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Naming Template Issues

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    templates naming is broken for many months. Dot . became _ . At least for netflix which i use the most, resolution is also wrong. its 1080 and renames it as 720 etc also movie/tv name if its 2 words you cant add dot in between. ex The resident. you cant do it as The.resident


      I see I am the odd one out as I either name it the_movie or the movie with a space.
      I don't like a lot of . in the name, a few times they would not play because of a player issue with not finding the last .mp4 or .mkv.
      But everyone should have the right to name what they want maybe look for a free file renamer yes they exist, and yes it's an extra step but to expect Sf to get it is a bit much.
      Also, have to say it but look at other programs that give NO option to name it but how the developer wants them named.
      It was one reason for filebot.
      Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
      Usual locations for log files.


        It is and remains a construction site.
        NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!


          It is also in the new 6210 version (mine is x64). No problem because if this occurs, i can use software like advanced renamer to bacth rename a lot of files.... But it would be appreciated that if i choose a naming convention that i like, THAT should be respected.
          Because Plex uses a naming convention and i want to use it.


            Originally posted by foxymac2024 View Post
            But it would be appreciated that if i choose a naming convention that i like, THAT should be respected.
            Especially since the preview in the settings shows it as desired ..
            .. which no longer matches the result since 6209​

            Click image for larger version

Name:	template_preview.jpg
Views:	254
Size:	15.5 KB
ID:	456218


              That is why I've given up and stay basic...
              <moviename> (<year>) {edition-}

              Then use my power automate flow to rename and put in folders as needed. ->

              I'll have to fix it for doing TV, shows I just haven't got around to it yet.

              IF you want to try it until Fab gets their template fixed, I can help you customize it so files are renamed more to your liking. (just post in that thread)


                updated to include some additional comments, as well as some of the missing services for naming. This might cause some of the line numbers referenced in the initial post to be off...


