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The Agency S01E05 Rat Trap Failed to obtain the decryption key

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    Paramount+ The Agency S01E05 Rat Trap Failed to obtain the decryption key

    StreamFab Version, Platform, and OS: v6.2.1.0, Win x64, Windows 10 Pro

    Hi there, when I try to download The Agency S01E05 Rat Trap I get the following message "Failed to obtain the decryption key, please contact us for assistance."

    [Info]: Get LS data error: {"code":190120,"message":"No keys were added to the license response. The clients' platform status (noVerification) is restricted, the configured policies prevent the return of a license."}
    [Info]: BatchDownloadManager::slot_end "emit sig_downloadFinished: success :0, getCefControlType :9, strID :WrLk1SjSZkrRefV2n4CsvsG6LlR1y5Hv, nErrorCode :307, strErrorTextForTaskQueue :Failed to obtain the decryption key, please contact us for assistance.
    Log file attached.
    Attached Files

    IM getting the same thing for any Paramount downloads


      All releases of the last week are affected .. for all and in all countries - see also here

      It's allowed to use the search before re-post known issues

      Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
      There is no need for additional "I have the same" messages.
      It was confirmed more than 20 messages ago that there is a
      problem downloading recently released Paramount+ videos.

