Todays "update" did the usual thing. Now Amazon doesn't work so going back to old version
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Doesn't work after update
Originally posted by phelings View PostTodays "update" did the usual thing. Now Amazon doesn't work so going back to old version
You may want to uninstall and download the latest and try again, but if an older version does work, sometime it's best to stay with it until SF decides to disable it.Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
Usual locations for log files.
This topic has been moved to its own thread. The previous thread had nothing to do with your message. As Stan001 posted, start a new topic if the issue has changed.
You certainly have a lot of problems that others do not. I have repeatedly asked you to provide a StreamFab.log so that we can see what might be causing your problems. As of today, after many months, we have not received one. What is your reason for not providing one? Are you going to send one? This forum is meant to have users help users. If you don't provide us with the information to help you, there is no reason for you to be on this forum.
Originally posted by Stan001 View Post
Not sure if this topic is about Amazon, if you have an issue make a new topic and include full description of problem as Amazon seems to work fine for me, along with the fact that usually if a service stops working you see numerous posts.
You may want to uninstall and download the latest and try again, but if an older version does work, sometime it's best to stay with it until SF decides to disable it.
Is there actually a log if the download never actually even starts?
As Netflix and other modules continue to work I would say that indicates a SF problem.
My Prime sub has run out but as the movie was rented and plays fine anywhere regardless I wouldn't think that is the problem
Problem solved:
As reported elsewhere recently I've found that clicking on a module will often not open it so I've ended up typing the site address in manually. Purchased some movies last week so changed the Amazon site in the settings to USA. And forgot about it.
So I fully expected downloads to work when I had to type in the UK address. But remembered I had changed it so adjusted the settings again to UK and the download worked.
I must admit I thought the preferences setting was simply to ensure the correct site opened when clicking on it and didn't think that it would make any difference as to whether the downloads would work. In fact , why would it?
Glad you got it solved. Glad cats4u got this moved to its own topic.
The main point is if it was SF and/or an issue with Amazon, you would have seen many more posts of at least not working.
It can frustrate people trying to help as not many details are given, although in this case had you said it's not analyzing I still would have ended up with a similar answer it worked for me and no one else has reported much per Amazon and SF.
I also have no issue if users want to stay with older versions of SF, at one time or another we all have done it. But it does help if then that user if reporting an issue lets it known they are using an older version and version number.
Also, in a few past experiences if the version gets old enough, it either doesn't work or it mysteriously gets disabled on the server end.
I always wish I could help more, but seems I am not up to standards like cats4u or a few other users. I also only have access to 3 pay services Amazon, Peacock, and Netflix to even test, and I will be losing access to Netflix sometime in early 2025.Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
Usual locations for log files.