Just thought I would share this: this is on the FAQ page of Verbatim site. I'm guessing they probably get asked this quite a lot. 
"A lot of people on the CDFreaks forums have the impression, that Verbatim DVD media manufactured in India is more variable than Verbatim media manufactured in Singapore or in Taiwan. What is your response to this impression? Is quality control a problem with your outsourced media production, and what steps if any are you taking to address this perceived problem?"
Verbatims Answer:
"All our factories produce based on the same quality standards. They are all continuously controlled by Mitsubishi engineers and regularly audited. All factories run the same ISO 9000/1/2 based quality schemes and use the same test equipment. All factories have many production lines running within the production. Quality variation from line to line and day to day is probably higher. All our own tests do not indicate any general quality variation from factory to factory. We also closely monitor returns from distribution and endusers. Statistics do not reveal any different return percentages for any factories. We note the different perceptions within the forum communities. However, these slightly change from time to time, especially when bigger quantities from just one source are available."

"A lot of people on the CDFreaks forums have the impression, that Verbatim DVD media manufactured in India is more variable than Verbatim media manufactured in Singapore or in Taiwan. What is your response to this impression? Is quality control a problem with your outsourced media production, and what steps if any are you taking to address this perceived problem?"
Verbatims Answer:
"All our factories produce based on the same quality standards. They are all continuously controlled by Mitsubishi engineers and regularly audited. All factories run the same ISO 9000/1/2 based quality schemes and use the same test equipment. All factories have many production lines running within the production. Quality variation from line to line and day to day is probably higher. All our own tests do not indicate any general quality variation from factory to factory. We also closely monitor returns from distribution and endusers. Statistics do not reveal any different return percentages for any factories. We note the different perceptions within the forum communities. However, these slightly change from time to time, especially when bigger quantities from just one source are available."