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Netflix Error M7701-1003

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    I appreciate all of the recommendations.
    I have followed each exactly as recommended, rebooting the pc after each change.
    My last action was a clean (external link) install of 6195 after using a uninstall app... using the steps by Cats4U.

    No change... I can log into Netflix and search for a title. When playing the title I get the error from my first post.

    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: userdata.browserinfo.hardware : computer
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: : chrome
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: userdata.browserinfo.version:
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: userdata.browserinfo.osname: windows
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: userdata.browserinfo.osversion: 10.0
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: userdata.clientVersion: 6.0046.084.911
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: userdata.ad_supported : false
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: NetflixCrypto::fromDict catch exception, reinit
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: GetLocaleID localeid : en-US
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: perform_key_handshake success
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00004254 [Info]: encryption_key_temp : BUPSbVMh7XVa4qqaQQ2fCA
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00004254 [Info]: "[Netflix]" hand shake success
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: [Netflix]" "GetResourceRequestHandlerFromContextHandler - url :, refurl :
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: "[Netflix]" method POST
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: [Netflix]" "GetResourceRequestHandlerFromContextHandler - url :, refurl :
    2024:08:23-09:22:12 0x00001604 [Info]: "[Netflix]" method POST
    2024:08:23-09:22:13 0x00001604 [Info]: [Netflix]" "GetResourceRequestHandlerFromContextHandler - url :, refurl :
    2024:08:23-09:22:13 0x00001604 [Info]: "[Netflix]" method POST
    2024:08:23-09:22:14 0x00001604 [Info]: "[Netflix]" m_userData.bValid, will not parse pagedata
    2024:08:23-09:22:14 0x00001604 [Info]: "[Netflix]" m_userData.bValid, will not parse pagedata
    2024:08:23-09:22:14 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:14 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:14 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:14 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:14 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:16 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:16 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:16 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:16 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:16 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:31 0x00003fc8 [Info]: command: start connect server thread
    2024:08:23-09:22:31 0x000036cc [Log]: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name
    2024:08:23-09:22:31 0x000036cc [Log]: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name
    2024:08:23-09:22:31 0x000036cc [Log]: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name
    2024:08:23-09:22:31 0x000036cc [Log]: error curl post: Couldn't resolve host name
    2024:08:23-09:22:31 0x000036cc [Log]: Error: there is no available url
    2024:08:23-09:22:31 0x000036cc [Critical]: command: request server command failed
    2024:08:23-09:22:37 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:39 0x00003fc8 [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :1
    2024:08:23-09:22:39 0x00003fc8 [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:08:23-09:22:39 0x00003fc8 [Info]: [Netflix]" OnAddressChange - strUrl : " 2AD87DB855033_p_1724422931821%2C%2C%2C%2C81282732% 2CVideo%3A81282732%2CminiDpPlayButton
    2024:08:23-09:22:39 0x00003fc8 [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Netflix, status = 0, flag = 1
    2024:08:23-09:22:39 0x00003fc8 [Warning]: "[Netflix]" nfid emtpy
    2024:08:23-09:22:40 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:40 0x00001604 [Info]: graphql strUrl : map size: 14
    2024:08:23-09:22:47 0x00003fc8 [Info]: [BrowerWnd]: close tab
    2024:08:23-09:22:48 0x00003fc8 [Info]: [QCefWebView]: delete cef view instance, begin
    2024:08:23-09:22:48 0x00003fc8 [Info]: [QCefWebView]: delete cef view instance, stop timer
    2024:08:23-09:22:48 0x00003fc8 [Info]: [QCefWebView]: delete cef view instance, done​

    ?My next steps?


      Do not post your StreamFab.log as text, especially a partial version, as you did. Partial listings rarely provide the developer with all the information to solve your problem, plus publicly displayed log files sometimes reveal confidential information. Delete your previous StreamFab.log from your Logs directory, and then attempt to do a normal download. This will produce a new log file that only deals with that one session, instead of many unrelated sessions. When the download attempt is finished, post the StreamFab.log to the forum by using the Upload Attachments button to add the complete log file to your message.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-08-25 10.50.08 AM.png
Views:	1418
Size:	12.9 KB
ID:	449199




          Originally posted by Germania View Post
          For me NF dl with SF 6195 works without problems

          Looks like a Widevine problem - here

          check %LocalAppData%\CEF\User Data\WidevineCdm

          Click image for larger version  Name:	cef.jpg Views:	989 Size:	8.1 KB ID:	448951

          if this missing copy from %ProgramFiles%\DVDFab\StreamFab\CEF\WidevineCdm

          Otherwise post your StreamFab.log​

          Thank you, that helped.
          I also noticed that it happens repeatedly after each machine restart, so I created this batch script, which needs to be executed as an administrator.

