see attached log file, i have tried clearing cache, deleting entire temp folder, i dont use vpn or proxy of any kind and it works in browser. Please help.
-------------------------17588 2 Downloader C:\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab\StreamFab64.exe Begin 2024-11-06----------------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Compiled Time Oct 31 2024 22:54:27
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: git version : 20241031-ef4a2146c-release
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: OS country: "United States"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: OS language: "English"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: UI language: "ENU"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Resolution : 1920 * 1080
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: DPI : 1
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: App Argument: ("C:\\Program Files\\DVDFab\\StreamFab\\StreamFab64.exe")
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Root Domain: "dvdfab"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Platform: winx64
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: system_type= Windows [Windows|macOS]
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: system_architecture= x86_64 [x86_64|i386|arm64|arm]
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: system_version= Windows 11
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: machine_id= 98-b7-85-00-20-3a
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_platform= x64
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_client_id= cry_s//YRgquLx+/SsnosHdLcQ==_cry
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_version=
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_launch_id= 9222e659-eb10-4305-bf03-48c63e55e339
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: applicationFilePath= "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/StreamFab64.exe"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_args= ("C:\\Program Files\\DVDFab\\StreamFab\\StreamFab64.exe")
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: cmd_line: "C:\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab\StreamFab64.exe"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: QLocale::system QLocale(English, Default, United States)
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: QLocale::c QLocale(C, Default, Default)
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: fabApplication compiled time Oct 31 2024 22:54:27
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Check cef component begin
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Warning]: Appdata WidevineCdm file not exist, path: "C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/AppData/Local/CEF/User Data/WidevineCdm/4.10.2710.0/_platform_specific/win_x64/widevinecdm.dll"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Appdata WidevineCdm Copy succeed
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Check cef component end
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: System: 64bit System Windows 11 Build 22631
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Amazon Region: "Auto"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Hulu Region: "Auto"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: HBO Europe Region: "Auto"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Format: "MP4"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Amazon & HBOMax): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Netflix): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: H264 Proflie(Netflix): "High"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Audio Codec(Netflix): "EAC3"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Disney+): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Hulu us): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(HBO): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Disney): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Resolution: "Full HD - 1080p"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Audio Channel: "Multi-Channel 5.1 (EAC3 / AC3)"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Subtitle Format: "Remux Into File"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: PreSelect Audio Language: ("UI")
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: PreSelect Subtitle Language: ("UI")
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: HBOMax 4K Option: true
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Sub Folder Option: false
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Force Sub Option: true
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Description Audio Option: false
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Auto Start Option: false
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Auto Start Time: QTime(Invalid)
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Netflix Audio PreSelect Check Status: true
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Netflix Audio PreSelect Check Value: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001d38 [Info]: [DM] Get D L : 0
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main] Init Main window begin
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001d38 [Info]: [DM] Get D R : 0
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Data from shared memory data size: 63
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: C:\Users\Uncultured_Swine\Documents\DVDFab\StreamF ab\Temp\cache
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: "C:\\Users\\Uncultured_Swine\\Documents\\DVDFa b\\S treamFab\\Temp\\cache"
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Data from shared memory data size: 146
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: {"cdm_path":"C:\\Users\\Uncultured_Swine\\AppDa ta\ \Local\\CEF\\User Data\\WidevineCdm\\4.10.2710.0\\_platform_specific \\win_x64\\widevinecdm.dll"}
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: "{"cdm_path":"C:\\\\Users\\\\Uncultured_Swine\ \ \\AppData\\\\Local\\\\CEF\\\\User Data\\\\WidevineCdm\\\\4.10.2710.0\\\\_platform_sp ecific\\\\win_x64\\\\widevinecdm.dll"}"
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Log]: 9f2d2bcedb962f1f0f0e255a84928e03-500598715180c0054aeca26e7b297ae4-54285c99a88a9a62b1298f3588411d58-87338b754575d0efc9c9dd7a9e691514-77866e0536f4fce4b6cfb5dbc518319c
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: NetworkProxyFactory: custom configuration, host: port: 0 Type: 3
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: NetworkProxyFactory: use system configuration
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: [AD Test]: 0
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: read local server command
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: start all server command
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: start command: "report_log_every_week"
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: start to check whether connect server
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: _siAppInfo size: 944
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Log]: IUtilityServiceAdatper: Initialize IUtilityServiceDataStats.
