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Just Purchased Amazon Downloader But Opens To Shopping Page Not Prime Video Page

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    StreamFab for Windows Just Purchased Amazon Downloader But Opens To Shopping Page Not Prime Video Page

    Hi There!

    Wondering if someone can point me in the right direction... I purchased the Amazon Downloader but for some reason whenever I launch it, it always opens to the Amazon Page that you would Shop On and not the Prime Video Page that has all the Movie / TV Content and your Subscription Channels. How do I get it to open to the Prime Video Page?

    Currently Amazon Downloader Opens To -

    Real Prime Video Page Is -


    Clearly I have not done something right trying to log into Amazon Prime Video within StreamFab. All my downloads are Failing.

    How do I set Amazon Prime up within StreamFab?

    Upon opening it I clicked on My Account and logged in.

    But as I said above launching the Prime Video Downloader is not taking me to Prime It’s taking me to

    If I manually put in the address bar I can see everything like I should but downloads appear to be failing.


      Also notice that the main page is saying to watch Prime Video while abroad.

      So its as if it thinks I’m out of country.


        That's the normal Amazon page that it's always opened up to. Just search for your movie or show using the search box.


          Hmmm…. So if it’s opening up as if I’m in the USA but I’m not is that an issue?

          When I search for the movie it brings up a list of items to buy from various sellers. I was able to click on the first one and then it started to analyze the movie. It appears to be downloading it now. Weird! Is that the way you normally download off Amazon Prime within StreamFab. You search the Amazon store for the movie or tv show you want to download and then select it from the list of items returned from the search? How do you know which one to select from the list? Most have dollar values associated with them as if you were shopping to buy the item from Amazon but it appears to then take you to the prime video area where I assume if you have access to the content are able to view (Or In My Case Download) it for free.

          Am I on the right track with how StreamFab works with Amazon Prime Video? I was expecting it to work like the Netflix and Paramount+ Downloaders. Where you see the content available to you on a main page and can navigate from there. Almost like you see on your TV with the Prime Video App.

          The issue I see with the above is that when I search for a specific movie or TV show StreamFab is not factoring in that I have access to it with specific prime video channel subscriptions. If I search for Big Bang Theory it finds it and analyzes it but won’t let me download it because I don’t have a Max Subscription.

          But I have a CraveTV subscription in my country that gives me access to it.
          Last edited by Ducs_Of_Hazzard; 07-12-2024, 10:56 PM.


            Open the "Hamburger Menu" (3 lines top right) select Settings
            - click left on VIP Services
            - Select your "Amazon Prime Video Region" and click "OK"
            - close open tab and reopen VIP services "Amazon"

            Click image for larger version

Name:	primevideo.jpg
Views:	364
Size:	80.5 KB
ID:	446196


              Thank you, thank you, thank you Germania this is the fix and exactly the step I was missing. Would have been nice to have a little heads up on the need to make that change after activating the Prime Video Downloader.

