Yep, same here - bought a new Samsung BD-D5700 player today to use for streaming in place of the PS3 --- It worked great - Easy to set up, stunning picture and sound from the NAS drive and no problems with Cinavia protected rips whether PS3 or MKV formats --- AND THEN -- idiotically I updated and guess what --- There it is --- It's going back to the store tomorrow - maybe pick up another one and this time ---NO UPDATES.....
For anyone debating whether or not to buy another BD standalone, you really should consider going to a media player and archiving everything to hdds.
The major drawback right now is the temporary "inflated" price of hdds due to the recent flooding in Thailand, but the prices should return to "reasonable", soon.
The advantages are multi-fold: no cinavia issues (at least for the foreseeable future, but who knows?), no blank media costs and no bad burns, the originals sit on a shelf in pristine condition, very convenenient...just select a BD file with your remote, etc., etc.
This is what upsets me about this site and the people on it...
I'm afraid you've got it backasswards Ronnie.
You...are an excellent example of what's wrong here.
You're blaming the forum members?
You talk as though this is all a static process.
A multi-billion-dollar industry is at war with consumers and Fair Use Rights.
While no none blames you for being pissed, your anger is horribly misdirected.
I for one, do not appreciate being blamed.
Hi RonnieC312
I do not know what your problem is, and why you are so upset.
Fab was the first program to allow you to backup your Blu-Ray that was infected with Cinavia to play back on a PS3.
Nobody is telling you to go out and buy a new player, only suggesting this as an option.
You want to Bitch, go on the Sony site and tell them how upset you are, they are the cause of all this Cinavia.
This will be your only warning about this rant, if it happens again you will have a vacation from this forum.
I went and bought a new player.... I'm not that pissed at all. I'm pissed how they arent addressing the issue of people spending LOTS of money on disks that no longer work. But this goes to my point on what I was saying. DVDfab said they had the fix and it turns out they didnt.
All people wanted from DVDfab was opps they messed up but are working on a fix. People dont want the go tell Sony you are made at them.
To my point of buying another player you said its just an option well if all they have is a PS3 then buying a new player is the only problem.
and no one would "Bitch" as you put it if DVDfab didnt claim to have the fix for it.
I do understand how I'm just saying what the problem is and you just ban people from the boards that say there peace.