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Netflix Analyze Issues

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    Netflix Analyze Issues

    see attached log file, i have tried clearing cache, deleting entire temp folder, i dont use vpn or proxy of any kind and it works in browser. Please help.

    -------------------------17588 2 Downloader C:\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab\StreamFab64.exe Begin 2024-11-06----------------------------
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Compiled Time Oct 31 2024 22:54:27
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: git version : 20241031-ef4a2146c-release
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: OS country: "United States"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: OS language: "English"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: UI language: "ENU"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Resolution : 1920 * 1080
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: DPI : 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: App Argument: ("C:\\Program Files\\DVDFab\\StreamFab\\StreamFab64.exe")
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Root Domain: "dvdfab"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Platform: winx64
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: system_type= Windows [Windows|macOS]
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: system_architecture= x86_64 [x86_64|i386|arm64|arm]
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: system_version= Windows 11
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: machine_id= 98-b7-85-00-20-3a
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_platform= x64
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_client_id= cry_s//YRgquLx+/SsnosHdLcQ==_cry
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_version=
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_launch_id= 9222e659-eb10-4305-bf03-48c63e55e339
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: applicationFilePath= "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/StreamFab64.exe"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: app_args= ("C:\\Program Files\\DVDFab\\StreamFab\\StreamFab64.exe")
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: cmd_line: "C:\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab\StreamFab64.exe"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: QLocale::system QLocale(English, Default, United States)
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: QLocale::c QLocale(C, Default, Default)
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: app: fabApplication compiled time Oct 31 2024 22:54:27

    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Check cef component begin
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Warning]: Appdata WidevineCdm file not exist, path: "C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/AppData/Local/CEF/User Data/WidevineCdm/4.10.2710.0/_platform_specific/win_x64/widevinecdm.dll"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Appdata WidevineCdm Copy succeed
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Check cef component end
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: System: 64bit System Windows 11 Build 22631
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Amazon Region: "Auto"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Hulu Region: "Auto"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: HBO Europe Region: "Auto"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Format: "MP4"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Amazon & HBOMax): "H264"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Netflix): "H264"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: H264 Proflie(Netflix): "High"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Audio Codec(Netflix): "EAC3"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Disney+): "H264"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Hulu us): "H264"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(HBO): "H264"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Codec(Disney): "H264"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Video Resolution: "Full HD - 1080p"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Audio Channel: "Multi-Channel 5.1 (EAC3 / AC3)"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Subtitle Format: "Remux Into File"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: PreSelect Audio Language: ("UI")
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: PreSelect Subtitle Language: ("UI")
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: HBOMax 4K Option: true
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Sub Folder Option: false
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Force Sub Option: true
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Description Audio Option: false
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Auto Start Option: false
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Auto Start Time: QTime(Invalid)
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Netflix Audio PreSelect Check Status: true
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: [DRM Settings]: Netflix Audio PreSelect Check Value: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001d38 [Info]: [DM] Get D L : 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main] Init Main window begin
    2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001d38 [Info]: [DM] Get D R : 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Data from shared memory data size: 63
    2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: C:\Users\Uncultured_Swine\Documents\DVDFab\StreamF ab\Temp\cache
    2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: "C:\\Users\\Uncultured_Swine\\Documents\\DVDFa b\\S treamFab\\Temp\\cache"
    2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Data from shared memory data size: 146
    2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: {"cdm_path":"C:\\Users\\Uncultured_Swine\\AppDa ta\ \Local\\CEF\\User Data\\WidevineCdm\\4.10.2710.0\\_platform_specific \\win_x64\\widevinecdm.dll"}
    2024:11:06-21:21:03 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: "{"cdm_path":"C:\\\\Users\\\\Uncultured_Swine\ \ \\AppData\\\\Local\\\\CEF\\\\User Data\\\\WidevineCdm\\\\4.10.2710.0\\\\_platform_sp ecific\\\\win_x64\\\\widevinecdm.dll"}"
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Log]: 9f2d2bcedb962f1f0f0e255a84928e03-500598715180c0054aeca26e7b297ae4-54285c99a88a9a62b1298f3588411d58-87338b754575d0efc9c9dd7a9e691514-77866e0536f4fce4b6cfb5dbc518319c
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: NetworkProxyFactory: custom configuration, host: port: 0 Type: 3
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: NetworkProxyFactory: use system configuration
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: [AD Test]: 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: read local server command
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: start all server command
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: start command: "report_log_every_week"
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: command: start to check whether connect server
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: _siAppInfo size: 944
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Log]: IUtilityServiceAdatper: Initialize IUtilityServiceDataStats.
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: [Video Card Check]: Begin
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: GPU: name, Parsec Virtual Display Adapter ,driver
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: GPU: name, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 ,driver
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: [Video Card Check]: end
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: CreateInternal shared memory successful.
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: CreateInternal shared memory successful.
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:04 0x00003ae0 [Log]: AdvertisingInfo: id = 2 get ad info success
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [comboBox_ytbPreSubtitleLang]: Same as UI Language
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [comboBox_vipPreAudioLang]: Same as UI Language
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [comboBox_vipPreSubtitleLang]: Same as UI Language
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: update lic
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: enter
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token finish
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: finish
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: streamdata: local load null nVersion= 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00000ad8 [Log]: Serial number is: 98-b7-85-00-20-3a
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00000ad8 [Log]: Connect type is: 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: CUrlTypeAnalyzer
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: 509
    2024:11:06-21:21:05 0x00001aac [Info]: [custom]|:|ie_url|:|{ "ie_key": "Generic", "url": "" }
    2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: enter
    2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token
    2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token finish
    2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: finish
    2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: _siAppInfo size: 944
    2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00000ad8 [Log]: Times of connecting server is: 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00000ad8 [Log]: FabAuthorize: CheckOption - success
    2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: Server check: update share memory to 0.

