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    Originally posted by Edrock200 View Post
    For me it only appears to be the latest season that's empty.
    Every seasons for me, also I tried the season and episode MOD, still not working.
    Also I tried to downgrade to with few hopes and clearly did not work either...

    Any PYTHON Coder here trying to fix this ?
    Thank you!
    Last edited by Valent1; 01-28-2025, 10:23 PM.


      If we're lucky, it's just a beta test from Amazon and the old website will come back...
      Otherwise we'll probably have to wait until mid-February.​
      NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!


        Originally posted by Valent1 View Post

        Any PYTHON Coder here trying to fix this ?
        Thank you!
        We may not know till maybe someone can fix it. If not, we will just need to wait till after Feb 4th and let the developer fix it.
        I am sure if someone does fix it, it will come to someone's attention here.

        I also agree it could just be a test by Amazon as they have done it before like Sebastian001 says. And may work tomorrow.
        Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
        Usual locations for log files.


          Alright, thank you guys !



            The dev is checking in the problem, please wait for the new version.

            Please post your logs the default location is:
            For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
            For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
            Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
            If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.



              Originally posted by Valent1 View Post
              Every seasons for me, also I tried the season and episode MOD, still not working.
              All known adaptions by 0xFeedBeef works only for listed episodes ..
              .. for unlisted epi <26 currently only the Movie Mode (here) works​

              Originally posted by Valent1 View Post
              Also I tried to downgrade to with few hopes and clearly did not work either...
              All versions affected - also before 25 epi fix with 6205

              Originally posted by Sebastian001 View Post
              He just can't find episode 1-25
              Looks like I can see epi > 25 because the used token
              ("def get_widget_token" for "bShowMore" in​


                So this is the opposite of the previous problem--now it can only "see" episodes past the first 25.

                At least it can still download what was already in queue.


                  Originally posted by Wilson.Wang View Post

                  The dev is checking in the problem, please wait for the new version.

                  Alright, thznk you !!


                    And the next update will come maybe next week because of the holidays xd


                      I think it makes a difference whether the fix is ​​a matter of 3 mouse clicks or hours of writing code.

                      Do what I do, focus on movies you've always wanted to download but haven't because you didn't feel like putting each title in the queue. Series are just convenient.
                      NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!


                        I'm actually praying for this new fixed version to be out today !
                        Good luck with that


                        • Germania
                          Germania commented
                          Editing a comment
                          Today is Chinese New Year (Spring Festival)


                        Please try the new test version and tell me the result include the Amazon region, thanks!

                        Note: In this version, due to updates to the Amazon website's Meta, the analysis popup will display all episodes that are either playable or have no playback permission. If you encounter a download failure, please first check if the video is playable. Additionally, the feature to display only information of playable episodes will be fixed in the new version.
                        Please post your logs the default location is:
                        For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
                        For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
                        Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
                        If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.



                          Originally posted by Wilson.Wang View Post

                          Please try the new test version and tell me the result include the Amazon region, thanks!


                          This new version works for me. I was able to download episodes from 3 different series. I did have to delete the taskdata folder though. it was hanging on analyzing data. Once I deleted the taskdata folder is began working. I am in the Amazon US East region.




                            Looks also fine for me at

                            I only miss s0?e? info in "Downloading+Downloaded"

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	6219test-pv.jpg
Views:	536
Size:	87.1 KB
ID:	458432
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	6219test-pv_dl.jpg
Views:	542
Size:	70.2 KB
ID:	458433


                              Quick work, thanks Wilson.Wang​, works for what I need.

                              Germania I agree. I thought that some past versions of SF, at times, did that also, and bothered me I had to look at what episodes did get downloaded to see what I still needed.
                              Either by comparing the name or looking at the final saved files, which seemed to have the episode #.
                              Last edited by Stan001; 01-29-2025, 05:22 PM.
                              Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
                              Usual locations for log files.