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: [Video Card Check]: Begin
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: GPU: name, Parsec Virtual Display Adapter ,driver
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: GPU: name, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 ,driver
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: [Video Card Check]: end
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: CreateInternal shared memory successful.
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: CreateInternal shared memory successful.
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00003ae0 [Log]: AdvertisingInfo: id = 2 get ad info success
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [comboBox_ytbPreSubtitleLang]: Same as UI Language
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [comboBox_vipPreAudioLang]: Same as UI Language
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [comboBox_vipPreSubtitleLang]: Same as UI Language
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: update lic
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: enter
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token finish
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: finish
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: streamdata: local load null nVersion= 0
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00000ad8 [Log]: Serial number is: 98-b7-85-00-20-3a
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00000ad8 [Log]: Connect type is: 0
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: CUrlTypeAnalyzer
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: 509
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [custom]|:|ie_url|:|{ "ie_key": "Generic", "url": "" }
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: enter
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token finish
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: finish
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: _siAppInfo size: 944
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00000ad8 [Log]: Times of connecting server is: 0
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00000ad8 [Log]: FabAuthorize: CheckOption - success
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: Server check: update share memory to 0.
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: update lic
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: enter
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token finish
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: finish
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: _siAppInfo size: 944
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00004c08 [Log]: License Info Cache File:
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main] Init Main window finish
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Product] Product Status: ------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: YouTube to MP3, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: YouTube Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: TikTok Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: DRM M3U8 Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: DRM MPD Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 0
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Netflix Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Paramount Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Amazon Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Disney Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: MAX Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: U-NEXT Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Hulu Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: AbemaTV Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: FANZA Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Discovery Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Rakuten TV Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Apple TV Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: FOD Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Joyn Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: RTL Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Crunchyroll Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Shahid Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: DMM Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Tubi Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Lemino Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Peacock Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Pluto TV Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Roku Channel Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: CW Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: ESPN Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Twitch Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: ITVX Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Canal Plus Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Stan Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Channel 4 Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Crackle Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Viki Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: YouTube Movies Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Telasa Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: MGStage Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: SkyShowtime Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NHK Plus Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: OnlyFans Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: WOW Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: myfans Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: WOWOW Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: TVer Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Pornhub Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NOW Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: danime Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: New Products Guarantee, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Product] Product Status: ------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main] exec app
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: global: app run begin
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: BrowerIOer: listen Ok!
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: global: app run end
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: Start request control info ...
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: ---------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/YouTubeDL
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab/StreamFab/YoutubeDL
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: ---------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Load Begin
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: [UI Check] enter, result: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish "MusicFab Amazon Music Converter" EReceive_NotReceived no Intalled
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish "UniFab Video Upscaler AI" EReceive_NotReceived no Intalled
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish "DVDFab Blu-ray Creator" EReceive_NotReceived no Intalled
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: get ad control info,server return 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: ignore init position 1
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 3
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: start check update 2 5002
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 500
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: start check update 5 5000
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end check update 2 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertWhenAppStart, showAD, ead = 5002
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertWhenAppStart, showAD, is ready = 0, is should show = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end request control info from cloud service.
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: start check update 8 5101
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end check update 5 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: AdvertisementWidget, showAD, ead = 5000
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: AdvertisementWidget, showAD, is ready = 0, is should show = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end check update 8 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertForLicenseInfo, showAD, ead = 5101
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertForLicenseInfo, showAD, is ready = 0, is should show = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: get ad control info from recommed service,server return 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 1
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 2
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 3
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 5
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 8
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 500
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 2000
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end ad control.