    2024:11:06-21:21:06 0x00001aac [Info]: update lic
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: enter
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: get web token finish
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [LinkConfig]: finish
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: _siAppInfo size: 944
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00004c08 [Log]: License Info Cache File:
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 6
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main] Init Main window finish
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Product] Product Status: ------------------
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: YouTube to MP3, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: YouTube Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: TikTok Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: DRM M3U8 Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: DRM MPD Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Netflix Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Paramount Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Amazon Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Disney Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: MAX Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: U-NEXT Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Hulu Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: AbemaTV Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: FANZA Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Discovery Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Rakuten TV Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Apple TV Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: FOD Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Joyn Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: RTL Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Crunchyroll Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Shahid Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: DMM Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Tubi Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Lemino Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Peacock Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Pluto TV Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Roku Channel Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: CW Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: ESPN Plus Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Twitch Downloader, Register: 1, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: ITVX Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Canal Plus Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Stan Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Channel 4 Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Crackle Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Viki Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: YouTube Movies Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Telasa Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: MGStage Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: SkyShowtime Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NHK Plus Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: OnlyFans Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: WOW Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: myfans Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: WOWOW Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: TVer Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: Pornhub Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: NOW Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: danime Downloader, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: New Products Guarantee, Register: 0, Enabled: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Product] Product Status: ------------------
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main] exec app
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: global: app run begin
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: BrowerIOer: listen Ok!
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Info]: global: app run end
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: Start request control info ...
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: ---------------------
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/YouTubeDL
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab/StreamFab/YoutubeDL
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x0000174c [Info]: ---------------------
    2024:11:06-21:21:07 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Load Begin
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: [UI Check] enter, result: 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish "MusicFab Amazon Music Converter" EReceive_NotReceived no Intalled
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish "UniFab Video Upscaler AI" EReceive_NotReceived no Intalled
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ui: FreeLicenseGift: PullAllFinish "DVDFab Blu-ray Creator" EReceive_NotReceived no Intalled
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: get ad control info,server return 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: ignore init position 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 3
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: start check update 2 5002
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 500
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: start check update 5 5000
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end check update 2 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertWhenAppStart, showAD, ead = 5002
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertWhenAppStart, showAD, is ready = 0, is should show = 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end request control info from cloud service.
