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Netflix - Constant Analyze

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    Netflix - Constant Analyze

    2024:09:29-10:52:31 0x00007f50 [Info]: "[Netflix]" handshake failed, will not analyze metainfo

    why are there no error cache in this program instead of telling the user it failed you let the analyze box run when it already failed.

    I keep constantly having this issue with tv series until i analyze a move then go back to tv shows and somehow it fixes itself


      I don't fancy playing guessing games today ..
      .. if you want help, you also have to provide infos

      Which title (all?), which country, works in regular browser, using vpn and where is your log? ...

      How to post issues in the StreamFab section


        My issue isn't so much that its not working properly at the moment but there are no indications in the program that an error accrued. If its constantly trying to handshake there's only one occurrence of it in the log while its left up saying it analyzing. An error message would be nice letting the user know the operation failed and its not continuously trying to analyze.

        StreamFab: Latest, Platform,: Windows 11 Pro
        Region/Country: USA - No VPN

        No issue with another browser or device
        Attached logfile
        Reproduction: Log into Netflix try analyze any tv show - Clearing cache does not fix it so far when the handshake fails the only way i can get it to work again is by analyzing a move
        It works then stops working and by switching to a move it somehow allows tv shows to load again properly.
        Attached Files


          > An error message would be nice letting the user know the operation failed

          I agree with you
          Just like when AppleTV downloads segments fail and SF pretends everything is fine
          or with PlutoTV (non US) only the first part of the audio is there after remuxing,
          but no errors are displayed

          However, with NF I have only ever had handshake errors when the VPN server is faulty.
          (and also without error info in SF)

          I analyzed “Better Call Saul” from your log
          - without anything else before - and have no handshake error​


            I have this same issue too. Analyzing movies first doesn't work for me. It's usually jumping through a series of hoops. Uninstall/reinstall, reboot, rename streamfab temp folder, etc. Even after doing all this it's still hit or miss. Once it does start working, it's good for a day or so. I don't use it too often, maybe 1 to 2x/month. So each time I come back to it the issue resurfaces. The logs don't yield many clues either.

            If I cancel the analysis, the content continues to play in the streamfab browser so it doesn't appear to be an access or DNS issue as it clearly can get to the content. This is just a wild ass guess but the only thing I can think of is streamfab appears to offer more dub and sub lang options than Netflix offers in my region. I'm wondering if something about the analysis pulling those dub and sub Langs for other regions is causing it to hang. Once it starts working though it's seamless, fast, it's usual ripping self.


              Same issue here, looks like NF has changed something on their site one more time...


                I get this error and then it logs me out of Netflix

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Netflix error code.jpg
Views:	421
Size:	63.4 KB
ID:	451364
                Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R

