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Netflix not analyzing in v6.1.9.7

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    Some people should practise reading again.

    Originally posted by Germania View Post
    Looks like all SF versions affected - tested 6197,6196,6195,6193
    [Critical]: GetInitializationFileEx status :502, url: ...
    [Critical]: "[Netflix]" meta analyze failed. fetch meta response data empty.
    Yes, not even older versions.

    The NF API (Application Programming Interface) used by SF is blocked or (in used version) disabled
    ("502 Bad Gateway" => No response from the requested URL)

    As a result, SF does not find any information on the desired files.

    btw: After 1700 views, you do not need to attach any images.​


      I am also a legitimate user of another Netflix download app (not Keepstreams) and recently it has the same problem too, movies and tv shows can't be analyzed and downloaded. Maybe NF has come up with a new and improved download protection. Either way, I have confidence in the skills of the SF team.


        All NF did was to change one word. Once you fix that everything is back to normal. So all we can do is wait until SF does that. Their API isn't blocked.


          How long will the repair take?


            Originally posted by noydov111 View Post
            How long will the repair take?
            Unfortunately, I sent my Ouija Board out to the dry cleaners. Let me use my backup, my Magic 8 Ball. It says, "Cannot predict now".


              Wilson.Wang any kind of feedback or even notice that the dev/s are on it would be great.


                +1 same problem


                  Seems NF changed the api...I hope the developer fixes it soon, it should only be a small change


                    Same problem


                      Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

                      Unfortunately, I sent my Ouija Board out to the dry cleaners. Let me use my backup, my Magic 8 Ball. It says, "Cannot predict now".
                      When does your crystal ball come back from cleaning?


                        I was on SF (I didnt bother updating) which was working fine with NF. Then the 'stuck on analyzing' issue started when using NF. So decided to update to and the same issue is occuring. So makes me think that someting has changed on NF side.


                          Originally posted by grumpycamel View Post
                          So decided to update to and the same issue is occuring.
                          Can you see and read #7 or #16 ??

                          Originally posted by Germania View Post
                          Looks like all SF versions affected - tested 6197,6196,6195,6193
                          .. Yes, not even older versions.


                            same issues here

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-09-09_16-21-44.jpg
Views:	1209
Size:	211.3 KB
ID:	449935
                            Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


                              Originally posted by Germania View Post
                              Some people should practise reading again.

                              Yes, not even older versions.

                              The NF API (Application Programming Interface) used by SF is blocked or (in used version) disabled
                              ("502 Bad Gateway" => No response from the requested URL)

                              As a result, SF does not find any information on the desired files.
                              Not all SF versions are effective, I'm still on version dated 7/18/24 and not having any of the downloading or log in issues at all with Netflix, I don't upgrade until I see a change or something that affects me from downloading. The first change over to was 7/26/24, something changed from there, but it wasn't a change that effective every user so this might be a hard fix where they fix it for the folks that it isn't working for now and break it for the folks that it is working for now. This has been the blueprint. Maybe they can get a clue and back track to when it was working for everybody with the version as noted.

                              It just seems that most of the issues is coming from new users and upgrading issues. Wondering if also the recommended deleting of all the files from some and doing a clean install is giving these issues also, one size doesn't fit all, every system and how you use it is not the same desktop or laptop configured using it.
                              Last edited by Down2Earth; 09-09-2024, 11:04 PM.


                                Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post
                                Not all SF versions are effective [...]
                                This isn't related to SF version at all as it is on the Netflix side. Netflix has changed something (in fact, they constantly do that) but only for some of its users / regions / whatever - it is called A/B testing. My advice for you would be to download whatever is the most important ASAP, as tomorrow you may be out of luck as well.