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: start check update 8 5101
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end check update 5 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: AdvertisementWidget, showAD, ead = 5000
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: AdvertisementWidget, showAD, is ready = 0, is should show = 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end check update 8 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertForLicenseInfo, showAD, ead = 5101
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: QAdvertForLicenseInfo, showAD, is ready = 0, is should show = 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: get ad control info from recommed service,server return 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 2
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 3
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 5
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 8
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 500
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: could not found the ad at position 2000
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Log]: [AdServiceDispatcher]: ad process: end ad control.
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Amazon Record Count: 217
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Disney+ Record Count: 4
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Hulu Record Count: 125
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Max Record Count: 12
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Netflix Record Count: 65
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Paramount+ Record Count: 136
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Peacock Record Count: 178
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloaded Record]: Load Finish
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloading Record]: Load Begin
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: YoutubeDL Service: "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/YoutubeDL/YoutubeToMP3Service.exe"
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: App Dir Path: "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab"
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: Youtube DL Service Start
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [Load Downloading Record]: Load Finish
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: [TaskScheduler]: next check date : "Thu Nov 7 00:01:00 2024"
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout type Daily
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout channel, setting time "2024-11-06 00:00:00"
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00003ff8 [Info]: ytdl subscribe: load count 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: Youtube DL Service Status: Starting
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: Youtube DL Service Status: Running
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout type Daily
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: checkout channel, setting time "2024-11-06 00:00:00"
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: last update time ""
    2024:11:06-21:21:08 0x00001aac [Info]: ytdl subscribe: update all channel, count 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:10 0x00001aac [Info]: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Data from shared memory data size: 63
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: C:\Users\Uncultured_Swine\Documents\DVDFab\StreamF ab\Temp\cache
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Message from shared memory: "C:\\Users\\Uncultured_Swine\\Documents\\DVDFa b\\S treamFab\\Temp\\cache"
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: [Setup Website]: Website Type: "Max" , Url: ""
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Load success: libcefmedia.dll
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: log path: C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Log/
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: Set call back
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: ====== Max 2024-10-09 12:25:17
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: QCefRequestContextHandler::OnRequestContextInitial ized
    2024:11:06-21:21:12 0x00001aac [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
    2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main Wnd]: update timeout begin
    2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main Wnd]: AsynchronousFinish
    2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Web service] update flag: Auto
    2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: LiveUpdateHelper2: run "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/StreamFab/StreamUpdate.exe" ("--config_file", "C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Temp/update/update_config.xml", "--url_suffix=clientusertype=paid", "--user_type", "paid")
    2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: start update: Success
    2024:11:06-21:21:14 0x00001aac [Info]: [Main Wnd]: update timeout end
    2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: **** Invalid Url: "data:text/html;base64,PGh0bWw%2BPGJvZHkgYmdjb2xvcj0id2hpdGUi PjxoMj5GYWlsZWQgdG8gbG9hZCBVUkwgaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubW F4LmNvbS8gd2l0aCBlcnJvciBFUlJfVE9PX01BTllfUkVESVJF Q1RTICgtMzEwKS48L2gyPjwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw%2B"
    2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
    2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
    2024:11:06-21:21:16 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:17 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:17 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:18 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
    2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x000015e4 [Info]: Catch PBI.
