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Vix downloads are incomplete

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    ViX Vix downloads are incomplete


    I downloaded several shows but noticed that downloaded videos are 30 seconds short or so. I noticed this because the video was ended earlier than anticipated. So I confirmed this when comparing the length of the VIX online episodes with those generated by Streamfab.

    I noticed this a pattern on all shows / downloads, please let me know if you need any additional info./data from my side

    I tried "Above Suspicion" from ViX via VPN USA
    and can not detect any problem (except lame speed)

    Can you name an affected title and your VIP settings
    or attach your StreamFab.log​


      Hello Germania,

      Thanks for your response.

      Here go a couple from my latest downloads.

      El chavo S1E54 >

      Click image for larger version

Name:	El chavo download metadata S1E54.png
Views:	129
Size:	19.2 KB
ID:	456896
      Click image for larger version

Name:	El chavo Actual download S1E54.png
Views:	143
Size:	134.4 KB
ID:	456897

      Al Derecho y al Derbez S1E1 >
      Click image for larger version

Name:	ADYADB S1E1 metadata.png
Views:	121
Size:	34.9 KB
ID:	456898
      Click image for larger version

Name:	ADYADB S1E1 actual download.png
Views:	147
Size:	115.3 KB
ID:	456899

      I am also enclosing settings, but there are no specific VIP settings for VIX.



        Attached Files


          > but there are no specific VIP settings for VIX

          Sometimes there are remuxing problems with mkv (mkvtoolnix) instead mkv (ffmpeg)
          but you used mp4 (like me) and looks like without subtitles (sometimes causes errors)

          "El chavo" needs Premium, which I don't have ..
          .. but "Al Derecho y al Derbez.s1e01" in 1080p is fine for me


            I think it was a little misunderstanding ..
            I thought the video is only 30 seconds - but you mean the abrupt end

            I have the same problem, when I use regular browser ..
            .. the next episode starts before the credits have finished.

            I can't find a setting to disable autoplay or autostart next epi​



              Got it, I probably did not do a good job going over the issue the first time, but thanks for looking into it hehe. So, when you say use the regular browser, do you mean there is another way, a work around? one that does not involve using the browser. I downloaded the whole Chavo series via the detector pop-up when I clicked the show, so I only use the browser once and not episode by episode if you know what I mean.



                Originally posted by Germania View Post
                I think it was a little misunderstanding ..
                I thought the video is only 30 seconds - but you mean the abrupt end

                I have the same problem, when I use regular browser ..
                .. the next episode starts before the credits have finished.

                I can't find a setting to disable autoplay or autostart next epi​
                i just tried the first episode of El Chavo and got a complete episode with end credits.
                i chose MKV (FFMpeg)


                  I played it in Chrome and realized that the credits in series
                  do not run to the end before the next one starts automatically.

                  yt-dlp doesn't support ViX URLs

                  I get the full length with manually dl => see here


                    Got it, thank you! this is very helpful


                      It worked for me on the free shows but not the paid ones, like el Chavo, despite I have the premium, not sure what tweaks are needed for those

