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Diana's "review" reviewed with very interesting results

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    Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
    That is, if the company survives that long (which I tend to doubt).
    Sadly there will always be those who fall victim to the kind of PROPAGANDA you find in this review. I am pretty sure I fully demonstrated how insanely slanted (and obviously manufactured) the results it depicts are. Unfortunately there are always those who will take things for "face value" without researching before spending their hard earned money. On one hand I have to say it is always Caveat Emptor but I also have a huge issue with misrepresentation. In particular since I have a vested interest here.

    Keep in mind it's not like a physical product that has to be manufactured in order to sell, the only tangible investment here is man hours and hosting fees. I coded in the comfort of my home when I was coding so no office costs whatsoever. The computer was already paid for, the desk was already paid for, even the coffee mug was already paid for. Just 45 monthly subscriptions or 34 lifetime licenses of Amazon downloader or a mere 7 All-In-One 5-computer licenses at $279.99 each easily pays a developer's wages for a month. And most of these modules are in some state of non-functionality/disrepair or another. But the fact of the matter is many will not find this out until it is too late or worse pass by now superior options.

    The company will survive if only through obfuscation and misrepresentation. As they say, there's a sucker born every minute and it would appear they are counting on this.
    Win11 Pro 23H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.


      Originally posted by NewMelle View Post

      Sadly there will always be those who fall victim to the kind of PROPAGANDA you find in this review. I am pretty sure I fully demonstrated how insanely slanted (and obviously manufactured) the results it depicts are. Unfortunately there are always those who will take things for "face value" without researching before spending their hard earned money. On one hand I have to say it is always Caveat Emptor but I also have a huge issue with misrepresentation. In particular since I have a vested interest here.

      Keep in mind it's not like a physical product that has to be manufactured in order to sell, the only tangible investment here is man hours and hosting fees. I coded in the comfort of my home when I was coding so no office costs whatsoever. The computer was already paid for, the desk was already paid for, even the coffee mug was already paid for. Just 45 monthly subscriptions or 34 lifetime licenses of Amazon downloader or a mere 7 All-In-One 5-computer licenses at $279.99 each easily pays a developer's wages for a month. And most of these modules are in some state of non-functionality/disrepair or another. But the fact of the matter is many will not find this out until it is too late or worse pass by now superior options.

      The company will survive if only through obfuscation and misrepresentation. As they say, there's a sucker born every minute and it would appear they are counting on this.
      As you said Caveat Emptor in English is "Buyer Beware" If you buy this it is your fault for not doing your homework. True now, but many people bought this software when it did work, the 30-day return had passed so no Caveat Emptor here. So most customers are just stuck and they know it.
      Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


        Hence me saying "In particular I have a VESTED interest here." Like you I have been a customer for some time but I suspect you have been much longer.

        I don't know that many people that will research like I will. Having been in the IT industry as long as I had I learned that lesson the hard way as I suspect many people do sooner or later. When I first opted for SF I DID do a head to head comparison of the available options and SF easily came out on top. That was then, this is now.

        I used to teach free classes at the local library on how to spot scams and avoid being scammed. Online, over the phone or through the mail, it didn't matter. It surprised me how poorly educated in this area people were. Many had already been taken. Some for a lot. I realized most people will not go to the lengths I will and are not likely to ask enough questions or be suspicious by nature. It was my job to teach them to employ the same level of scrutiny I do.

        I suspect many here have "tried" the other option in light of current events. I didn't just "try" it, I tested it. For $123 I didn't just "test" it, I TESTED it! I used up all but 2 of the allowed downloads. I threw everything I could at it. SF taught me to take promises with a grain of salt. Most people will not do this.

        If I can save a single person learning a $279.99 hard life lesson I know I've done some good albeit ever so small.
        Win11 Pro 23H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.


          I never said that a version 7 was coming or was imminent. When I look at the story, I see that a new version was released every fall except for version 4. That's what my assumptions are based on, nothing else!

          Version History Stream Fab
          2.0 12/2019
          3.0 12/2020
          4.0 06/2021 switch to Stream Fab
          5.0 11/2021
          6.0 10/2022

          I paid for the software in a lifetime version, which I also have for my navigation device update. If the company bites the dust tomorrow, it won't do me any good.

