
No announcement yet. Netflix logs me out after every download

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    I'll defer to Germania analysis of what's going on. The only strange thing I see around the time that you say you are logged out is that it takes a little more than 2 minutes for Netflix to return a requested manifest. Whether it is an SF or Netflix issue, I don't know. My guess is Netflix. But why? I'm eager to see what Germania has to say.


      Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
      I'm eager to see what Germania has to say.
      I tried "Uglies" with same settings as David_L312 and I'm not signed out
      (SF offer H265 - HDR10, but not available for me => E100)

      I can't see any reason in log why NF should sign out .. but in log from #59 is see
      [Netflix]" checkUrlCanPlay failed, str : "
      [Netflix]" checkUrlCanPlay failed, str : "
      Both infos are not in my log - and the Uglies Info site is still open after dl

      I assume that renaming Temp (if SF closed) is not a permanent solution.
      If not already done, removing the logged-in NF devices could help - here
      (if every login is a new device for NF .. there are surely to many)

      If there were too many logins with one IP ..
      .. it could help to change the IP (VPN in case of doubt)

      For Test purposes only: Create a new NF profile and use this​


        Originally posted by Chameleon View Post

        Exact same here now.
        I guess you are refusing to hand over your StreamFab.log. I don't know why you expect us to help you if you don't help us by providing needed information. Anyway, continuing with my thoughts on David's StreamFab.log. After the 2-minute plus wait for a manifest from Netflix, the log shows
        [Info]: [Netflix]" OnAddressChange - strUrl : "
        This seems to clean out Netflix's cookies and puts you at the login prompt again. I'm not sure why Netflix is doing that to you. I did note that David has 3618 Netflix videos sitting in his downloaded library (way more than that with the combination of the other modules) and 21 Netflix videos in the queue. Yet the log shows that he doesn't use the downloaded library as his media manager. That's kind of foreign to the way I do things, I delete the file listings from the downloaded library right after download and I use a third-party media manager to maintain my file library. I wonder if his method is causing memory problems with SF.


          Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
          [Info]: [Netflix]" OnAddressChange - strUrl : "
          This seems to clean out Netflix's cookies and puts you at the login prompt again.
          I'm not sure why Netflix is doing that to you.
          Correct, find a way to block the url in SF
          hosts can't block urls and Browser Add-ons can't be used in SF Browser
          I think the only option would be a local proxy, like Fiddler​


            That is very interesting that SF is doing that. You wonder what causes it and why they think it's needed. It does just seem to effect a group of people and not others, as I have still not, thankfully, been logged out. I don't check logged in devices much, but one time found more than I could count and did not really seem to effect anything on my end. I did one time remove the ones not being used. I don't ever remove all devices as my smart tv, roku are logged in, and it tends to take a long time to log them back in again.
            Streamfab DEFAULT, WINDOWS 10/11, locations:



              Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

              I guess you are refusing to hand over your StreamFab.log. I don't know why you expect us to help you if you don't help us by providing needed information. Anyway, continuing with my thoughts on David's StreamFab.log. After the 2-minute plus wait for a manifest from Netflix, the log shows
              [Info]: [Netflix]" OnAddressChange - strUrl : "
              This seems to clean out Netflix's cookies and puts you at the login prompt again. I'm not sure why Netflix is doing that to you. I did note that David has 3618 Netflix videos sitting in his downloaded library (way more than that with the combination of the other modules) and 21 Netflix videos in the queue. Yet the log shows that he doesn't use the downloaded library as his media manager. That's kind of foreign to the way I do things. I delete the file listings from the downloaded library right after download, and I use a third-party media manager to maintain my file library. I wonder if his method is causing memory problems with SF.
              The exact thing that is happening to him is happening to me.
              Programmer in Python,Java,JavaScript,Swift,PHP,SQL,C#,C++,Go,R


                I remember that this redirecting to 'clearcookies' happened to me about a year ago - but in a regular browser (Chrome) and not in SF. It always happened right after trying to play something - and caused the logout.

                So it had to be something triggered by Netflix itself.

                This happened for a week or so and I was unable to use Netflix at all on one particular machine, while it worked fine on another. I reached out to their support but they were completely useless.

                After a week or so the problem went away for me.


                  I began to experience this same issue for the first time tonight. I noticed first that I was logged out of Netflix, which was unusual. I logged back in, added some titles to my queue, and saw the strange Netflix area that these titles were not available for streaming at this time, despite the fact they were. Then I was logged out. Each time I added a series, the same error message and same logging out behavior was noticed. I discovered an update to which I did (and had to log in again) and when I attempted to download the first file, it failed, but it succeeded when I went and re-added it to my queue. Right now with the new version I am not being logged out but I wanted to try and create a fresh log file with just one download to upload, so it can be examined. It should show the failed download and the successful one.
                  Attached Files


                    To the people experiencing the logout/clearcookies:

                    Are you sharing your account or doing something that could be interpreted as sharing the account?

                    I know Chameleon is now living somewhere else so it could be something like that. I believe Netflix determines your "Home" by checking the SSID/Network your non-mobile/non-browser device (aka TV or Set-top box) is connected to.

                    So if your TV is or was connected to SSID "MIT REZ" and your PC with StreamFab is connected to "My Own Place", that StreamFab PC needs to reconnect to "MIT REZ" every 30 days or it will be flagged as account sharing and Netflix may force the logout.

                    This is pure speculation from what i understood the rules to be with regards to account sharing and determining your home location.

                    I could be completely wrong so if this is not how they detect some account sharing, i apologize and will go back into my cave.

                    I do think the logout is related to account sharing (because of the forced logout and redirect to clearcookies) but i could also be wrong there.


                      Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
                      This is pure speculation from what i understood the rules to be with regards to account sharing and determining your home location.
                      Sounds plausible to me ..
                      .. but I would expect NF to provide a message in this case
                      (OTP for identify or offer to add an extra member)

                      How to set or update a Netflix Household​


                        The issue is resolved. Its Malwarebytes. If you use Malwarebytes, you must disable it. My goodness, all that, and I finally got my head on straight. Thanks to Germania for all the clues; I wouldn't have solved this without him.
                        Last edited by Chameleon; 09-23-2024, 08:03 PM.
                        Programmer in Python,Java,JavaScript,Swift,PHP,SQL,C#,C++,Go,R


                          I use Malwarebytes all the time. The only difference might be I exclude dvdfab/streamfab locations from scans and I have Web Protection OFF.
                          It could more likely be the Web Protection, also making sure you use the latest version 5.1 of Malwarebytes.

                          I had alerts going off even when browsing help.Netflix with Web Protection on, with Malwarebytes.
                          Streamfab DEFAULT, WINDOWS 10/11, locations:



                            Originally posted by Stan001 View Post
                            I use Malwarebytes all the time. The only difference might be I exclude dvdfab/streamfab locations from scans and I have Web Protection OFF.
                            It could more likely be the Web Protection, also making sure you use the latest version 5.1 of Malwarebytes.
                            I turned it off completely, and StreamFab worked fine; every provider was better. There are no Netflix issues or other issues.
                            Programmer in Python,Java,JavaScript,Swift,PHP,SQL,C#,C++,Go,R


                              Another huge problem solved. God bless us all!