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Amazon Record Count: 217
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Disney+ Record Count: 4
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Hulu Record Count: 125
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Max Record Count: 12
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Netflix Record Count: 65
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Paramount+ Record Count: 136
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Peacock Record Count: 178
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Load Finish
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloading Record]: Load Begin
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: YoutubeDL Service: "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/YoutubeDL/YoutubeToMP3Service.exe"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: App Dir Path: "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: Youtube DL Service Start
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloading Record]: Load Finish
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [TaskScheduler]: next check date : "Thu Nov 7 00:01:00 2024"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout type Daily
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout channel, setting time "2024-11-06 00:00:00"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: load count 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: Youtube DL Service Status: Starting
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: Youtube DL Service Status: Running
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout type Daily
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout channel, setting time "2024-11-06 00:00:00"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: last update time ""
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: update all channel, count 0
2024:11:06-21:21:10 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Data from shared memory data size: 63
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: C:\Users\Uncultured_Swine\Documents\DVDFab\StreamF ab\Temp\cache
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: "C:\\Users\\Uncultured_Swine\\Documents\\DVDFa b\\S treamFab\\Temp\\cache"
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: [Setup Website]: Website Type: "Max" , Url: ""
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Load success: libcefmedia.dll
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: log path: C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Log/
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Set call back
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: ====== Max 2024-10-09 12:25:17
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: QCefRequestContextHandler::OnRequestContextInitial ized
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main Wnd]: update timeout begin
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main Wnd]: AsynchronousFinish
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Web service] update flag: Auto
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: LiveUpdateHelper2: run "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/StreamUpdate.exe" ("--config_file", "C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Temp/update/update_config.xml", "--url_suffix=clientusertype=paid", "--user_type", "paid")
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: start update: Success
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main Wnd]: update timeout end
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: **** Invalid Url: "data:text/html;base64,PGh0bWw%2BPGJvZHkgYmdjb2xvcj0id2hpdGUi PjxoMj5GYWlsZWQgdG8gbG9hZCBVUkwgaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubW F4LmNvbS8gd2l0aCBlcnJvciBFUlJfVE9PX01BTllfUkVESVJF Q1RTICgtMzEwKS48L2gyPjwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw%2B"
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:17 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:17 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x000015e4 [Info]: Catch PBI.
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x000015e4 [Info]: Catch MPD: 720&r.duration=45.045000&r.keymod=2&r.main=0& ifest=58a0057c-078d-4338-bbee-de5516af8a30%2F0_3ee560.mpd&r.origin=cfc%7Cprd-wbd-amer-vod&x-wbd-tenant=beam&x-wbd-user-home-market=amer
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x000015e4 [Info]: Catch MPD invalid.
2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - detect video url
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 1
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 1
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: Parse include meta.
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 1, flag = 1
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x000015e4 [Info]: Parse episode meta data invalid: "<!doctype html><html lang="en" style="background-color: #000"><head><script>var mobileBrowserInterceptUrl = '';\n var unsupportedInterceptUrl = '/intercept/unsupported.html';\n\n // Allow Settings pages to be accessible on mobile web.\n function isSettingsPage(pathname) {\n return (\n pathname === '/parent-code' ||\n pathname === '/parent-code-web-handoff' ||\n pathname === '/settings' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/settings/')\n );\n }\n\n // Allow Profiles pages to be accessible on mobile web.\n function isProfilesPage(pathname) {\n return (\n pathname === '/avatar-picker' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/avatar-picker/') ||\n pathname.startsWith('/confirm-pin/') ||\n pathname === '/confirm-password' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/content-ratings/') ||\n pathname.startsWith('/create-pin/') ||\n pathname === '/create-profile' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/edit-pin/') ||\n pathname.startsWith('/edit-profile/') ||\n pathname === '/exit-profile' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/display-language/') ||\n pathname === '/forgot-password' ||\n pathname === '/parent-code' ||\n pathname === '/profile-picker' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/profile-picker/')\n );\n }\n\n // Replace the browser's location if the page shouldn't be viewed on a mobile device.