Netflix Selection looks great ..
.. but if VIP Setting Video Codec is AV1
and I select in Popup after analysis H264 High
I see the correct bitrate

and after Download Now - SF download AV1 like before:

Doesn't always seem to happen (?) - but has happened to me several times
Useless Audio Codec Combination:
If I select option EAC3 and select AAC + EAC3

The VIP NF audio setting apparently continues to decide:
- with VIP Setting EAC3 I only get en EAC3 - no de AAC (although selected)
- with VIP Setting AAC I get de+en in AAC - no en EAC3 (although selected)
It is therefore still not possible to dl AAC + EAC3 in one file
ERGO: So I still have to keep changing the VIP settings.
.. but if VIP Setting Video Codec is AV1
and I select in Popup after analysis H264 High
I see the correct bitrate

and after Download Now - SF download AV1 like before:

Doesn't always seem to happen (?) - but has happened to me several times
Useless Audio Codec Combination:
If I select option EAC3 and select AAC + EAC3

The VIP NF audio setting apparently continues to decide:
- with VIP Setting EAC3 I only get en EAC3 - no de AAC (although selected)
- with VIP Setting AAC I get de+en in AAC - no en EAC3 (although selected)
It is therefore still not possible to dl AAC + EAC3 in one file
ERGO: So I still have to keep changing the VIP settings.