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Erroneous Piracy Detection

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    StreamFab for Windows Erroneous Piracy Detection

    A better title: Paying Customer irritated over being called a software pirate (possibly due to lack of working internet connection)

    It is happening when clearly absolutely NO internet is active (as part of a autostart launch of the app)

    I'm sorry, the initial title ("Can I dislike this?") is a poor choice of words, it's way too toned down.
    They don't reflect my feelings strongly enough
    I mean EFFIN HATE IT.

    This makes me wanna see StreamFab operations dead. -
    Like... all the way. No more download service. - For nobody.
    Currently I'd be in favor of that.

    Can someone here understand this frustration?

    Alright, that's it. Just annoyed at so many things here, we could start with that tiny font size.

    Since this is the english forums here's a Google Translation of the text on that screen.

    "Cracked or pirated StreamFab detected! We have detected that you are using a cracked or pirated version of StreamFab software that is not obtained from the official StreamFab website or authorized partners. Usually, this cracked or pirated software may be packed with certain malware, viruses or Trojans that can potentially damage your computer or even steal your personal information unknowingly. We strongly advise you to stay away from this cracked or pirated software to protect yourself from potential data breaches and then purchase a valid license from the official StreamFab website. There are currently some limited-time special offers being offered that can help you save a shocking amount on the products you are interested in." Hypocrisy

    ​Hipocrisy at it's finest.

    Keep the servers running though, and thanks for caring about this "minor issue".

    Buy Now​

    Sorry, that was more of the text. (The text on the button)

    I meant to say this:
    Bye Now​
    Last edited by theLoveForStreaming; 09-25-2024, 08:17 PM. Reason: Insert the translation, which for a few minutes was shown as a reply to this

    Also can someone with sufficient editing rights rename this to a better title?
    (Choose whatever but try not to make fun of it too much)


      Moved translation upwards, to the main post (originally posted separately)
      Last edited by theLoveForStreaming; 09-25-2024, 08:16 PM. Reason: I did something stupid and split the posting into two parts instead of editing (sorry about that/fixed now)


        Originally posted by theLoveForStreaming View Post
        A better title: Paying Customer irritated over being called a software pirate (possibly due to lack of working internet connection)

        It is happening when clearly absolutely NO internet is active (as part of a autostart launch of the app)

        I'm sorry, the initial title ("Can I dislike this?") is a poor choice of words, it's way too toned down.
        They don't reflect my feelings strongly enough
        I mean EFFIN HATE IT.

        This makes me wanna see StreamFab operations dead. -
        Like... all the way. No more download service. - For nobody.
        Currently I'd be in favor of that.

        Can someone here understand this frustration?

        Alright, that's it. Just annoyed at so many things here, we could start with that tiny font size.

        Keep the servers running though, and thanks for caring about this "minor issue".

        Buy Now​

        Sorry, that was more of the text. (The text on the button)

        I meant to say this:
        Bye Now​
        So, I will come out the cave and ask WTF is this all about.....Cat4U explained what right and wrong on the forum for posting. Dudes' frustration is his alone, this is venting, bad venting, I have not seen on any board where someone bluntly came out and say they wish bad on them and no service on a product for anybody because they can't forgive it out themselves....dude would be toast if Signals was still Admin.


          Excuses, excuses.
          Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


            The program insults me so I feel it is right to feel aggravated towards the creators of the program.
            And those who might still think it's best to remain calm "whatever may happen".
            Last edited by theLoveForStreaming; 09-25-2024, 10:11 PM. Reason: typo


              Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post

              So, I will come out the cave and ask WTF is this all about.....Cat4U explained what right and wrong on the forum for posting. Dudes' frustration is his alone, this is venting, bad venting, I have not seen on any board where someone bluntly came out and say they wish bad on them and no service on a product for anybody because they can't forgive it out themselves....dude would be toast if Signals was still Admin.
              CAT4U was responding to a specifc topic of mine, this is a different topic, different type of issue...
              One that I believe can't expect to retain professionalism on my behalf.


                I can confirm that this does happen if you have "no internet".

                Pretty stupid way of determining that something is pirated. Especially when you have a setting to launch at startup.

                Cracked versions of StreamFab are easy to find so why not look at how they bypass the DVDFab servers and then code something that will actually detect it for real?

                At least check to see if the server emulator is running and then say it's a pirated version. Most noob pirates won't change the name of the executable so you can catch a bunch there. Or see if anything is listening to port 8000.

