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Max stuck anaylzing audio & subtitle information

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    Max Max stuck anaylzing audio & subtitle information

    For the past few days I've had issues with StreamFab (also was failing with getting stuck analyzing audio & subtitles when trying to download an individual movie from Max. I've tried all of the usual tricks to fix and nothing works. I am seeing logs in the StreamFab\DrmCrash folder when this occurs. Looking at the StreamFab and the dates in the DRMcrash folder the problem seems to have started on February 28th. I tried going back to, which had been stable for some time, but I am not successful with it either. Everything else is working fine (i.e. Amazon, Netflix, Disney etc...)

    I don't see anyone else complaining about this so I am presuming it is just me. I am in the US East region.



    Do a clean install ( of Follow the instructions exactly. If the problem persists, attach the StreamFab.log (only) to a post here under this topic.


      Originally posted by jbinkley60 View Post
      I tried going back to, which had been stable for some time, but I am not successful with it either.
      Then the problem will probably not be with SF either

      > I don't see anyone else complaining about this so I am presuming it is just me. I am in the US East region.

      I don't use Max every day, but at least once a week via NYC ..
      .. never problems with current SF release

      Close SF, rename your StreamFab.log then try it once.
      If the attempt fails, close SF and attach your new StreamFab.log

      But first try to rename your cache (if SF closed) - like here
      (after this new login for all providers required)​
      This fixes most Max problems


        I got Max working again by renaming the cache folder again but I am still having problems with one movie, Elevation. The new Anthony Mackie movie. It gets stuck on analyzing audio & subtitle information. I'll keep wrestling with it. When it gets this way I can generally bang on it enough to get it working. At least right now all other titles and shows from Max appear to be working, including 4K Dune episodes.




          Originally posted by jbinkley60 View Post
          I am still having problems with one movie, Elevation
          Sometimes single Max title need a 2nd try to analysis - like here
          (but that could also be due to my VPN usage)

          Analyzing before start the movie don't work for me ..
          .. so I've to start playing and I see in log
          [Info]: Max check add queue state, meta is valid :  false
          [Info]: ParaseBaseMeta not found drm
          In this case I can confirm that I've also trouble with analyzing via NYC
          (2nd and 3rd try fails too: [Info]: Catch MPD invalid.)

          So I tried to analyze the trailer (from info site):

          and after analyzing I see the movie:


            Originally posted by Germania View Post

            Analyzing before start the movie don't work for me ..
            .. so I've to start playing and I see in log

            In this case I can confirm that I've also trouble with analyzing via NYC
            (2nd and 3rd try fails too: [Info]: Catch MPD invalid.)

            So I tried to analyze the trailer (from info site):
            OK. I have a new trick in my bag. I clicked on the info pane vs. the movie itself and SF immediately analyzed the Elevation movie and I was able to download it.



