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SF (many versions) and Paramount Plus Downloader Login Popup

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    Paramount+ SF (many versions) and Paramount Plus Downloader Login Popup

    Low priority considering other pending issues, but wanted to mention...

    Of all the different SF modules I use, I'm finding that Paramount Plus is the only one that shows a login popup message. This happens when you first install SF, or if you've cleared the "temp" directory and have to log in again.

    It occurs maybe about 10 seconds after the login screen appears if you have not successfully logged in:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-08-11 18_29_45-Window.png
Views:	548
Size:	15.8 KB
ID:	448078
    Clicking "OK" makes the message go away. More of an annoyance than anything, and again it's the only one that I use (of all the other half-dozen-or-so modules I use) where this happens. This has been occurring for several versions of SF, probably since I first started using the program years ago.

    And...kind of misleading since it does not appear the next time I use it after successfully logging in the first time.

    > More of an annoyance than anything

    This is informative and informs the user that he is not logged in.

    > I'm finding that Paramount Plus is the only one that shows a login popup message

    Click image for larger version  Name:	RTL+_no_login.jpg Views:	0 Size:	30.1 KB ID:	448082

    However, it is not clear to me why it is not the same for all services
    where you cannot download anything without an account​


      Anyone else only get Italian subs when downloading shows even though more definitely exist? Now its not showing any sub available.
      Last edited by ugman360; 08-13-2024, 11:47 AM.


        @ ugman360
        That has nothing todo with Not Login Popup

        > Anyone else only get Italian subs when downloading shows even though more definitely exist

        Which country, which title ?​


          US... SEAL Team...


            Don't know why it shows "enG" instead English

            Click image for larger version

Name:	p+_us_seal_team.jpg
Views:	359
Size:	86.7 KB
ID:	448099

            but that's the info from P+

            Click image for larger version

Name:	p+_us_seal_team_manu.jpg
Views:	352
Size:	350.8 KB
ID:	448100

            However I chose German + English and got it

            Click image for larger version

Name:	p+_us_seal_team_result.jpg
Views:	361
Size:	44.3 KB
ID:	448101

            -= click pic to enlarge =-​


              Strange.. Not sure what's going on then.. S1 looked good but all of S3 and beyond, I get Spanish now.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	E84UeXh9CI.png
Views:	303
Size:	99.8 KB
ID:	448108


                Addition: s07e02 dl no subs because my selection from s01e01 is not available.

                So i've forced this episode to see it only offers English (now en-us) subs

                Click image for larger version

Name:	p+_us_seal_team.s07e02.jpg
Views:	337
Size:	87.3 KB
ID:	448111

                and this is also the info from P+

                Click image for larger version

Name:	p+_us_seal_team.s07e02_manu.jpg
Views:	327
Size:	198.8 KB
ID:	448112

                this works for me too

                Click image for larger version

Name:	p+_us_seal_team.s07e02_result.jpg
Views:	323
Size:	24.1 KB
ID:	448113

                Ergo: No problem cased by SF


                  Hmmm.. Not sure what my problem is then. I'm going to clear the cache and all that and see if that helps.. Thanks for looking into this for me.. Appreciate it!


                    Originally posted by ugman360 View Post
                    Hmmm.. Not sure what my problem is then. I'm going to clear the cache and all that and see if that helps.. Thanks for looking into this for me.. Appreciate it!
                    You should have started your own thread. This has nothing to do with what the original poster wrote about, which has been an annoyance to me for, at least, a year and a half. Now I have to comment on a post that has been seriously hijacked and few will remember what the original poster wrote about. Poor forum etiquette, my friend.


                      Circling back to the original topic...

                      Originally posted by Germania View Post
                      > More of an annoyance than anything

                      This is informative and informs the user that he is not logged in.
                      I can appreciate that, but let me clarify what I meant by "annoyance". It's annoying (to me) that it pops up while I'm trying to type in my username/password. If it happened immediately, when the login screen first pops up, I could just click ok and then go about my business.

                      And yes, maybe it would be helpful to have that popup happen on each site that requires you to log in with a name/password, or any site that has a name/password login screen even if you don't need to log in (Roku, Tubi, Pluto, maybe others). That's something maybe to send to feature suggestions; I just don't know how high on the priority list it would be.



                        The login message dialog will be removed in the new version 6203.

                        Please post your logs the default location is:
                        For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
                        For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
                        Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
                        If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.