    2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x000015e4 [Info]: Catch MPD: 720&r.duration=45.045000&r.keymod=2&r.main=0& ifest=58a0057c-078d-4338-bbee-de5516af8a30%2F0_3ee560.mpd&r.origin=cfc%7Cprd-wbd-amer-vod&x-wbd-tenant=beam&x-wbd-user-home-market=amer
    2024:11:06-21:21:21 0x000015e4 [Info]: Catch MPD invalid.
    2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
    2024:11:06-21:21:24 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 0
    2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: setCommonDLVisible bShow :0 controlType :6
    2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: m3u8Buffon setText :M3U8
    2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - strUrl : ""
    2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: OnAddressChange - detect video url
    2024:11:06-21:21:26 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 0, flag = 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: Parse include meta.
    2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: webview loadurl : ""
    2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x00001aac [Info]: [update analyze status]: type = Max, status = 1, flag = 1
    2024:11:06-21:21:29 0x000015e4 [Info]: Parse episode meta data invalid: "<!doctype html><html lang="en" style="background-color: #000"><head><script>var mobileBrowserInterceptUrl = '';\n var unsupportedInterceptUrl = '/intercept/unsupported.html';\n\n // Allow Settings pages to be accessible on mobile web.\n function isSettingsPage(pathname) {\n return (\n pathname === '/parent-code' ||\n pathname === '/parent-code-web-handoff' ||\n pathname === '/settings' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/settings/')\n );\n }\n\n // Allow Profiles pages to be accessible on mobile web.\n function isProfilesPage(pathname) {\n return (\n pathname === '/avatar-picker' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/avatar-picker/') ||\n pathname.startsWith('/confirm-pin/') ||\n pathname === '/confirm-password' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/content-ratings/') ||\n pathname.startsWith('/create-pin/') ||\n pathname === '/create-profile' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/edit-pin/') ||\n pathname.startsWith('/edit-profile/') ||\n pathname === '/exit-profile' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/display-language/') ||\n pathname === '/forgot-password' ||\n pathname === '/parent-code' ||\n pathname === '/profile-picker' ||\n pathname.startsWith('/profile-picker/')\n );\n }\n\n // Replace the browser's location if the page shouldn't be viewed on a mobile device.\n function replaceIfPageNotViewableOnMobileWeb(pathname = window.location.pathname) {\n var isMobileViewablePage = isSettingsPage(pathname) || isProfilesPage(pathname);\n\n // referencing\n // the more commonly used does not detect iPads well\n if (\n !isMobileViewablePage &&\n /Mobile|iP(hone|od|ad)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile| Kindle|NetFront|Silk-Accelerated|(hpw|web)OS|Fennec|Minimo|Opera M(obi|ini)|Blazer|Dolfin|Dolphin|Skyfire|Zune/i.test(\n navigator.userAgent\n )\n ) {\n window.location.replace(mobileBrowserInterceptUrl) ;\n }\n\n // iPad 2019 or newer.\n if (!isMobileViewablePage && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2 && /MacIntel/i.test(navigator.platform)) {\n window.location.replace(mobileBrowserInterceptUrl) ;\n }\n\n // Xbox IE and/or window phone browser.\n if (!isMobileViewablePage && /Xbox|Windows Phone/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n window.location.replace(mobileBrowserInterceptUrl) ;\n }\n }\n\n // Run the check for if we need to replace the browser's location if the user is on a mobile device.\n replaceIfPageNotViewableOnMobileWeb(window.locatio n.pathname);\n\n function isSupportedVersion(version, minVersion) {\n var splitVersion = version.split('.');\n var splitMinVersion = minVersion.split('.');\n\n for (var i = 0; i < splitMinVersion.length; i++) {\n // If the version is shorter than expected, just assume zero for this position.\n var parsedVersion = parseInt(splitVersion[i] || '0');\n var parsedMinVersion = parseInt(splitMinVersion[i]);\n if (parsedVersion !== parsedMinVersion) {\n return parsedVersion > parsedMinVersion;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n function isBrowserSupported() {\n // Note that order matters. Some browsers will list other browsers in their user agent.\n var browsers = [\n { regex: /Edge?\\/([\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '109.0.1518.140' }, // Edge\n { regex: /Chrome\\/([\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '' }, // Chrome\n { regex: /Version\\/([\\d\\.]*) .*Safari\\/(?:[\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '13.1.2' }, // Safari\n { regex: /Firefox\\/([\\d\\.]*)/, minVersion: '70.0' }, // Firefox\n { regex: /Trident\\/7\\.0; .*rv[\\d\\.]*)/, block: true }, // IE 11+\n { regex: /; MSIE ([\\d\\.]*);/, block: true } // IE 10 or less\n ];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++) {\n var browser = browsers[i];\n if (browser.block === true) {\n if (browser.regex.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (browser.minVersion !== undefined) {\n var group = navigator.userAgent.match(browser.regex);\n if (group && group[1]) {\n return isSupportedVersion(group[1], browser.minVersion);\n }\n }\n }\n // Some other browser, so just assume it's supported.\n return true;\n }\n\n // Run browser support check if unsupported is still false.\n if (isBrowserSupported() === false) {\n window.location.replace(unsupportedInterceptUrl);\ n }</script><meta charset="utf-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"/><title></title><script defer="defer" src="/83115.3dee05841b0c37cc2e98.sha.js"></script><script defer="defer" src="/app.79dcdfa484b8c7550fd1.sha.js"></script></head><body><noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript><div id="app-root"></div></body></html>​