\n function replaceIfPageNotViewableOnMobileWeb(pathname = window.location.pathname) {\n var isMobileViewablePage = isSettingsPage(pathname) || isProfilesPage(pathname);\n\n // referencing\n // the more commonly used does not detect iPads well\n if (\n !isMobileViewablePage &&\n /Mobile|iP(hone|od|ad)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile| Kindle|NetFront|Silk-Accelerated|(hpw|web)OS|Fennec|Minimo|Opera M(obi|ini)|Blazer|Dolfin|Dolphin|Skyfire|Zune/i.test(\n navigator.userAgent\n )\n ) {\n window.location.replace(mobileBrowserInterceptUrl) ;\n }\n\n // iPad 2019 or newer.\n if (!isMobileViewablePage && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2 && /MacIntel/i.test(navigator.platform)) {\n window.location.replace(mobileBrowserInterceptUrl) ;\n }\n\n // Xbox IE and/or window phone browser.\n if (!isMobileViewablePage && /Xbox|Windows Phone/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n window.location.replace(mobileBrowserInterceptUrl) ;\n }\n }\n\n // Run the check for if we need to replace the browser's location if the user is on a mobile device.\n replaceIfPageNotViewableOnMobileWeb(window.locatio n.pathname);\n\n function isSupportedVersion(version, minVersion) {\n var splitVersion = version.split('.');\n var splitMinVersion = minVersion.split('.');\n\n for (var i = 0; i < splitMinVersion.length; i++) {\n // If the version is shorter than expected, just assume zero for this position.\n var parsedVersion = parseInt(splitVersion[i] || '0');\n var parsedMinVersion = parseInt(splitMinVersion[i]);\n if (parsedVersion !== parsedMinVersion) {\n return parsedVersion > parsedMinVersion;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n function isBrowserSupported() {\n // Note that order matters. Some browsers will list other browsers in their user agent.\n var browsers = [\n { regex: /Edge?\\/([\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '109.0.1518.140' }, // Edge\n { regex: /Chrome\\/([\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '' }, // Chrome\n { regex: /Version\\/([\\d\\.]*) .*Safari\\/(?:[\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '13.1.2' }, // Safari\n { regex: /Firefox\\/([\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '70.0' }, // Firefox\n { regex: /Trident\\/7\\.0; .*rv
[\\d\\.]*)/, block: true }, // IE 11+\n { regex: /; MSIE ([\\d\\.]*);/, block: true } // IE 10 or less\n ];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++) {\n var browser = browsers[i];\n if (browser.block === true) {\n if (browser.regex.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (browser.minVersion !== undefined) {\n var group = navigator.userAgent.match(browser.regex);\n if (group && group[1]) {\n return isSupportedVersion(group[1], browser.minVersion);\n }\n }\n }\n // Some other browser, so just assume it's supported.\n return true;\n }\n\n // Run browser support check if unsupported is still false.\n if (isBrowserSupported() === false) {\n window.location.replace(unsupportedInterceptUrl);\ n }</script><meta charset="utf-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"/><title></title><script defer="defer" src="/83115.3dee05841b0c37cc2e98.sha.js"></script><script defer="defer" src="/app.79dcdfa484b8c7550fd1.sha.js"></script></head><body><noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript><div id="app-root"></div></body></html>
-------------------------17588 2 Downloader C:\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab\StreamFab64.exe Begin 2024-11-06----------------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Compiled Time Oct 31 2024 22:54:27
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: git version : 20241031-ef4a2146c-release
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: OS country: "United States"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: OS language: "English"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: UI language: "ENU"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Resolution : 1920 * 1080
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: DPI : 1
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: App Argument: ("C:\\Program Files\\DVDFab\\StreamFab\\StreamFab64.exe")
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Root Domain: "dvdfab"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Platform: winx64
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: system_type= Windows [Windows|macOS]
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: system_architecture= x86_64 [x86_64|i386|arm64|arm]
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: system_version= Windows 11
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: machine_id= 98-b7-85-00-20-3a
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_platform= x64
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_client_id= cry_s//YRgquLx+/SsnosHdLcQ==_cry
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_version=
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_launch_id= 9222e659-eb10-4305-bf03-48c63e55e339
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: applicationFilePath= "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/StreamFab64.exe"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_args= ("C:\\Program Files\\DVDFab\\StreamFab\\StreamFab64.exe")
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: cmd_line: "C:\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab\StreamFab64.exe"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: QLocale::system QLocale(English, Default, United States)
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: QLocale::c QLocale(C, Default, Default)
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: fabApplication compiled time Oct 31 2024 22:54:27
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Check cef component begin
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Warning]: Appdata WidevineCdm file not exist, path: "C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/AppData/Local/CEF/User Data/WidevineCdm/4.10.2710.0/_platform_specific/win_x64/widevinecdm.dll"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Appdata WidevineCdm Copy succeed
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Check cef component end
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: System: 64bit System Windows 11 Build 22631