                This is just an ultra lazy implementation. I would also be upset if i paid a ton of money and being accused of piracy.

                Even worse, it knows i have lifetime licenses but still says i am a pirate....

                I tested it by blocking outbound connections and look at what it shows BEFORE telling me i am a pirate:

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	857
Size:	56.0 KB
ID:	450881
                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	756
Size:	77.5 KB
ID:	450882

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	776
Size:	21.3 KB
ID:	450883

                Once again, poor implementation of a good idea... Just like the output template and the click to analyze button...​


                  Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
                  Pretty stupid way of determining that something is pirated. Especially when you have a setting to launch at startup.
                  Don't forget to mention that the autostart is enabled by default (I believe it is like that, correct me if I'm wrong)

                  I mean I would probably never launch StreamFab manually while disconnected from the internet.
                  And if it's an auto start, I'd say you could probably even have a tray application that patiently pings and waits for it to be reachable.

                  Or you use Microsoft APIs... YEP, I knew it
                  You can use "InternetGetConnectedState"
                  BELOW is a code example for python (which Streamfab already makes use of so... idk feels like this would be a simple implementation)

                  import ctypes
                  # Load the Wininet library
                  wininet = ctypes.windll.wininet
                  # Define the flags
                  INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM = 0x01
                  INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN = 0x02
                  INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY = 0x04
                  INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE = 0x20
                  def interpret_flags(flags):
                      states = []
                      if flags & INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM:
                      if flags & INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN:
                      if flags & INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY:
                      if flags & INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE:
                      if flags & INTERNET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURED:
                      return states
                  def get_connection_state():
                      flags = ctypes.c_ulong()
                      result = wininet.InternetGetConnectedState(ctypes.byref(fla gs), 0)
                      return result, flags.value
                  result, flags = get_connection_state()
                  if result:
                      print("Connected to the internet")
                      print("Connection types:", interpret_flags(flags))
                      print("Not connected to the internet")
                      print("Connection types:", interpret_flags(flags))​
                  It's worth noting that this only confirms connection to a local area network.

                  To ensure the computer has a connection to the internet, I'd suggest pinging for a connection.
                  That domain afaik is run by ICANN​ and is much like Google always gonna be online.

                  Unlike Google, ICANN is a non-profit and operation of and is expected to exist for as long as the internet lives.
                  Last edited by theLoveForStreaming; 09-26-2024, 11:27 AM. Reason: removed faulty code


                    A lot of apps start with Windows, seems developers believe their app is so important that everyone wants their stuff to start with Windows. You can check startup apps in task manager or in CCleaner. I use CCleaner free version to stop some startup apps, scheduled tasks and Windows services.


                      Here's an even better way to check the internet connection in windows:

                      (The above one only checks for network connection.)

                      import ctypes
                      # Load the Wininet library
                      wininet = ctypes.windll.wininet
                      # Force Connection Flag, needed to avoid cached states
                      FLAG_ICC_FORCE_CONNECTION = 0x1​
                      def check_internet_connection(url=""):
                          result = wininet.InternetCheckConnectionA(url.encode('utf-8'), FLAG_ICC_FORCE_CONNECTION, 0)
                          return result != 0
                      if check_internet_connection():
                          print("Connected to the internet")
                          print("Not connected to the internet")​
                      Last edited by theLoveForStreaming; 09-26-2024, 11:46 AM. Reason: avoid cached states with the flag


                        Originally posted by theLoveForStreaming View Post
                        Here's an even better way to check the internet connection in windows:

                        (The above one only checks for network connection.)

                        import ctypes
                        # Load the Wininet library
                        wininet = ctypes.windll.wininet
                        # Force Connection Flag, needed to avoid cached states
                        FLAG_ICC_FORCE_CONNECTION = 0x1​
                        def check_internet_connection(url=""):
                        result = wininet.InternetCheckConnectionA(url.encode('utf-8'), FLAG_ICC_FORCE_CONNECTION, 0)
                        return result != 0
                        if check_internet_connection():
                        print("Connected to the internet")
                        print("Not connected to the internet")​
                        It is ridiculous that we have to give the developers here codes for such simple things as these!!!


                          We don't have to do anything,
                          but being helpful after being somewhat insulting
                          is as I think a good way to reduce tensions.

