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Bonus Discs

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    Bonus Discs

    Hi all, none of the my BONUS DISC backup that I make will play on my OPPO blu-ray player. If put the BONUS DISC in the OPPO it plays without issue. When I make a backup using FULL DISC it copies without issue but only the file structure is visible on the blu-ray player. This happens with every bonus disc I try to backup.

    I don’t have issues with backing up the movies, only bonus discs

    Originally posted by dcs9595 View Post
    Hi all, none of the my BONUS DISC backup that I make will play on my OPPO blu-ray player. If put the BONUS DISC in the OPPO it plays without issue. When I make a backup using FULL DISC it copies without issue but only the file structure is visible on the blu-ray player. This happens with every bonus disc I try to backup.

    I don’t have issues with backing up the movies, only bonus discs
    first try cleaning the discs and retry copying them again.
    if they still fail, the post the dvdfab internal log files.


      Thanks for the response. I can backup the BONUS DISCS without issue. The backup won't play on my OPPO. See the pic of the backup file structure copied off of my computer. When I attempt to play the backup only the file structure appears on my TV minus index.bdmv and MovieObject.bdmv files. I think one of these files launches the backup on the player. They're not visible on the tv file structure but are really there.
      Attached Files


        Is it possible that when you created this bonus disc that it was specified as a data disc instead of a movie disc? That might explain why your blu-ray player is opening up file folders instead of launching the disc menu? If you tell me a title, I can see if I have it and can test some things.


          I'm using external hard drives to store my backup copies. I connect the external hard drive to my OPPO using the OPPOs usb port The backup movies play without issue. All of the bonus discs only display the file structure. Both reside on the same external hard drive so I don't think its the disc formatting, If I put the actual bonus blu ray disc in the OPPO it plays without issue. I'm thinking it might be a DVDFab setting somewhere. Like I mentioned above, the endex.bdmv and MovieObject.bdmv are on the disc and visible on my computer but are invisible on my TV screen when the file structure appears. For some reason the OPPO doesn't see these files. If they were visible I could click on one or the other and the bonus disc would launch.

