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SF6175 for Windows - No English SDH Subtitles (?)

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    Disney+ SF6175 for Windows - No English SDH Subtitles (?)

    I know there are bigger fish to fry right now, just wanted this to be on someone's radar. I've also done a quick search of the forums and didn't see this already posted, so if it was and I missed it I apologize in advance.

    I've noticed today -- and don't know "when" it happened exactly because I wasn't paying close attention -- that Disney+ is not downloading English SDH subtitles. It is downloading "regular" subtitles and "forced" subtitles, but I'm sure (pretty sure anyway) the "SDH' subtitles are not.

    I'm attaching screenshots of two examples as well as the logfiles. In Example 1, it's showing that there are 2 sets of English subtitles available but SF is only downling one of them ("regular"). In Example 2, it's showing that there are 3 sets of English subtitles available, but SF is only downloading two of them ("regular" and "forced").

    My basis for determining that these are not SDH subtitles is because there are no captioned "sounds" (like [DOOR CLOSES] and [SCREAMING] and [APPLAUSE], not that these are actual sounds from the example files but examples in general).
    Attached Files

    Are you downloading as MP4 or MKV? MP4 supports only 1 subtitle stream.


      Originally posted by JeffDavis View Post
      MP4 supports only 1 subtitle stream.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	408
Size:	98.9 KB
ID:	441625


        You're right. MP4 does support multiple timed text subtitle tracks. I think I got the wrong idea from the Handbrake documentation's discussion of subtitles. MP4 does not support graphical subtitles (PGS, VOBSUB), while MKV does. To prove it to myself, I created an MP4 with mutiple subtitle tracks using FFMPEG:

        ffmpeg -i aaa.mp4 -i -map 0 -map 1:s:0 -c copy -c:s mov_text ddd.mp4

        The ouput ddd.mp4 has 2 subtitle tracks, the original that was in aaa.mp4 and the one that is

        Sorry for diverting the thread.
        Last edited by JeffDavis; 04-28-2024, 02:53 PM.


          Originally posted by JeffDavis View Post
          Are you downloading as MP4 or MKV? MP4 supports only 1 subtitle stream.

