When changing my M/B for one that has QS(lucid) I would only have to un-plug and change everything, wouldn't I?
Would I have to do a complete Windose install, would I? In other words would I have a lot of work to swap over?
Changing to i7 3770k 4th gene, and 8gb to 16gb ram (consair vengeance), but will be ruuning 16 gb memory sticks(only 8g x 2)
Any help would be apprediated!
Would I have to do a complete Windose install, would I? In other words would I have a lot of work to swap over?
Changing to i7 3770k 4th gene, and 8gb to 16gb ram (consair vengeance), but will be ruuning 16 gb memory sticks(only 8g x 2)
Any help would be apprediated!