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Amazon Very Slow

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    StreamFab for Windows Amazon Very Slow

    Anyone having issues with amazon at the moment very slow
    Attached Files

    Amazon has recently changed its interface again.

    Since then, navigation through the Amazon menus in StreamFab has been much slower for me.

    However, the downloads then actually run as fast as ever.

    Only remuxing suddenly takes much longer.​


      No issue here, wether its the Interface or the Download speed its both pretty fast.


        Justin, I don't think I've ever seen it faster in my testing just now here in the US. Aren't you getting from the Amazon Japan server, being that you are in Australia? Or are you using a VPN or proxy into the US?


          I have no problems with Amazon either. However, StreamFab does tend to slow down over time. This means that if you leave it running for 24 hours straight, it is recommended to close it at least once a day, restart the computer and then continue.

          Occasionally, you should also delete the temporary files.

          And as always, every version should be cleanly uninstalled and reinstalled. You should not just install a new version over the old one.​
          NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!

