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Product Suggestion / Chapters on Hulu

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    Hulu Product Suggestion / Chapters on Hulu

    Just a thought.
    Maybe we could get chapters on Hulu streams? You can see in the playback timeline where the breaks for ads are, perhaps put a chapter mark where the ad would have been? TV shows have specific scenes where ads pop-in. Watching a show like NCIS is pretty obvious because the screen pauses and the color goes to black and white. Then there would be an ad.

    Some of us might think it's a nuisance though, thinking of some streams on Prime that have 100 chapters, some of which are only seconds apart. But simply placing the chapter marks at ad breaks seems like a great spot.

    Chapters are a function of and the production of the streamer, not SF. If Hulu adds them then they will show (at least when using mkvmerge MKV remuxing. Not sure about MP4 or FFmpeg MKV remuxing.) Write to Disney about your idea but don't expect a reply.


      Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
      Chapters are a function of and the production of the streamer, not SF. If Hulu adds them then they will show (at least when using mkvmerge MKV remuxing. Not sure about MP4 or FFmpeg MKV remuxing.) Write to Disney about your idea but don't expect a reply.
      Why the attitude? Oh wait, I vaguely remember someone that was upset when we could not disable the chapters on Amazon, was that you?


        What attitude? You made a suggestion, making it sound like it was SF that was holding back on giving you the Chapter feature. I explained to you that SF can not do anything about Chapters unless the streamer provides the metadata for the Chapter feature. That was it. Where was the supposed attitude? Believe me, if I wanted to give you attitude, you'd know it.
        You vaguely don't remember anything because I don't give a shit about Chapters. They can take them away or leave them. It does not matter to me. Unlike some here, I'm not interested in multiple languages for audio and subtitles. I don't need the highest bitrate or the newest codec. If I can watch a movie or a TV episode in x264 and AAC at 720p, I'm very happy. I'm here to get a file so that I can watch the story. After I've watched it, it gets deleted. I have no need to download thousands of videos that I'll never watch just so I can brag to somebody that I've got them. I have no need for MediaInfo printouts showing that the video has been divided up into chapters. Not interested to me.

