StreamFab Version, Platform, and OS: v6.2.1.0, Win x64, Windows 10 Pro
Hi there, when I try to download The Agency S01E05 Rat Trap I get the following message "Failed to obtain the decryption key, please contact us for assistance."
Log file attached.
Hi there, when I try to download The Agency S01E05 Rat Trap I get the following message "Failed to obtain the decryption key, please contact us for assistance."
[Info]: Get LS data error: {"code":190120,"message":"No keys were added to the license response. The clients' platform status (noVerification) is restricted, the configured policies prevent the return of a license."} [Info]: BatchDownloadManager::slot_end "emit sig_downloadFinished: success :0, getCefControlType :9, strID :WrLk1SjSZkrRefV2n4CsvsG6LlR1y5Hv, nErrorCode :307, strErrorTextForTaskQueue :Failed to obtain the decryption key, please contact us for assistance.