                /# <<Expand and read this entire comment!!>>
                This script is the initial attempt at making the Flow more generic to use for MOVIES from all services. It relies on StreamFab using a folder for each service (See the naming template below)
                REQUIRED: Download MediaInfo CLI from -> ONE TIME SETUP: unzip it, and add the folder to the Windows Path environment variable, exit and restart Power Automate before running or HDR/DV detection will not work.
                This script relies on StreamFab's VIP Services naming template for MOVIES be:
                <moviename> <year> {edition-}
                Make sure you set the FolderBase line 4 and 7. The IF statements are there (lines 3-8) in case you have more than one computer.
                Folder Base =Top level of StreamFab's Output folder.
                DateTime.GetCurrentDateTime.Local DateTimeFormat: DateTime.DateTimeFormat.DateAndTime CurrentDateTime=> DT_Start
                **REGION Determine StreamFab's output folder
                /# I have a PC and a Laptop. StreamFab's output file is a different path on each. The path is used throughout the flow.
                Rather than manually setting an environment variable each time I open the script to run it, the next two IF Folder Exists section determine which PC I'm using, and therefore which StreamFab output folder to look at, and set a veriable called FolderBase which will be used throughout this process
                IF (Folder.IfFolderExists.Exists Path: $'''F:\\BluRay-Working\\- DVDFab10\\DVDFab Downloader''') THEN
                SET FolderBase TO $'''F:\\BluRay-Working\\- DVDFab10\\DVDFab Downloader'''
                IF (Folder.IfFolderExists.Exists Path: $'''C:\\DVDFab\\StreamFab\\Download''') THEN
                SET FolderBase TO $'''C:\\DVDFab\\StreamFab\\Download'''
                Folder.GetSubfolders Folder: FolderBase FolderFilter: $'''*''' IncludeSubfolders: False FailOnAccessDenied: True SortBy1: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending1: False SortBy2: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending2: False SortBy3: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending3: False Subfolders=> Folders
                SET MovieCount TO 0
                /# Steps 12-38 set a variable "Service" to the friendly name or abbreviation for the service I want when renaming my files.
                For example, Fab calls the Amazon folder amazon, but I want it to be Amz in my files. #/
                LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN Folders
                **REGION Configure Startup Variables
                SET FolderPath TO CurrentItem
                DISABLE SET FolderPath TO $'''%FolderBase%\\%FolderService%'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''Amazon''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''Amz'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''AppleTV+''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''A+'''
                IF CurrentItem = $'''DiscoveryPlus''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''DiscoveryPlus'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''Disney+''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''D+'''
                IF CurrentItem = $'''DRM MPD''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''DRM MPD'''
                IF CurrentItem = $'''ESPN+''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''ESPN+'''
                IF CurrentItem = $'''FOD''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''FOD'''
                IF CurrentItem = $'''HBOMax''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''HBOMax'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''Hulu''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''Hulu'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''Max''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''Max'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''netflix''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''Netflix'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''Paramount+''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''Paramount+'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''Peacock''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''Peacock'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''PlutoTV''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''PlutoTV'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''RakutenTV''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''RakutenTV'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''Roku''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''Roku'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''Tubi''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''Tubi'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''YouTube''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''YT'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''YouTube Movies''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''YTM'''
                IF CurrentItem.Name = $'''YouTube Plus''' THEN
                SET Service TO $'''YTP'''
                Folder.GetFiles Folder: FolderPath FileFilter: $'''*.mkv''' IncludeSubfolders: False FailOnAccessDenied: True SortBy1: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending1: False SortBy2: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending2: False SortBy3: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending3: False Files=> FilesMKV
                LOOP FOREACH MP4Files IN FilesMKV
                SET Is4K TO $'''No'''
                File.GetPathPart File: MP4Files Directory=> Directory FileName=> FileName FileNameWithoutExtension=> FileNameNoExtension Extension=> FileExtension
                **REGION Get Video info - MediaInfo CLI
                # This DOS Command runs MediaInfoCLI to return Frame Width, Frame Height, HDR Format and Video Codec used. Each are then stored in variables for use later.
                @@copilotGeneratedAction: 'False'
                Scripting.RunDOSCommand.RunDOSCommand DOSCommandOrApplication: $'''mediainfo --Output=Video;%%Width%%x%%Height%%x%%HDR_Format/String%%x%%Format%% \"%Directory%\\%FileNameNoExtension%.mkv\"''' WorkingDirectory: Directory StandardOutput=> CommandOutput2 StandardError=> CommandErrorOutput2 ExitCode=> CommandExitCode2
                Text.SplitText.SplitWithDelimiter Text: CommandOutput2 CustomDelimiter: $'''x''' IsRegEx: False Result=> MediaInfoOut
                SET varFrameWidth TO MediaInfoOut[0]
                SET varFrameHeight TO MediaInfoOut[1]