          If I uninstall the software now, my money will be gone too. If I go to Redfox I have to buy a temporary license, which after probably 4 years is more expensive than the one here. If Redfox goes away in 5 years, the money will be gone and I'll have nothing left.

          For me, Amazon is the only module with DRM damage, the others I use are working again. I've been holding back on my error messages in this forum and support for 3 months so as not to endanger the DRM repair... (and they're not beginner's errors that have to do with reinstalling or deleting temp files.)

          Not anymore. I now report every error in my modules such as: yesterday at Paramount (except Amazon, there's a big audio bug, no matter, that's no use as long as it has Recode in it), it doesn't make any difference to the DRM repair anyway, they also have time for Recode garbage. And for those who now think it's a waste of time. Well, what do I have to lose?

          I've said it before, increase the pressure, use the support you paid for! You no longer have to be ashamed to mention the name of your competitor in this forum.

          By the way, I found out yesterday that if you send feedback directly in Streamfab, a support ticket is automatically opened in the members area with the log data.

          Amen, God bless you :-)​
          NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!


            I've said it before, increase the pressure, use the support you paid for! You no longer have to be ashamed to mention the name of your competitor in this forum.​
            No offense, but if Jack and I couldn't get anywhere with the abuse we laid on Wilson, the project manager, the last three months, I don't know how you think you are going to get any better response by sending Feedback to a lowly customer service staff member. Believe me, we did not mince words on Wilson. He knew and knows we are furious about the way things are going. I told him that he should start cleaning out his desk because the company is going to go under.

            And by the way, I'm the one that removed the censorship. I removed the blocking of RedFox and AnyStream from the forum before I resigned. I was against allowing those before because I thought it was in bad taste to mention a competitor on their own forum. But, since I had told Wilson repeatedly that his customers were leaving for the competitor, he needs to see it coming from those prior customers himself in the StreamFab forum. Not that it is going to matter. He doesn't seem to have any control over what the Developer wants to do.


              Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

              No offense, but if Jack and I couldn't get anywhere with the abuse we laid on Wilson, the project manager, the last three months, I don't know how you think you are going to get any better response by sending Feedback to a lowly customer service staff member. Believe me, we did not mince words on Wilson. He knew and knows we are furious about the way things are going. I told him that he should start cleaning out his desk because the company is going to go under.

              And by the way, I'm the one that removed the censorship. I removed the blocking of RedFox and AnyStream from the forum before I resigned. I was against allowing those before because I thought it was in bad taste to mention a competitor on their own forum. But, since I had told Wilson repeatedly that his customers were leaving for the competitor, he needs to see it coming from those prior customers himself in the StreamFab forum. Not that it is going to matter. He doesn't seem to have any control over what the Developer wants to do.
              The only thing I use the support ticket system for now is not to put pressure on support but to point out bugs and provide the data that illustrates the issues. Logs, conditions and steps to re-create the issue. I did raise hell for a while but that is going nowhere. A waste of my time. Water off a duck's back. Make all the noise you want, it's an exercise in futility as it obviously falls on deaf ears.

              I've never understood why forums such as these censor the competitor's name or mention of them, unless of course they fear the competitor. In this case they rightly should! Competition breeds innovation and creativity. If there is no competition complacency sets in and the desire to excel falls by the wayside and laziness takes its place. Mediocrity becomes modus operandi and here we are, software that promises the moon yet now delivers that very mediocrity at best. Imagine a world where no other fast food chains existed save for McDonald's. You think their over processed artificial sodium laden food is horrible now? I haven't eaten that crap in 30 years.

              Many have already moved on (myself being one) and the reality of this mass exodus and its cause was hidden from DVDFab and both paying and potential customers for far too long. Censorship is a double edged sword. Done for the right reasons such as protecting young minds is one thing but to obfuscate and deceive or to hide the truth is a whole other critter altogether. I apologize for being blunt but there's no other way to say it and still say what I mean.

              I'm Native American so I know all about how censorship is (ab)used to divert focus and obscure. My family's recollection of history is very different from what is still being taught in schools. Very different.

              Win11 Pro 23H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.

