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Invalid/Corrupted MKV Files

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    Amazon Invalid/Corrupted MKV Files

    Here is everything
    Hi, I wanted to bring up an issue I've been encountering with the Amazon module since the version,, of StreamFab. Recently, I've noticed occasional problems when downloading videos from Amazon. After the download, the video or audio is sometimes outputted as a QuickTime file, making it unplayable. While re

    The V_QUICKTIME issue has been explained in two different message threads and a workaround has been given. Following that the Moderator has CLOSED the threads. Starting a new thread containing the one-hour-old CLOSED messages could possibly be considered a violation of the forum rules. Having written that, I think the appropriate action to be taken should be to merely remove this thread as a duplicate.

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    Any threads/posts of these types will be deleted.​


      Too bad there is no ignore function.

      by the way, this is also my last words to you

      i would ask you to please stop spamming me in the threads i am involved in.
      i would also ask you to stop posting things you don't know about in every thread. everyone knows that you refused the mod rank before and now that jp is doing something here and has contact with the developers, you suddenly want to do it.

      also, i have already written something about this which was apparently ignored and i would like to write again here:
      this is not a mkvmerge problem. the problem also occurs with ffmpeg. not quicktime but that the file is broken, thus the main problem.​

      the problem is only with amazon. so it cannot be an incorrectly executed command.

      besides the fact that i already said that this occurs since a certain version
      Last edited by Brozilla; 12-20-2023, 10:10 AM.


        Actually, there is an Ignore function. That shows that you are not at all familiar with the ways things work around here.

        Last word, that is your decision which is fine with me but that will not stop me from doing what I was asked to do by the staff, help my fellow users.

        I am not spamming you. You just refuse to accept the answers that you were given and later confirmed by Jack (jpp72). You think you know the subject more than us. Let me tell you, I often spend many hours in the day researching information on user problems. I take this v_quicktime issue very seriously because I was the one that did the research on it and found the reasoning behind it. As I've said several times, in one sense this IS a MKVMerge problem in that the developer of it has taken the stand that damaged and/or non-standard files are shown as v_quicktime. The FFMpeg folks look at it a different way and let the naming fall where it may because the files are damaged and/or non-standard and are unlikely to be playable anyway, so why worry about what you name it. This is not an Amazon issue, it is a damaged and/or non-standard issue. The first time I ran across a v_quicktime type file it was on Hulu.

        You know absolutely ZERO about the moderator situation. There were 3 of us that were asked to be co-moderators. One guy never replied back because he didn't want anything to do with it. Jack, after a short time said Yes. I went back and forth over a two week period and in the end I said No. But the offer still stands and all it would take is one email by me to change it. I am in contact with the person in charge of this project at least once a week. You just don't know, this is so much more than just a Moderator job. Moderating is just the tip of the iceberg. You make it sound like I am envious of Jack. Far from the truth. We have an excellent relationship and are conversing almost every single day in private over forum and program issues.


          you said it yourself that the files are already corrupted.
          and that's exactly the problem

          i like what mkvmerge does, because i can see directly that the file is corrupted.
          with ffmpeg I can't see that even though the file is corrupted.

          it doesn't help me if I have a video that doesn't work properly

          that's why i say that it's neither an mkvmerge nor an ffmpeg problem but that the problem is somewhere else and needs to be fixed

          but your only answer is always: he's stupid just close the thread even though the problem hasn't been fixed

          it may well be that you are doing research.

          but with the crunchyroll problem your only answer was: do you use a vpn. although it has already been written that crunchyroll has changed something

          mona saw that and reacted to it. you didn't​​


            I think I have a very good relationship with Mona. I have great respect for her as a Customer Service Rep. but she is NOT a technician. She knows a few standard procedures such as clean your cache and etc. but anything beyond that must be sent over to the Developer.

            Her actual quote about Crunchyroll was...
            It could be something being changed on the Crunchyroll site. I will get the developer to check it.
            It could be, not I researched this and this is the cause and so I'm sending it over to the Developer to fix. No, he is going to check it.

            As I wrote, the whole "Moderator" thing is much more than that. A part of it was to intercept problems at the forum level so that the Developer could do his job of fixing major problems and creating new modules.

            As far as closing the thread, it was at its end. Jack wrote...
            The V_QUICKTIME issue has a workaround explained. If there is a different issue with FFMpeg, please open a new thread.
            So, the Quicktime thread is closed. Nevermind that I explained that the FFMpeg problem was just the result of damaged and/or non-standard files. But what do you do? You start up a new thread named Quicktime containing the same messages as were in the closed thread. Did you really think that you trying to get around the thread closing would go unnoticed? Now you are saying that you are only interested in finding out why the files are corrupted. So, start a new thread named Corrupted Files and attach your StreamFab.log, something that you continually refuse to do when asked.