                SET HDR_Format TO MediaInfoOut[2]
                SET CodecID TO MediaInfoOut[3]
                # This DOS Command runs MediaInfoCLI to return the Audio Format which is stored as a variable for use later
                @@copilotGeneratedAction: 'False'
                Scripting.RunDOSCommand.RunDOSCommand DOSCommandOrApplication: $'''mediainfo --Output=Audio;%%Format/Info%% \"%Directory%\\%FileNameNoExtension%.mkv\"''' WorkingDirectory: Directory StandardOutput=> AudioFormat StandardError=> CommandErrorOutput3 ExitCode=> CommandExitCode3
                **REGION Determine Audio Type based on Audio Format string returned from MediaInfo CLI
                # This Section evaluates the string returned from MediaInfo CLI for Audio type looking for EAC3, EAC3 JOC, or AAC and sets a variable to optionally be used in file naming later.
                SET Audio TO $'''%''%'''
                IF Contains(AudioFormat, $'''Enhanced AC-3''', True) THEN
                SET Audio TO $''' DD+ E-AC-3'''
                IF Contains(AudioFormat, $'''Enhanced AC-3 with Joint Object Coding''', True) THEN
                SET Audio TO $'''DD+ Atmos'''
                IF Contains(AudioFormat, $'''Advanced Audio Codec Low Complexity''', True) THEN
                SET Audio TO $''' AAC'''
                **REGION Determine video resolution
                IF (varFrameHeight = 2160 OR varFrameWidth = 3840) = $'''True''' THEN
                SET Resolution TO $'''2160p'''
                IF (varFrameWidth = 1920 OR varFrameHeight = 1080) = $'''True''' THEN
                SET Resolution TO $'''1080p'''
                IF (varFrameWidth = 1280 OR varFrameHeight = 720) = $'''True''' THEN
                SET Resolution TO $'''720p'''
                **REGION Set HDRType based on Mediainfo CLI
                IF HDR_Format = $'''SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible''' THEN
                SET HDRType TO $'''HDR10'''
                IF (Contains(HDR_Format, 'dvhe.08.0', True) OR Contains(HDR_Format, 'dvhe.07.0', True)) = $'''True''' THEN
                SET HDRType TO $'''DoVi HDR10'''
                IF Contains(HDR_Format, $'''dvhe.05.0''', True) THEN
                SET HDRType TO $'''DV'''
                IF (Service = 'Peacock') = $'''True''' THEN
                # Since SF's template doesn't work with Peacock files, I need to handle the initial splitting its file name differently. this step does that.
                DISABLE SET NewVar3 TO MP4Files.NameWithoutExtension
                Text.SplitText.SplitWithDelimiter Text: MP4Files.NameWithoutExtension CustomDelimiter: $'''.mkv''' IsRegEx: True Result=> TextList
                DISABLE SET NewVar3 TO FileName
                Text.SplitText.SplitWithDelimiter Text: FileName CustomDelimiter: $'''{e''' IsRegEx: True Result=> TextList
                # set some additional variables used during the rename process
                SET MKVFilesFullname TO $'''%Directory%\\%MP4Files.NameWithoutExtension%.m kv'''
                SET MKVFileName TO $'''%MP4Files.NameWithoutExtension%.mkv'''
                SET MKVFilesFullname TO $'''%Directory%\\%MP4Files.NameWithoutExtension%.m kv'''
                SET MKVFilesFullname1 TO $'''%Directory%\\%MP4Files.NameWithoutExtension%'' '
                IF (Service = 'Peacock') = $'''True''' THEN
                IF Resolution = $'''2160p''' THEN
                File.RenameFiles.RenameAddText Files: MP4Files.FullName TextToAdd: $''' %Resolution% {edition-%Service% DL 4K %HDRType%}''' TextPosition: File.AddTextPosition.AfterName IfFileExists: File.IfExists.Overwrite RenamedFiles=> RenamedFiles
                SET NewFolderName1 TO $'''%TextList[0]%- 4K'''
                File.RenameFiles.RenameAddText Files: MP4Files.FullName TextToAdd: $''' %Resolution% {edition-%Service% DL}''' TextPosition: File.AddTextPosition.AfterName IfFileExists: File.IfExists.DoNothing RenamedFiles=> RenamedFiles
                SET NewFolderName1 TO TextList[0]
                IF Resolution = $'''2160p''' THEN
                File.RenameFiles.RenameReplaceText Files: MKVFilesFullname TextToReplace: $'''{edition-}''' ReplaceWith: $'''%Resolution% {edition-%Service% DL 4K %HDRType%}''' IfFileExists: File.IfExists.DoNothing RenamedFiles=> RenamedFiles
                SET NewFolderName1 TO $'''%TextList[0]%- 4K'''
                File.RenameFiles.RenameReplaceText Files: MKVFilesFullname TextToReplace: $'''{edition-}''' ReplaceWith: $'''%Resolution% {edition-%Service% DL}''' IfFileExists: File.IfExists.DoNothing RenamedFiles=> RenamedFiles
                SET NewFolderName1 TO TextList[0]
                Folder.Create FolderPath: FolderPath FolderName: NewFolderName1 Folder=> NewFolder
                SET NewRenamed TO RenamedFiles[0]
                DISABLE File.Move Files: NewRenamed.FullName Destination: NewFolder.FullName IfFileExists: File.IfExists.DoNothing MovedFiles=> MovedFiles
                # since PAD's File Move/File Copy funtions weren't working, I went with DOS command instead. These next two steps handle that.
                SET DOSCommand TO $'''move \"%NewRenamed%\" \"%NewFolder%\"'''
                Scripting.RunDOSCommand.RunDOSCommand DOSCommandOrApplication: DOSCommand WorkingDirectory: FolderPath StandardOutput=> CommandOutput StandardError=> CommandErrorOutput ExitCode=> CommandExitCode
                Variables.IncreaseVariable Value: MovieCount IncrementValue: 1
                **REGION Calculate run time and files processed
                DateTime.GetCurrentDateTime.Local DateTimeFormat: DateTime.DateTimeFormat.DateAndTime CurrentDateTime=> DT_End
                DateTime.Subtract FromDate: DT_End SubstractDate: DT_Start TimeUnit: DateTime.DifferenceTimeUnit.Hours TimeDifference=> TimeDifference
                Variables.TruncateNumber.GetIntegerPart Number: TimeDifference Result=> Hours
                Variables.TruncateNumber.GetDecimalPart Number: TimeDifference Result=> Remainder
                SET Minutes TO Remainder * 60
                Variables.TruncateNumber.GetDecimalPart Number: Minutes Result=> Remainder
                Variables.TruncateNumber.GetIntegerPart Number: Minutes Result=> Minutes
                Variables.TruncateNumber.GetIntegerPart Number: Remainder * 60 Result=> Seconds
                Display.ShowMessageDialog.ShowMessageWithTimeout Title: $'''Complete''' Message: $'''Processed %MovieCount% movies
                %Hours%h %Minutes%m %Seconds%s''' Icon: Display.Icon.None Buttons: Display.Buttons.OK DefaultButton: Display.DefaultButton.Button1 IsTopMost: True Timeout: 180 ButtonPressed=> ButtonPressed


