I've had to revert back to as is extremely slow converting 50GB discs to 25 GB discs.
When recoding the MB/s is in the .80 range and when it finally finishes over 8 hrs later, it is near 1.2 MB/s.
After reinstalling, the job that I have running now is in the 983 MB/s range. When it first started, it was in the 50 MB/s range. The higher number is after running 15 minutes.
I don't know what was done to, but it is unusable at that horrible recoding speed.
EDIT: It has peaked as high as 7400 MB/s. never got above 2.0 GB/s.
When recoding the MB/s is in the .80 range and when it finally finishes over 8 hrs later, it is near 1.2 MB/s.
After reinstalling, the job that I have running now is in the 983 MB/s range. When it first started, it was in the 50 MB/s range. The higher number is after running 15 minutes.
I don't know what was done to, but it is unusable at that horrible recoding speed.
EDIT: It has peaked as high as 7400 MB/s. never got above 2.0 GB/s.