image_23474.png The meta data for season 1 disk 2 is partially incorrect. The name of the episodes are correct but the episode number should be 5,6,7,8 All other disks had correct meta data. A few other disks had "clumsy" meta data. An example of clumsy meta data would be the filename "Angel - s05e06 - Angel - s05e06 - The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco.mp4" There is no need for the repeated information. Ideally the filename should simply be "s05e06-TheCautionaryTaleOfNumeroCinco.mp4" I wrote a c# program that corrects for various improper filenames and an example of its output is attached. I can make the sources available on github if anyone interested. How does one go about correcting the meta data?
rename_tool.png angel_rename.txt
rename_tool.png angel_rename.txt