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New! StreamFab is released (February 29, 2024)

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    Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
    Are they really a downloader or are they a "screen recorder"? I mean wouldn't HDCP only matter for playback?
    It's a screen recorder (re-encoder) - relatively reliable, but like the
    other competion only resolution selectable - not the bitrate
    (for me a no go for amazon, because hard changing bitrates)
    For some provider it change the fps from 23,976 to 30​


      Originally posted by theresay View Post
      Yes, I know what HDPC is, that's why I haven't made the purchase, cause I'm wasn't quite how that works...
      I dot know Amazon legitimately allows you to download, but I suspect some sort of DRM, such as HDCP is enforced, among other things. Legitimate customers are constantly shafted on such services. Even Youtube enforces some strict rules for offline content.


        CleverGet is a screen recorder, you cant compare the two.
        Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


          Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

          To totally annoy me and Jack?
          your constant flaming is really getting on my nerves...
          if you don't like something, leave the team and go away.

          i mean every post contains some shit from you.​


            The I have installed yesterday in order to download some Amazon stuff which failed to do. Okay, as expected it only downloaded these contents with 540p. Next I wanted to see whether the would download an episode which downloads at 1080p - it does, but also only in 540p.... Why is that? Why does download in 540p when can do it in 1080p? In this aspect the produces the same result as the versions
            I am talking about Amazon Prime "The Sarah Connor Chronicals Season 1". Episodes 1, 3, 5 and 8 cannot be downloaded with (anaylsing fails). The others downloads in 1080p. I tested versus on Episode 2 - see below screen shots
            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	1329
Size:	86.5 KB
ID:	438413
            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	1245
Size:	86.2 KB
ID:	438414
            I added a zip containing the individual StreamFab.log for both versions? In case you need more, I started both times with an empty Log folder and have both available.​


              Originally posted by Kattanders View Post
     would download an episode which downloads at 1080p - it does, but also only in 540p.... Why is that?
              I can't test because these are paid titles..
              .. in log i see errors by both versions:

              "errorCode":"PRS.Dependency.DRM.Widevine.Unsup port edCdmVersion
              [Critical]: "[WVAmazon]" license is NULL!
              [Critical]: "[WVAmazon]" GotStreamKey video failed

              "errorCode":"PRS.Dependency.DRM.Widevine.HdCon tent NotAllowed.VmpValidationRequired
              [Critical]: "[WVAmazon]" license is NULL!
              [Critical]: "[WVAmazon]" GotStreamKey video failed

              Unfortunately I can't explain the result to you.
              If you've same result with prime included title i would also test​


                That's what I've been saying--anything you can't download in prime with you can't download with the new version in HD still, even old contents, despite what the changelog says. I actually prefer right now, because I'd know right away which episodes are having problems when downloading a season, instead of checking each episode since the new version would just download at lower resolution when it can't grab HD


                  I am lost here, now no one knows exactly what version to use, to get a little more of everything that is broken to work, this is a catastrophe, it is an embarrassment to the developers to put out such a new version and then the Mods have to clean up after the developers. Then the Mods are ridiculed because they are trying to make it seem as if this program is a viable option to use for what it was meant for. I am a developer, admittedly a different kind of developer but if I put out such a sad version of software, I would be fired on the spot. Good luck with all of this. This forum is a mess and it is not the Mod's fault. I just wonder how long they can keep up with defending such a broken piece of software.
                  Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


                    Originally posted by Germania View Post
                    I can't test because these are paid titles..
                    .. in log i see errors by both versions:

                    "errorCode":"PRS.Dependency.DRM.Widevine.Unsup port edCdmVersion
                    [Critical]: "[WVAmazon]" license is NULL!
                    [Critical]: "[WVAmazon]" GotStreamKey video failed

                    "errorCode":"PRS.Dependency.DRM.Widevine.HdCon tent NotAllowed.VmpValidationRequired
                    [Critical]: "[WVAmazon]" license is NULL!
                    [Critical]: "[WVAmazon]" GotStreamKey video failed

                    Unfortunately I can't explain the result to you.
                    If you've same result with prime included title i would also test​
                    Unfortunately I can't provide you something to test it. I tried various content and only succeeded with "Peppermint" to download with With I could also download it in HD, however I canceled it befor finished. But I hope the logs show some difference in regard to the SCC Episode.
                    Anyways, I can't help beeing puzzled. Could it have to do that one is an Episode of a season while Peppermint is a movie?
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	682
Size:	74.2 KB
ID:	438448
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	653
Size:	44.2 KB
ID:	438449​​


                      Originally posted by theresay View Post
                      anything you can't download in prime with
                      you can't download with the new version in HD still,
                      even old contents, despite what the changelog says.
                      There is no changelog from last month that states
                      that current (or more) Amazon content can be downloaded in HD.​

                      Originally posted by Kattanders View Post
                      Could it have to do that one is an Episode of a season while Peppermint is a movie?
                      I can dl all old series with 720p or 1080p. However, I don't use paid titles
                      and of course I don't want to test every dl series again with 6167.



                        • Fix: A problem that the old videos of Amazon can’t be downloaded as 1080p video quality.


                          Oh I see you wrote current. Yes, we all know current titles can't be downloaded, but it says old videos should be downloaded at 1080p when it does not.


                            Originally posted by theresay View Post

                            • Fix: A problem that the old videos of Amazon can’t be downloaded as 1080p video quality.
                            Well then please have a look at the associated thread - here
                            and the result was the title "Smile" with 6164 SD and with 6165 in HD.
                            That is probably undisputed.​


                              Yes, I saw the thread when 6155 was released and happily updated, only to sadly found that all the videos I had problems before (Red, White House Down, Terminal List Episodes 2 & 3) can only be downloaded at 540p.


                                Originally posted by theresay View Post
                                only to sadly found that all the videos I had problems before ... can only be downloaded at 540p.
                                Then unfortunately you misunderstood it.
                                There was not more content in HD as with 6161 but "only" the problem of 6164 was fixed,
                                which incorrectly only used the SD mpd and as a result HD was no longer offered at all.​

