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Questions about MusicFab

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  • Chameleon
    They most probably fixed it server-side.

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  • supine
    *%&#*!!! Sorry for the double post. A window showed up that said the post had failed to upload, and I didn't see it posted. Admin, Please remove the double and this comment.

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  • supine
    Hello, I've been away from home for a while, and have not been able tp play with MusicFab. When I got home yesterday, version was waiting for install. I'm happy to say, (and as StPeterOrding2015 has noted) that the "Protected Content" screen has not come up at all during the short time that I have had to delve into things. ( was still slightly problematical for me) My Nice got me a subscription to Amazon Music while I was in Virginia, (I'm currently living in Florida), and I have had no issues with that platform locking out the MusicFab Browser. Although MusicFab is still dumping multi-disc albums into a single directory, my (more) major issues have been addressed, and the software appears to be "functional", and "Usable". I have supported the work that the dedicated staff and developers have been doing, and am the proud owner of an "All In One" license.

    In the near future, I would like to see Multi-Disc albums sorted in their proper directories, and downloads sorted by \artist\album\disc#\tracks. (It's currently \album\tracks). This would allow downloading tracks and albums from multiple artists in a single session, and not have Tracks/Albums from several artists mixed into a single directory. I work around this issue by only downloading a single artist per session, and tucking the albums/tracks into an artist folder that I create. As far as multi-disc albums, well... it's still a thorn in my side. Fortunately, single disc albums are more the norm and far outweigh the multi's. The Track selection screen sometimes (still) fails to show up when an album is selected. A quick restart generally cures this, and previously selected content remains in the que after restart.

    Note: When I select an album for the download que, they are sorted by disc, but when I dump the album into the que, I only see one directory with all of the album tracks in it.

    For those that have been sitting on the fence about purchasing a license; in spite of those shortcomings mentioned above, It is no longer a major struggle to use the Software, and I believe that in spite of the few remaining issues, the benefit that you will get would be well worth the price of the ticket. For those in my social circle who might prefer offline listening, I will mention this Software.

    Yes, there are still a few "quirks" and issues; but based on the resolution of the myriad of issues that plagued this software in the beginning, I feel that the developers and staff will continue to make this software better and better.​

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  • supine
    Hello, I've been away from home for a while, and have not been able tp play with MusicFab. When I got home yesterday, version was waiting for install. I'm happy to say, (and as StPeterOrding2015 has noted) that the "Protected Content" screen has not come up at all during the short time that I have had to delve into things. My Nice got me a subscription to Amazon Music while I was in Virginia, (I'm currently living in Florida), and I have had no issues with that platform locking out the MusicFab Browser. Although MusicFab is still dumping multi-disc albums into a single directory, my (more) major issues have been addressed, and the software appears to be "functional", and "Usable". I have supported the work that the dedicated staff and developers have been doing, and am the proud owner of an "All In One" license.

    In the near future, I would like to see Multi-Disc albums sorted in their proper directories, and downloads sorted by \artist\album\disc#\tracks. (It's currently \album\tracks). This would allow downloading tracks and albums from multiple artists in a single session, and not have Tracks/Albums from several artists mixed into a single directory. I work around this issue by only downloading a single artist per session, and tucking the albums/tracks into an artist folder that I create. As far as multi-disc albums, well... it's still a thorn in my side. Fortunately, I single disc albums are more the norm and far outweigh the multi's. The Track selection screen sometimes (still) fails to show up when an album is selected. A quick restart generally cures this, and previously selected content remains in the que after restart.

    Note: When I select an album for the download que, they are sorted by disc, but when I dump the album into the que, I only see one directory with all of the album tracks in it.

    For those that have been sitting on the fence about purchasing a license; in spite of those shortcomings mentioned above, It is no longer a major struggle to use the Software, and I believe that in spite of the few remaining issues, the benefit that you will get would be well worth the price of the ticket. For those in my social circle who might prefer offline listening, I will mention this Software.

    Yes, there are still a few "quirks" and issues; but based on the resolution of the myriad of issues that plagued this software in the beginning, I feel that the developers and staff will continue to make this software better and better.

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  • StPeterOrding2015
    Hi all,
    the “Protected Content” screen is now in solved.


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  • supine
    Originally posted by Sylvia View Post

    We plan to release a new version this week to further optimize this issue, you can pay attention and use it!
    Thank you very much for your attention to musicfab​
    Thank you for your reply. It's good of you to keep us updated, and abreast of the efforts to resolve these issues. I'm back out of Spotify. The Track Selection Window would not open later that afternoon, so I had to restart MusicFab. I was unable to get back into Spotify when I restarted, and nothing I seem to be able to do will get me back in. I am looking forward to the new release. It's nice to know that the Team has a handle on the issue.

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  • Sylvia
    Originally posted by supine View Post
    I don't know what happened, but I'm able to access Spotify again. I'll keep you updated as things progress.
    We plan to release a new version this week to further optimize this issue, you can pay attention and use it!
    Thank you very much for your attention to musicfab​

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  • supine
    I don't know what happened, but I'm able to access Spotify again. I'll keep you updated as things progress.

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  • supine
    I don't know what happened, but I'm able to access Spotify again. I'll keep you updated as things progress.

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  • supine
    Update: I managed to log into the Amazon portion of MusicFab, and the "This Version of Edge" lockout looks like it has been addressed.


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  • supine
    Originally posted by StPeterOrding2015 View Post
    Hi all,
    the answer from the MusicFab Staff:

    We could duplicate this problem on one of our PCs, it was due to missing the cdm library, we are working on it. Please kindly wait for the coming version, thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,"

    In not yet solved.
    Yes... I just updated also, and am still locked out too. I'm going back to the Ticket que, and am going to let them know.
    Greetings and Salutations

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  • StPeterOrding2015
    Hi all,
    the answer from the MusicFab Staff:

    We could duplicate this problem on one of our PCs, it was due to missing the cdm library, we are working on it. Please kindly wait for the coming version, thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,"

    In not yet solved.

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  • StPeterOrding2015
    Hi all,
    my ticket which I just entered in the MusicFab ticket tool:

    now I also have the “Protected Content” screen on my 2nd PC.
    What have I done:
    - I wanted to log in to Spotify using MusicFab on my 2nd PC with my license from MusicFab using my Spotify login details (I have the 1 Lizenz for 3 PCs)
    - that worked - BUT - on the 2nd PC I constantly get the "Protected Content" screen in MusicFab, but in the Firefox browser I can log in to Spotify on the 2nd PC with my Spotify login details and then I don't get the "Protected Content" screen
    - my guess: the MusicFab developers made the access somehow that I can no longer use MusicFab on a second PC with the same Spotify login data
    - even with another Spotify account on the 2nd PC, user + pw, I get the "Protected Content" screen in MusicFab when I select Spotify
    - on my first PC I don't see the Protected Content screen


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  • supine
    replied is out. Unfortunately I am still unable to to get past the "Protected Content" screen. When/If the development team finds an answer to this problem, I will post more in depth. Both Spotify and Amazon are inaccessible to me. Amazon is still reporting that "This Version Of Edge Is Not Supported".
    Last edited by supine; 10-28-2023, 01:32 PM.

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  • supine
    Just to keep you all in the loop: I got a message through the Ticket Que, that the development team has duplicated my issue and is working on a resolution.

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