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Amazon Region: "Auto"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Hulu Region: "Auto"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: HBO Europe Region: "Auto"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Format: "MP4"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Amazon & HBOMax): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Netflix): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: H264 Proflie(Netflix): "High"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Audio Codec(Netflix): "EAC3"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Disney+): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Hulu us): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(HBO): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Disney): "H264"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Resolution: "Full HD - 1080p"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Audio Channel: "Multi-Channel 5.1 (EAC3 / AC3)"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Subtitle Format: "Remux Into File"
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: PreSelect Audio Language: ("UI")
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: PreSelect Subtitle Language: ("UI")
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: HBOMax 4K Option: true
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Sub Folder Option: false
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Force Sub Option: true
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Description Audio Option: false
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Auto Start Option: false
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Auto Start Time: QTime(Invalid)
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Netflix Audio PreSelect Check Status: true
2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Netflix Audio PreSelect Check Value: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001d38 [Info]: [DM] Get D L : 0
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main] Init Main window begin
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001d38 [Info]: [DM] Get D R : 0
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Data from shared memory data size: 63
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: C:\Users\Uncultured_Swine\Documents\DVDFab\StreamF ab\Temp\cache
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: "C:\\Users\\Uncultured_Swine\\Documents\\DVDFa b\\S treamFab\\Temp\\cache"
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Data from shared memory data size: 146
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: {"cdm_path":"C:\\Users\\Uncultured_Swine\\AppDa ta\ \Local\\CEF\\User Data\\WidevineCdm\\4.10.2710.0\\_platform_specific \\win_x64\\widevinecdm.dll"}
2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: "{"cdm_path":"C:\\\\Users\\\\Uncultured_Swine\ \ \\AppData\\\\Local\\\\CEF\\\\User Data\\\\WidevineCdm\\\\4.10.2710.0\\\\_platform_sp ecific\\\\win_x64\\\\widevinecdm.dll"}"
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Log]: 9f2d2bcedb962f1f0f0e255a84928e03-500598715180c0054aeca26e7b297ae4-54285c99a88a9a62b1298f3588411d58-87338b754575d0efc9c9dd7a9e691514-77866e0536f4fce4b6cfb5dbc518319c
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: NetworkProxyFactory: custom configuration, host: port: 0 Type: 3
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: NetworkProxyFactory: use system configuration
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: [AD Test]: 0
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: read local server command
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: start all server command
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: start command: "report_log_every_week"
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: start to check whether connect server
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: _siAppInfo size: 944
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Log]: IUtilityServiceAdatper: Initialize IUtilityServiceDataStats.
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: [Video Card Check]: Begin
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: GPU: name, Parsec Virtual Display Adapter ,driver
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: GPU: name, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 ,driver
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: [Video Card Check]: end
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: CreateInternal shared memory successful.
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: CreateInternal shared memory successful.
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00003ae0 [Log]: AdvertisingInfo: id = 2 get ad info success
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [comboBox_ytbPreSubtitleLang]: Same as UI Language
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [comboBox_vipPreAudioLang]: Same as UI Language
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [comboBox_vipPreSubtitleLang]: Same as UI Language
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: update lic
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: enter
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token finish
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: finish
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: streamdata: local load null nVersion= 0
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00000ad8 [Log]: Serial number is: 98-b7-85-00-20-3a
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00000ad8 [Log]: Connect type is: 0
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: CUrlTypeAnalyzer
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: 509
2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [custom]|:|ie_url|:|{ "ie_key": "Generic", "url": "" }
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: enter
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token finish
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: finish
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: _siAppInfo size: 944
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00000ad8 [Log]: Times of connecting server is: 0
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00000ad8 [Log]: FabAuthorize: CheckOption - success
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: Server check: update share memory to 0.
