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Version cannot download TELASA

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    StreamFab for Windows Version cannot download TELASA

    The "Metadata Analysis" process never completes.

    I can't test without subscription ..
    .. hope you're login (needed with 6202)

    Try to refresh the site - like NF here
    (or call up the URL again, if redirected)​


      I commented along with a log yesterday at 7:24 PM, but it shows as "Unapproved." Will it be approved after some time?


        "some time" is right - it must be approved manually ..
        .. my last unapproved needs > 48 hours (here)

        So I assume it's not working yet ..
        .. there are no free samples or a trial, or?

        Has it worked recently with older SF?
        StreamFab Changelog
        Fix: A problem that the videos on TELASA are incomplete after being analyzed.
        But older as 6197 don't work anymore

        Have you tried to rename your cache (if SF closed) - like here


          Thank you for your response.

          [民王UR 配信オリジナル『民王UR』話題沸騰!遠藤憲一&あの!衝撃入れ替わりの裏側!大橋和也 、緊張のクランクインに密着!【PR】]配信オリジナル『民王UR』話題沸騰!遠藤憲一&あの!衝撃入れ替わりの裏側!大橋和也 、緊張のクランクインに密着!【PR】/池井戸潤原作『民王』にインスパイアされ、主演:遠藤憲一で『民王R』となって9年ぶりにReturnし、初回から早くも話題沸騰の『民王R』。そんな『民王R』の撮影裏をたっぷりお届けするTELASAオリジナルコンテンツ『民王UR(ウラ)』が登場!緊張のクランクインから名シーンの裏側まで、ここでしか見られない…貴重な秘蔵映像を余すところなくお届けします!ドラマ・バラエティ・アニメ・映画・特撮・K-POPなど充実した動画&見逃し配信を観るならテラサ!

          This is one of the videos that can be viewed for free (without logging in).


          Most of the videos in this list are similar.

          The metadata analysis does not complete.


            It was probably possible to download without issues from around August to September, starting from version


              > The metadata analysis does not complete.

              I tried "Love Me Again" and detection works:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	telasa_love_me_again_detected.jpg
Views:	179
Size:	101.8 KB
ID:	452267
              -= click pic to enlarge =-

              But "Waiting to Download" does not end ..
              .. because in player "Something went wrong"

              No errors in log - i'll test more ..​


                Thank you very much for your assistance.

                I also tried "Love Me Again," but it was not detected. It seems that the behavior is slightly different in my environment compared to yours.

                It's a sensual video


                  The funny thing is that I can play manually
                  in the player but the DL does not start.

                  After adding it to the queue I paused
                  and launched 6201 and the DL started:

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	telasa_love_me_again_in_6201.jpg Views:	0 Size:	60.6 KB ID:	452270
                  Click image for larger version  Name:	telasa_love_me_again_in_6201_result.jpg Views:	0 Size:	47.7 KB ID:	452271

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	telasa_love_me_again_1.jpg Views:	0 Size:	43.7 KB ID:	452272


                    Thank you for confirming that it works properly with the older version.

                    I look forward to the day when it will be possible to download with the new version.


                      2nd try "The Loyal Pin" with 6202 same behaviour ..
                      Detection fine, add to queue and DL not start

                      Now I restarted 6202 - but "Waiting to Download" never ends.
                      Using 6201 and DL start/works without problems:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	telasa_the_loyal_pin_detected.jpg
Views:	271
Size:	104.6 KB
ID:	452275
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	telasa_the_loyal_pin_dl.jpg
Views:	171
Size:	61.0 KB
ID:	452276
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	telasa_the_loyal_pin_ok.jpg
Views:	185
Size:	46.6 KB
ID:	452277

                      Ergo: If you like Telasa use 6201 for this provider.

                      If metadata analysis does not complete:
                      Close SF, rename cache and retry​

