I haven't found any Blu Ray DL 50 Gb media yet that doesn't break the bank. My bank breaks at $5/disc. However, mediamegamall has good prices on 25 Gb 4x speed verbatim (< $3) although I think their shipping costs are a little out of line. Let us know if you find some reasonable 50 Gb DL made by a reliable manufacturer.
I go to Ebay to get my BD-R 50GB disks. There are a couple of sellers, JP-Gift and JP-Stop from Japan that will sell you packs of 3, 5, or 10 without the cases. These are Mitsubishi/Verbatim and right now the best price they have for a 10-pack is $66.50 ($6.65 per disc). They also do 5 packs and 3 packs. I have never had an issue burning these discs. I have an LG WH08LS20 burner.