2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: update lic
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: enter
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token finish
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: finish
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: _siAppInfo size: 944
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00004c08 [Log]: License Info Cache File:
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main] Init Main window finish
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Product] Product Status: ------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: YouTube to MP3, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: YouTube Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: TikTok Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: DRM M3U8 Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: DRM MPD Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 0
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Netflix Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Paramount Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Amazon Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Disney Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: MAX Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: U-NEXT Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Hulu Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: AbemaTV Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: FANZA Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Discovery Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Rakuten TV Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Apple TV Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: FOD Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Joyn Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: RTL Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Crunchyroll Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Shahid Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: DMM Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Tubi Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Lemino Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Peacock Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Pluto TV Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Roku Channel Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: CW Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: ESPN Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Twitch Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: ITVX Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Canal Plus Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Stan Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Channel 4 Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Crackle Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Viki Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: YouTube Movies Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Telasa Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: MGStage Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: SkyShowtime Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NHK Plus Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: OnlyFans Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: WOW Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: myfans Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: WOWOW Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: TVer Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Pornhub Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NOW Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: danime Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: New Products Guarantee, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Product] Product Status: ------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main] exec app
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: global: app run begin
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: BrowerIOer: listen Ok!
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: global: app run end
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: Start request control info ...
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: ---------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/YouTubeDL
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab/StreamFab/YoutubeDL
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: ---------------------
2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Load Begin
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: [UI Check] enter, result: 1
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish "MusicFab Amazon Music Converter" EReceive_NotReceived no Intalled
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish "UniFab Video Upscaler AI" EReceive_NotReceived no Intalled
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish "DVDFab Blu-ray Creator" EReceive_NotReceived no Intalled
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: get ad control info,server return 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: ignore init position 1
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 3
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: start check update 2 5002
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 500
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: start check update 5 5000
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end check update 2 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertWhenAppStart, showAD, ead = 5002
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertWhenAppStart, showAD, is ready = 0, is should show = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end request control info from cloud service.
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: start check update 8 5101
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end check update 5 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: AdvertisementWidget, showAD, ead = 5000
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: AdvertisementWidget, showAD, is ready = 0, is should show = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end check update 8 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertForLicenseInfo, showAD, ead = 5101
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertForLicenseInfo, showAD, is ready = 0, is should show = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: get ad control info from recommed service,server return 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 1
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 2
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 3
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 5
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 8
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 500
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 2000
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end ad control.
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Amazon Record Count: 217
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Disney+ Record Count: 4
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Hulu Record Count: 125
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Max Record Count: 12
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Netflix Record Count: 65
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Paramount+ Record Count: 136
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Peacock Record Count: 178
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Load Finish
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloading Record]: Load Begin
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: YoutubeDL Service: "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/YoutubeDL/YoutubeToMP3Service.exe"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: App Dir Path: "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: Youtube DL Service Start
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloading Record]: Load Finish
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [TaskScheduler]: next check date : "Thu Nov 7 00:01:00 2024"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout type Daily
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout channel, setting time "2024-11-06 00:00:00"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: load count 0
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: Youtube DL Service Status: Starting
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: Youtube DL Service Status: Running
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout type Daily
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout channel, setting time "2024-11-06 00:00:00"
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: last update time ""
2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: update all channel, count 0
2024:11:06-21:21:10 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Data from shared memory data size: 63
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: C:\Users\Uncultured_Swine\Documents\DVDFab\StreamF ab\Temp\cache
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: "C:\\Users\\Uncultured_Swine\\Documents\\DVDFa b\\S treamFab\\Temp\\cache"
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: [Setup Website]: Website Type: "Max" , Url: ""
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Load success: libcefmedia.dll
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: log path: C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Log/
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Set call back
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: ====== Max 2024-10-09 12:25:17
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: QCefRequestContextHandler::OnRequestContextInitial ized
2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main Wnd]: update timeout begin
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main Wnd]: AsynchronousFinish
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Web service] update flag: Auto
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: LiveUpdateHelper2: run "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/StreamUpdate.exe" ("--config_file", "C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Temp/update/update_config.xml", "--url_suffix=clientusertype=paid", "--user_type", "paid")
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: start update: Success
2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main Wnd]: update timeout end
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: **** Invalid Url: "data:text/html;base64,PGh0bWw%2BPGJvZHkgYmdjb2xvcj0id2hpdGUi PjxoMj5GYWlsZWQgdG8gbG9hZCBVUkwgaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubW F4LmNvbS8gd2l0aCBlcnJvciBFUlJfVE9PX01BTllfUkVESVJF Q1RTICgtMzEwKS48L2gyPjwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw%2B"
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:17 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:17 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x000015e4 [Info]: Catch PBI.
