can now select the audio you want. For that particular episode, the 2nd one is the English one you want. You can do the same for episode 2.

                  Here are the track orders for both episodes so you don't need to download each video 3 times to find the right audio...

                  Episode 1:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	462
Size:	215.9 KB
ID:	432194

                  ​​Episode 2:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	466
Size:	218.2 KB
ID:	432195

                  Mona : Please tell the developer that he needs to fix his name parsing of the audio tracks so it doesn't clip the language from the string.


                    Thank you for that solution. It worked for me with one exception. I didn't get any subtitles. I tried various configurations of the subtitles option but didn't have any success. That's not a problem with this particular program, but I like to have subtitles for the British videos because I don't always understand their accents. I hope the programmers figure out a solution for this problem and implement it soon.


                      Originally posted by jpp72 View Post

                      This whole ridiculousness about have no actual module for DRM MPD and M3U8 is even worse now with the cash grab that is the Youtube Movies module. The system decides which module to use and it sucks in its decisions. Here's how to get the English audio with v6.1.4.7:

                      In StreamFab, go to the American Buffalo page on

                      Click on Episode 1 (Blood Memory).

                      You will get a generic Youtube Downloader window. That is the wrong downloader so you need to cancel out of that window.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	617
Size:	69.8 KB
ID:	432192

                      If after pressing cancel, you get a Youtube Plus Downloader window, then you are golden. If not, then click the M3U8 blue pill next to the Ready to Download blue pill at the top of left of the page.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	467
Size:	19.2 KB
ID:	432193

                      You can now select the audio you want. For that particular episode, the 2nd one is the English one you want. You can do the same for episode 2.

                      Here are the track orders for both episodes so you don't need to download each video 3 times to find the right audio...

                      Episode 1:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	462
Size:	215.9 KB
ID:	432194

                      ​​Episode 2:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	466
Size:	218.2 KB
ID:	432195

                      Mona : Please tell the developer that he needs to fix his name parsing of the audio tracks so it doesn't clip the language from the string.
                      OK. It's been passed on to the developer.

