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Violent Night low resolution
Is anyone able to download Violent Night in 1080p?
Netflix Download Problem
Any idea why I'm getting terrible options in Netflix all of a sudden?
These are the options I get for Big Mouth...
- Brings back the Netflix log out issue (US)
If I sign into Netflix, it does sign in immediately, but when I pick a film or a series to download, I get logged out. Sometimes, the download will still...
Analyzing non-stop on Netflix?
I start a movie and it analyzes forever, How to make Netflix work? Prime Video and Disney+ work great.
Logs out, search not working (Germany)
since yesterday netflix (German) always logs me out after analysing anything, even clicking on home or tv shows logs streamfab out....
KittyBiscuit started a topic Netflix Netflix downloader - Ghostbusters Frozen Empire resolution max of 960x540in StreamFab6.1.9.9 Netflix downloader - Ghostbusters Frozen Empire resolution max of 960x540
Anyone else run into this? It'll only download at 1/2 1080p, lol. So weird.
Netflix: Error Code 316 (
Have been getting Error Code 316 with Netflix all day today. Example titles: The Whirlwind, The Victim's Game (1920x1080 2502kbps)
From USA,...
- Netflix logs me out after every download
As the title says, the funny thing is that even if it logs me out after the download starts, the download finishes, but I have to log in again to download...
Netflix not analyzing in v6.1.9.7
It seems that after upgrading to, Netflix no longer finishes analyzing any media. Any ideas on getting this to all?
- Likes 2
Still Cant Log in to Netflix with
Still unable to use Netflix with this latest update.
- Likes 1
Netflix Error M7701-1003
When trying to download a title I receive the above Error. "Pardon The Interruption please visit chrome settings/content" yada yada
Can't Sign in to Netflix
I just updated to and can't log in to Netflix. When I try, the login page just refreshes. I tried using a password and a sign-in code.
Updated to and all sorts of stuff broke
I initially let the updater run. It failed on the first attempt, succeeded on the second attempt.
Opened Streamfab went to YouTube, clicked...
v6.1.9.4 Netflix forced subtitles
When after downloading Rebel Moon — Part One_ Director’s Cut, off of Netflix, on play back the forced subtitles show partially at very beginning...
Anyone having issue signing into Netflix?
I am using the latest version, v6.1.9.3, and just tried to log into Netflix for the first time since I installed this version. After I enter my email...