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x000015e4 [Info]: Catch MPD: 720&r.duration=45.045000&r.keymod=2&r.main=0& ifest=58a0057c-078d-4338-bbee-de5516af8a30%2F0_3ee560.mpd&r.origin=cfc%7Cprd-wbd-amer-vod&x-wbd-tenant=beam&x-wbd-user-home-market=amer
2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x000015e4 [Info]: Catch MPD invalid.
2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 0
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - detect video url
2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 1
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 1
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: Parse include meta.
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 1, flag = 1
2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x000015e4 [Info]: Parse episode meta data invalid: "<!doctype html><html lang="en" style="background-color: #000"><head><script>var mobileBrowserInterceptUrl = '';\n var unsupportedInterceptUrl = '/intercept/unsupported.html';\n\n // Allow Settings pages to be accessible on mobile web.\n function isSettingsPage(pathname) {\n return (\n pathname === '/parent-code' ||\n pathname === '/parent-code-web-handoff' ||\n pathname === '/settings' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/settings/')\n );\n }\n\n // Allow Profiles pages to be accessible on mobile web.\n function isProfilesPage(pathname) {\n return (\n pathname === '/avatar-picker' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/avatar-picker/') ||\n pathname.startsWith('/confirm-pin/') ||\n pathname === '/confirm-password' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/content-ratings/') ||\n pathname.startsWith('/create-pin/') ||\n pathname === '/create-profile' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/edit-pin/') ||\n pathname.startsWith('/edit-profile/') ||\n pathname === '/exit-profile' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/display-language/') ||\n pathname === '/forgot-password' ||\n pathname === '/parent-code' ||\n pathname === '/profile-picker' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/profile-picker/')\n );\n }\n\n // Replace the browser's location if the page shouldn't be viewed on a mobile device.\n function replaceIfPageNotViewableOnMobileWeb(pathname = window.location.pathname) {\n var isMobileViewablePage = isSettingsPage(pathname) || isProfilesPage(pathname);\n\n // referencing\n // the more commonly used does not detect iPads well\n if (\n !isMobileViewablePage &&\n /Mobile|iP(hone|od|ad)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile| Kindle|NetFront|Silk-Accelerated|(hpw|web)OS|Fennec|Minimo|Opera M(obi|ini)|Blazer|Dolfin|Dolphin|Skyfire|Zune/i.test(\n navigator.userAgent\n )\n ) {\n window.location.replace(mobileBrowserInterceptUrl) ;\n }\n\n // iPad 2019 or newer.\n if (!isMobileViewablePage && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2 && /MacIntel/i.test(navigator.platform)) {\n window.location.replace(mobileBrowserInterceptUrl) ;\n }\n\n // Xbox IE and/or window phone browser.\n if (!isMobileViewablePage && /Xbox|Windows Phone/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n window.location.replace(mobileBrowserInterceptUrl) ;\n }\n }\n\n // Run the check for if we need to replace the browser's location if the user is on a mobile device.\n replaceIfPageNotViewableOnMobileWeb(window.locatio n.pathname);\n\n function isSupportedVersion(version, minVersion) {\n var splitVersion = version.split('.');\n var splitMinVersion = minVersion.split('.');\n\n for (var i = 0; i < splitMinVersion.length; i++) {\n // If the version is shorter than expected, just assume zero for this position.\n var parsedVersion = parseInt(splitVersion[i] || '0');\n var parsedMinVersion = parseInt(splitMinVersion[i]);\n if (parsedVersion !== parsedMinVersion) {\n return parsedVersion > parsedMinVersion;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n function isBrowserSupported() {\n // Note that order matters. Some browsers will list other browsers in their user agent.\n var browsers = [\n { regex: /Edge?\\/([\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '109.0.1518.140' }, // Edge\n { regex: /Chrome\\/([\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '' }, // Chrome\n { regex: /Version\\/([\\d\\.]*) .*Safari\\/(?:[\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '13.1.2' }, // Safari\n { regex: /Firefox\\/([\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '70.0' }, // Firefox\n { regex: /Trident\\/7\\.0; .*rv