          @echo off
          setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
          REM Define source and destination directories
          set "source=%ProgramFiles%\DVDFab\StreamFab\CEF\WidevineCdm"
          set "destination=%LocalAppData%\CEF\User Data\WidevineCdm"
          REM Deleting the existing WidevineCdm folder
          if exist "%destination%" (
              echo Deleting existing WidevineCdm folder...
              rd /s /q "%destination%"
              if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
                  echo [ERROR] Failed to delete the WidevineCdm folder. Please check permissions.
              ) else (
                  echo Existing WidevineCdm folder deleted successfully.
          ) else (
              echo No existing WidevineCdm folder found. Skipping deletion.
          REM Copying the new WidevineCdm folder
          echo Copying new WidevineCdm folder...
          xcopy "%source%" "%destination%" /s /e /i /y
          if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
              echo [ERROR] Failed to copy WidevineCdm folder. Please check the source path and permissions.
          ) else (
              echo New WidevineCdm folder copied successfully.
          REM Verifying copied files by comparing SHA1 checksums
          echo Verifying copied files using SHA1...
          set "checksumOK=1"
          for /r "%source%" %%f in (*) do (
              set "srcfile=%%f"
              set "dstfile=!srcfile:%source%=%destination%!"
              if exist "!dstfile!" (
                  REM Generate SHA1 checksum for the source file
                  for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('certutil -hashfile "!srcfile!" SHA1 ^| find /i /v "certutil"') do (
                      set "src_sha1=%%a"
                  REM Generate SHA1 checksum for the destination file
                  for /f "tokens=1" %%b in ('certutil -hashfile "!dstfile!" SHA1 ^| find /i /v "certutil"') do (
                      set "dst_sha1=%%b"
                  if not "!src_sha1!"=="!dst_sha1!" (
                      echo [ERROR] SHA1 mismatch for file: !srcfile!
                      set "checksumOK=0"
                  ) else (
                      echo SHA1 OK for file: !srcfile!
              ) else (
                  echo [ERROR] File missing in destination: !dstfile!
                  set "checksumOK=0"
          if "!checksumOK!"=="1" (
              echo All files copied successfully with matching SHA1 checksums.
          ) else (
              echo [ERROR] File verification failed. Please review the errors above.
          REM Clean up temporary files (if any)
          del src_checksum.txt 2>nul
          del dst_checksum.txt 2>nul
          REM Press enter to exit
          echo Press Enter to exit...
          exit /b 0​

          This batch script:
          1. Deletes the existing WidevineCdm folder from %LocalAppData%\CEF\User Data\.
          2. Copies the WidevineCdm folder from %ProgramFiles%\DVDFab\StreamFab\CEF\ to the same location.
          3. Verifies that files are copied correctly by comparing their SHA1 checksums between the source and destination.
          4. Displays errors if any step fails without immediately exiting.
          5. Prompts the user to press Enter to exit after completion.

          It ensures both file integrity and error reporting during the process.
          Last edited by Quantumleap; 10-19-2024, 12:17 AM. Reason: fix typo


            Originally posted by Quantumleap View Post

            Thank you, that helped.
            I also noticed that it happens repeatedly after each machine restart, so I created this batch script, which needs to be executed as an administrator.

