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    Other Moving

    I'm moving overseas and i'm no sure how to take my collection since is a bit large around 2200 titles , only about 11 or so blu-ray , that is way too many dvd's to take , so only way i can think of it is hard drives?? any other ideas also ,if i.m going to compress what will be the best way to do it , i will like to keep the integrity of the whole movie as it is subtitles and all.
    Thank you n advance for any ideas or any help will be greatly appreciate it
    I'm very new to compress video so the easier the better

    hardware i'm using a Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 15-inch, Early 2011 , Memory 16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB ,AMD Radeon HD 6750M VRAM (Total): 1024 MB , i also have the turbo.264 HD from el gato

    Don't forget to pack your TV.
    The ones overseas don't Support NTSC video format, they use PAL, or vice-a-versa. Or even something else depending on which sea your going over.

    2200 DVD titles is going to require quite a few Terra Byte's of HDD space so buy the biggest external drives you can find.

    Preferably USB3 or E-SATA connection to computer. Start with at least a 2TB drive and continue to buy more until your collection is on them. Use external drives as ther are better for moving around. Much less likely to be damaged.


      no tv , Spain is a pal system is were i'm going , so fair got 1-2TB and 1-650 HD , and the laptop original 750 HD i put in a external case , i'm using a hybrid 500 G HD in the laptop now , i know i'll need more but should i compress,and if i do will i loose quality or features of the movies?? and if i do what should i use to do it ? keep in mind i'm new still have a lot to learn
      thank you for any help to all


        I would just save as iso images of the dvd disc's.
        They won't loose anything that way.
        I don't think iso files compress much though.
        Also if you need to later convert your movies to PAL then you can probably do it better from iso image than any other format.
        There are programs that will do that out there.


          This is going to be a logistical nightmare.

          2200 title @ ~6Gb average = 13200 Gb = 7 x 2Tb drives
          2200 title @ ~20 mins Rip time = 44000 mins = 733 hours = 38 days non-stop

          This is without even thinking about transcoding/compression.

          I hope you have plenty of time.

          The TV comment just shows the insularity of the USA. The real world outside the USA (Oz, Middle East, Europe and Asia) has used multisystems for over 20 years that will play PAL/NTSC and if you use a media player it is not an issue anyway.
          "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


            Well so far the programs i have to do anything with video are
            VLC ,HandBrake , Turbo.264HD , Popcorn , Toast and of course Fab , i'm no much familiar with any other .
            Gregi you are right it is but is a lot harder to explain in customs why i have 4 cases full of dvd's lol , the hardware i have should help a little is not conventional as you can see took me a bit to find the right modules to get this laptop to accept the 16gig ram but is working beautiful now :> , i'm no as handy as i use to be dealing with files , i had a setback with 2 strokes so time i have memory is the 1 is faulty now ,is why i take any comments and help you guys can tell me .
            thank you all for your time


              Couldn't agree more with my pal Greg...a logistical nightmare to say the least.
              I would definitely go with a media player for the sheer convenience, not to mention avoiding the NTSC <---> PAL compatibility snafu as Greg already said.

              When are leaving for Spain and for how long?

              You'll need more hdd space for sure...too bad since the prices are horribly inflated due to the floods in Thailand last Fall. They're starting to come down, but it's a slow crawl.

              Also recommend going with something like:

              for about $122 US with free shipping

              or the usb 2.0 version for about $17 less.

              Realistically, do you have the time to convert all these files to something smaller?
              If yes, I'd go with an .mkv.h264 audiocopy profile which will maintain excellent video quality
              Last edited by maineman; 03-04-2012, 01:45 AM.
              If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

              You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                Thank you maineman that is a very sweet box with up to 4 hd , in my MBP i don't have e-sata or usb3 , i wish it had the thunderbolt port that box , but i can still use it as usb2 but 4 hd at 2 tb a piece is good and a very small space , planing in leaving in about 6 months after SS and disability papers are all done and medical records send out , i do have an apple tv the old type that i upgrade it to a 250 hd from original 40 hd that may help some.
                thank you


                  Originally posted by nycros View Post
                  Thank you maineman that is a very sweet box with up to 4 hd
                  You're welcome and yes it is a sweet box....I have had the usb 2.0 version for some time now and yup, I've got 4 X 2TB Samsungs in it.
                  One more in my AIOS MP and I've got a nice, round 10 TB worth of storage... all conveniently accessible with a remote while I sit my butt in a comfy chair...

                  The AIOS has played anything I've thrown at it and has no issues with any of the audio codecs including Dolby TrueHD
                  Amazon has it for $90, plus it ships free.

                  Hopefully, you won't hit any major snags in the next 6 months..
                  Best of luck with your move
                  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                  You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                    maineman i did check the AIOS WOW niceeeeee , i got a ? 4 u in that box i was looking at the usb 2 also since i don't have usb 3 or e-sata , do the HD's have rails or just screws in sides? , while i was checking the AIOS in amazon i found the same box usb 2 version for 102.99$ and was thinking if i just buy 1 tower like yours and then several drives as i get then full and just put then in when i need then , will that idea work? what do you think?


                      Yup, that'll work just fine.

                      No screws...actually 4 plastic trays with 4 permanently mounted pins each on each tray that correspond to the screw holes in the hdds.
                      Simple matter to bend the plastic side wall out to install or remove hdds.
                      The trays silde in and out easily and lock in place with an inner metal door.

                      If I had one complaint, it'd be the hinge design on the outer, plastic door, but it's no big deal.

                      The usb 2.0 connection works well, but is a pain when transferring lots of data.
                      Too bad about the lack of usb 3.0 or esata.
                      It doesn't sound like it's an issue, but keep in mind that esata requires port multiplier function.
                      If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                      You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                        You may want to look into a NAS (Network Attached Storage) box if you have a gigabyte network card in your laptop.

                        It will be faster than a USB 2 external encoluser. But also more expensive.

                        Also many will allow you to install or come with a DLNA server so it works close to a media player would, only more expandable.


                          I did check into the NAS but prices were not friendly , yes i do have 1 gig ports even in the router but a box with 4 HD's is a bit high for me now , the apple only have the usb 2 and the new thunderbolt port that is really nice but i check on prices for the boxes for it and dang they sure are proud of it way to high

                          i did some reading and i'm going to o with maineman recommendation i know won't be a speed demon but will get the job done at a decent cost .

                          Ahh maineman really the most people complains were the same thing you mention for the rest they were happy with it in the reviews i read


                            Now that you have that sorted, I'd just rip all your disks without compression to the HDD's and not worry about transcoding umtil you get them all done.

                            It's far better to transcode them from the HDD anyway so the effort will not be wasted.
                            "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790