                  Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                  That is why I've given up and stay basic...
                  <moviename> (<year>) {edition-}

                  Then use my power automate flow to rename and put in folders as needed. ->

                  I'll have to fix it for doing TV, shows I just haven't got around to it yet.

                  IF you want to try it until Fab gets their template fixed, I can help you customize it so files are renamed more to your liking. (just post in that thread)
                  Great looking script. I'll probably just use filebot to do renaming for now. My problem is that I'm slow. Sometimes I see something that I want to put in my backlog and I download it and then it sits in the download directory for six months before I get back to processing it. Sometimes it is just nice to have the info that I want already available at a glance. I don't know why they have to keep mucking with things that don't need to be mucked with.


                    But everyone should have the right to name what they want maybe look for a free file renamer yes they exist, and yes it's an extra step but to expect Sf to get it is a bit much.
                    I've been using TVRename ( for years now with StreamFab. It automatically keeps track of all your TV shows and movies in your library based on TVDB, TMDB, or TVMaze. It'll tell you when your TV shows will air next. Obviously, it automatically renames all your episodes and movies to your own chosen format, or you can set it up to use one of the program's own presets.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-12-20 12.54.47 PM.png
Views:	300
Size:	292.5 KB
ID:	456249
                    It also allows you to manually drag and drop video files to be renamed. A lot more than that. Read the manual or download the program and play.


                      Um. Ok somehow my separate thread containing my Power Automate flow has been merged into this one?? Not sure how or why.


                        Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

                        I've been using TVRename ( for years now with StreamFab. It automatically keeps track of all your TV shows and movies in your library based on TVDB, TMDB, or TVMaze. It'll tell you when your TV shows will air next. Obviously, it automatically renames all your episodes and movies to your own chosen format, or you can set it up to use one of the program's own presets.

                        It also allows you to manually drag and drop video files to be renamed. A lot more than that. Read the manual or download the program and play.
                        Now that I have to check out!!! Thanks!


                          Has anyone tried to copy the script files from the 6198 into the new version?
                          Perhaps the naming template source code is included in the scripts!
                          NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!


                            Originally posted by Sebastian001 View Post
                            Has anyone tried to copy the script files from the 6198 into the new version?
                            Perhaps the naming template source code is included in the scripts!
                            The scripts have not been changed in any way ..
                            .. therefore irrelevant for the naming template​


                              Ok, that's too stupid for me too. I'm going back to 6198 too!
                              NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!


                                Originally posted by Sebastian001 View Post
                                Ok, that's too stupid for me too. I'm going back to 6198 too!
                                Why 6198 ?

                                6208 was fine for me - no dot or / replacement
                                and the "disabled" s01 folder with ..\ works too (info)
                                The only exception is that an S01 is also created for NF AV1 (but remains empty)​