              I do not refuse to give a log.
              you would know that too if you read properly.

              i don't want it to be my public data because the log file is not encrypted.
              i would send it privately to appropriate people but as long as it is not encrypted i will not post log files here.

              right i'm opening a new thread because the main problem of corrupted files is not being fixed and is being blamed on something that is supposedly out of dvdfab's control

              and as I said it is still not an ffmpeg or mkvmerge problem

              so can a "workaround" help if the files are still damaged regardless of whether I mux with ffmpeg or mkvmerge? absolutely no
              but you would also know if you would read​​
              Last edited by Brozilla; 12-20-2023, 02:44 PM.


                Alright this is getting out of hand.

                I can understand Cats4U's frustration as i clearly said open a new thread and all that was done was refer to the thread i closed and the title is not even the issue, as stated by Brozilla

                It is not about the Quicktime so the title shouldn't have been quicktime and i believe this whole back and forth would have been avoided. Now let's all move on.

                So, let me clarify what steps can be taken to alleviate your concerns Brozilla :
                • Write up a text file with examples of Titles/Episodes where this happens
                • Save the FULL TXT output from MediaInfo on a bad file
                • Take the StreamFab.log, the list of titles, and the MediaInfo output and zip them up with a Zip password. The password should be the email address associated with your forum account. All lowercase obviously.
                • Post it here
                Only people who can see your email address are Me, Mona and Wilson so that takes care of your privacy concerns.

                For the corruption problem, you have stated it is not reliably reproduceable. That makes it very very difficult to find the root cause. I can tell you some of the steps i would take to try to figure it out...
                1. Run a chkdsk /f [DRIVE:] drive being the drive letter where you output your media. Cross-linked entries can happen when killing programs, power loss or improper shutdowns
                2. Run Hard Disk Sentinel on the output drive to see if you have an S.M.A.R.T. issues or bad sectors. If you have bad sectors that have not been marked or reallocated, then that would most certainly be the problem.
                I remember having maybe 1-2 corrupted files out of every 100 i would download and once i saw that creep up, i did find some cross-linked entries that chkdsk fixed. They are now much rarer and StreamFab doesn't "charge" you a download credit if you re-download the same thing on the same day. It's of little solace if you just want working files but my routine includes verifying all my downloads but only on the surface. Maybe you can use the same setup so you can quickly find the bad files.

                I do this with Icaros. Icaros will let you display thumbnails in windows explorer for files that are not natively supported by explorer. That's fine but there are a lot of other utilities that do this. The real power of Icaros is adding data in the shell extensions:

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	425
Size:	22.1 KB
ID:	434505

                As you can see, i have all the fields needed to decide if i need to re-download any file.

                The size might seem off, the length might be off, the wrong coded might be used, resolution could be something i didn't select, same for audio, missing subs or crazy low/high bitrates.

                Here is an example of a clearly corrupted file:

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	284
Size:	10.4 KB
ID:	434507
                You can see the episode is only 7 minutes when it should be 40 minutes and the bitrate is ridiculous as it is like a UHD Blu-ray bitrate.

                When you install and activate Icaros for MP4 and MKV files, you now have data in a ton more detail fields for explorer. These are the ones i use:

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	278
Size:	9.8 KB
ID:	434506

                So until StreamFab figures out the issue, that is unfortunately all i can do to help. A quick and easy way to see what files may be corrupted. I apologize for this but as a developer myself, i know all too well those bugs that only happen once in a while and can't be reproduced even if you retry right away are killers.


                  Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
                  • Write up a text file with examples of Titles/Episodes where this happens
                  • Save the FULL TXT output from MediaInfo on a bad file
                  • Take the StreamFab.log, the list of titles, and the MediaInfo output and zip them up with a Zip password. The password should be the email address associated with your forum account. All lowercase obviously.
                  • Post it here
                  Its with every title - nothing special

                  Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
                  1. Run a chkdsk /f [DRIVE:] drive being the drive letter where you output your media. Cross-linked entries can happen when killing programs, power loss or improper shutdowns
                  2. Run Hard Disk Sentinel on the output drive to see if you have an S.M.A.R.T. issues or bad sectors. If you have bad sectors that have not been marked or reallocated, then that would most certainly be the problem.
                  I did it, it did not find any errors and the problem persists

                  I have added the desired password to the log.

                  episode 6 in this case is a very good example of why the problem exists with both ffmpeg and mkvmerge and therefore makes absolutely no difference.

                  video is missing and audiotrack 2 is corrupted​




                    I am all for helping people but if you will not heed our advice, i don't really know what i can do here.

                    The mediainfo file shows V_QUICKTIME. Which means you are still using MKVMerge as the muxer. This is confirmed in the log.

                    Please use FFmpeg as your MKV muxer and try again.

                    Once done, delete your log file and try downloading again and post that log along with the output from mediainfo for Episode 6.

                    I cannot try it myself as those titles are not available on Amazon US or Canada
                    Last edited by jpp72; 12-20-2023, 11:10 PM.


                      i have already said several times that the problem is not ffmpeg or mkvmerge
                      i have this with BOTH
                      and since i like mkvmerge a lot more i use that

                      the files are already CORRUPTED BEFORE THE MUX

                      and it's not just that. it can be applied to anything from amazon.

                      if i download the file again the file is ok or not it has a 50/50 chance.​


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