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Porblems with UHD coping, rriping and Creator

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    Porblems with UHD coping, rriping and Creator

    Hello i tried with some disks rippng or using only the video file or coping directly from the disk and in none of the modules you cannot insert external srt subtitles,when visualizing with dvdfab player appears the language subtitle selected but it doesnt appears any subtitles,i tried with power dvd or playing the video file isolated with subtitle embebed and nothing, the program is not inserting the external subtitle to the blu ray using any of the modules see the attach.This happening with several movies as you can see in the log files.with the movie .Requiem.For.A.Dream if you rip this one the sound its desinchronizated with the movie.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Phil Anselmo; 11-16-2020, 12:08 AM.

    I have same problem since updated to, cannot insert external srt subtitles to ISO file


      Originally posted by Pleox View Post
      I have same problem since updated to, cannot insert external srt subtitles to ISO file
      Please post your log files too, thanks.


        I downgrade to version and everithing works fine.


          Originally posted by Phil Anselmo View Post
          Hello i tried with some disks rippng or using only the video file or coping directly from the disk and in none of the modules you cannot insert external srt subtitles,when visualizing with dvdfab player appears the language subtitle selected but it doesnt appears any subtitles,i tried with power dvd or playing the video file isolated with subtitle embebed and nothing, the program is not inserting the external subtitle to the blu ray using any of the modules see the attach.This happening with several movies as you can see in the log files.with the movie .Requiem.For.A.Dream if you rip this one the sound its desinchronizated with the movie.
          I've tried UHD Copy- Main Movie + External SRT subtitle file, there is a subtitle while playback.
          Please use Mediainfo to analyze one of the problematic output files and attach the result here. Thanks.