    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Warning]: Appdata WidevineCdm file not exist, path: "C:/Users/Uncultured_Swine/AppData/Local/CEF/User Data/WidevineCdm/4.10.2710.0/_platform_specific/win_x64/widevinecdm.dll"
    2024:11:06-21:21:02 0x00001aac [Info]: Appdata WidevineCdm Copy succeed​
    It looks like widevinecdm.dll might be missing, although the next line says copy succeeded. Read about this issue from the past, which was supposed to be fixed.

    Read here for more info >

    When trying to download a title I receive the above Error. &quot;Pardon The Interruption please visit chrome settings/content&quot; yada yada #1 I am using the StreamFab Application on a Windows computer. I probably do not understand something very simple, but I could use your guidance. When choosing Netflix, it allows me to

    ADDED: there is another weird bug with NF and SF you may find you need to try a few times to get analyze to get going. Refreshing the page in SF can sometimes be enough. Refreshing for me once got it going. Should mostly be needed when first starting SF and going to NF.
    Last edited by Stan001; 11-09-2024, 12:54 AM.
    Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
    Usual locations for log files.


      Netflix in title - but I see only Max in your log (?)

      Click image for larger version

Name:	max_breath_of_fire_01e03.jpg
Views:	752
Size:	47.9 KB
ID:	453442


        whats weird is thats a brand new log file, i deleted the whole folder before i created it. Is there a better way to do the log file?


          Originally posted by slottedpig View Post
          whats weird is thats a brand new log file, i deleted the whole folder before i created it
          2024:11:06 - was one day old yesterday ..

          If you don't know which directory .. look in SF Settings - General - "Log Directory"

          You can delete your StreamFab.log (best if SF closed)
          try once (cancel+refresh if no analyse) and close SF
          (so you don't mix providers) and then attach the log to your post​


            Im thinking about buying Netflix Downloader but... are the newest movies and series downloading in 1080p with last SF version ? TIA !


              Originally posted by ENORM View Post
              are the newest movies and series downloading in 1080p with last SF version ? TIA !
              Everything that is available in Chrome in 1080p - so everything but:

              Unfortunately, this does not include movies from Sony + Universal ..
              .. not because SF can't do it, but because Netflix only offers them in 540p for Chrome​


                Originally posted by ENORM View Post
                Im thinking about buying Netflix Downloader but... are the newest movies and series downloading in 1080p with last SF version ? TIA !
                Don't be a mug.
                You'll spend more time trying to iron out bugs and make your way round errors than downloading.

                I spent the last couple of days downloading Arrow so didn't "update" until yesterday. Decided to download The Flash only to find it doesn't work and now analyses endlessly. Whats worse is if you uninstall the latest version you can't go back to the old version via the links in this forum as they simply link to the latest version again.

                I can't recall the last time an update that corrected issues didn't introduce new ones of its own.



                  StreamFab x64

                  StreamFab x64

                  StreamFab x64

                  And you can find access to StreamFab x64 and StreamFab x64 here in an earlier post.

                  (1) ​"Not only to say the right thing..... at the right place..... but far more difficult to leave unsaid..... the wrong thing..... at the tempting moment!"
                  (2) "Just because you can..... doesn't mean you should!"
                  (3) "The only thing worse than the devil that you know..... is the devil that you don't!"


                    The OPs logfile is from, not Download the .exe 64bbiyt file and reinstall it.
                    Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


                      Another top notch update from SF. Now Netflix doesn't work at all and if you can get past the FAIL on Nowtv it sits on analysing forever. Any reliable links for the last version?
                      I'm not paying Streamfab for their download service so that I can access older versions simply because they screw up the latest ones


                        As if by magic Netflix starts working again. WTF?


                          Originally posted by phelings View Post
                          Another top notch update from SF. Now Netflix doesn't work at all and if you can get past the FAIL on Nowtv it sits on analysing forever. Any reliable links for the last version?
                          I'm not paying Streamfab for their download service so that I can access older versions simply because they screw up the latest ones
                          see attached log file, i have tried clearing cache, deleting entire temp folder, i dont use vpn or proxy of any kind and it works in browser. Please help. -------------------------17588 2 Downloader C:\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab\StreamFab64.exe Begin 2024-11-06---------------------------- 2024:11:06-21:21:02

                          Older versions will stop working over-time. 6200 + 6201 most sites now give browser needs update, while in SF.
                          6202 was where SF started updating the SF browser. (here)
                          Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
                          Usual locations for log files.


                            here is the new log file attached after a complete uninstall and reinstall. Same issue.
                            Attached Files


                              Originally posted by slottedpig View Post
                              here is the new log file attached after a complete uninstall and reinstall. Same issue.
                              No problems until:
                              "[Netflix]" handshake failed, will not analyze metainfo

                              Looks like fresh login ..
                              After fresh login close tab and reopen - otherwise restart SF
                              If site not loading or analyzing hangs refresh with F5 or here

                              Originally posted by Germania View Post
                              Otherwise I know handshake error only when using bad/known VPN
                              If you don't use vpn, perhaps a temporary ip block ..
                              .. so try router reconnect (if dynamic ip)
                              and/or try a vpn server near your location