            @echo off
            setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
            REM Define source and destination directories
            set "source=%ProgramFiles%\DVDFab\StreamFab\CEF\WidevineCdm"
            set "destination=%LocalAppData%\CEF\User Data\WidevineCdm"
            REM Deleting the existing WidevineCdm folder
            if exist "%destination%" (
            echo Deleting existing WidevineCdm folder...
            rd /s /q "%destination%"
            if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
            echo [ERROR] Failed to delete the WidevineCdm folder. Please check permissions.
            ) else (
            echo Existing WidevineCdm folder deleted successfully.
            ) else (
            echo No existing WidevineCdm folder found. Skipping deletion.
            REM Copying the new WidevineCdm folder
            echo Copying new WidevineCdm folder...
            xcopy "%source%" "%destination%" /s /e /i /y
            if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
            echo [ERROR] Failed to copy WidevineCdm folder. Please check the source path and permissions.
            ) else (
            echo New WidevineCdm folder copied successfully.
            REM Verifying copied files by comparing SHA1 checksums
            echo Verifying copied files using SHA1...
            set "checksumOK=1"
            for /r "%source%" %%f in (*) do (
            set "srcfile=%%f"
            set "dstfile=!srcfile:%source%=%destination%!"
            if exist "!dstfile!" (
            REM Generate SHA1 checksum for the source file
            for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('certutil -hashfile "!srcfile!" SHA1 ^| find /i /v "certutil"') do (
            set "src_sha1=%%a"
            REM Generate SHA1 checksum for the destination file
            for /f "tokens=1" %%b in ('certutil -hashfile "!dstfile!" SHA1 ^| find /i /v "certutil"') do (
            set "dst_sha1=%%b"
            if not "!src_sha1!"=="!dst_sha1!" (
            echo [ERROR] SHA1 mismatch for file: !srcfile!
            set "checksumOK=0"
            ) else (
            echo SHA1 OK for file: !srcfile!
            ) else (
            echo [ERROR] File missing in destination: !dstfile!
            set "checksumOK=0"
            if "!checksumOK!"=="1" (
            echo All files copied successfully with matching SHA1 checksums.
            ) else (
            echo [ERROR] File verification failed. Please review the errors above.
            REM Clean up temporary files (if any)
            del src_checksum.txt 2>nul
            del dst_checksum.txt 2>nul
            REM Press enter to exit
            echo Press Enter to exit...
            exit /b 0​

            This batch script:
            1. Deletes the existing WidevineCdm folder from %LocalAppData%\CEF\User Data\.
            2. Copies the WidevineCdm folder from %ProgramFiles%\DVDFab\StreamFab\CEF\ to the same location.
            3. Verifies that files are copied correctly by comparing their SHA1 checksums between the source and destination.
            4. Displays errors if any step fails without immediately exiting.
            5. Prompts the user to press Enter to exit after completion.

            It ensures both file integrity and error reporting during the process.
            FYI, if it shouldnt work, you will need to change this line:
            set "source=%ProgramFiles%\DVDFab\StreamFab\CEF\WidevineCdm"
            to this
            set "source=%ProgramFiles%\StreamFab\StreamFab\CEF\WidevineCdm"


              Hallo, Danke für den Tipp !!


                Thank you! Im so happy I read through all these posts. This fixed my problem too. Everything was working and then while it was making its way down the que it failed and logged me out of Netflix. Continuously logging me out after I selected something. A clean install led to same issue reported here with the Netflix Error M7701-1003. Moving the folders fixed everything.


                  I feel like this is a problem caused by the Win11 system. My Win10 computer works normally, but whether it's reinstalling software, reinstalling the system, or changing to another computer, Win11 doesn't work


                    Originally posted by Germania View Post
                    For me NF dl with SF 6195 works without problems

                    Looks like a Widevine problem - here

                    check %LocalAppData%\CEF\User Data\WidevineCdm

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	cef.jpg Views:	2179 Size:	8.1 KB ID:	448951

                    if this missing copy from %ProgramFiles%\DVDFab\StreamFab\CEF\WidevineCdm

                    Otherwise post your StreamFab.log​
                    I'm sorry to jump on this post, but I'm having the same problem. The issue is that for the first file location, my pathway stops at Local. I don't have a CEF folder in there. I have a StreamFab folder in my Temp files, though. But it looks like it only has two StreamFab download folders.

                    If I need to do one, how do I do a clean reinstall? I literally just downloaded this program yesterday, so everything is very new to me. I downloaded it from the website.

                    Other info: This is a trial version that I'm using. I've actually only gotten YouTube to work. Everything else either gets stuck at analyzing, fails, or (for Netflix) gives me this error.
                    Second note: I tried NF this morning and now it's signing me out.
                    Third note: I'm new at this stuff and don't know a lot about logs and stuff like that.

                    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

                    If I should make a new post because talking about my issue on someone else's post is against the rules, please let me know. And I apologize.
                    Last edited by nortlovld; 11-20-2024, 02:37 PM.


                      Originally posted by nortlovld View Post
                      how do I do a clean reinstall?
                      See the sticky thread: How to do a clean install of StreamFab (Windows) at

                      You might want to read: How to post issues in the StreamFab section at


                        Originally posted by nortlovld View Post
                        my pathway stops at Local. I don't have a CEF folder in there
                        I don't know why SF 6205 don't copy widevinecdm.dll to CEF (like all previous versions)
                        But you don't need create manually - simply copy the CEF Directory from your SF location​

                        > Everything else either gets stuck at analyzing

                        First attempt often don't work so simply cancel and refresh with F5 or here

                        > I tried NF this morning and now it's signing me out

                        see: New verson Netflix is broken again

