Invalid Address for Write Error is a result rather than an error in and of itself. Usually a write error causing the drive to attempt to write out of sequence. I'm going along with the media/optical drive incompatibility theory.
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Invalid Address for Write Error
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How to post the internal log
Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Albert Einstein
Thanks for All the Info
Thanks for all the help guys. You are Awesome!. I spent 4 hours replying to all the advice only to lose it when I sent it, so this will be shorter.
October262: The ASUS tech already had me disconnect one of the two blu ray drives, in case there might be a load sharing problem, so only one has been connected this past week. Thanks for the suggestion.
The blank disc issue:
The blanks I am using are: Verbatim DataLifePlus BD-R DL White Inkjet Hub Printable 50 GB, 6X, P/N:973345, Bar Code 23942 97334, made in Taiwan (most recent batch)
Verbatim DataLifePlus BD-R White Inkjet Hub Printable With Hard Coat 25 GB, 6X, P/N 97339, Bar Code 23942 97339, made in Taiwan.
3dman7: The disc you recommend, the Digistors are about half as expensive as the Verbatims above, which doesn't necessarily mean mine are better, but they worked fine before I went from Windows 7 to 10 and changed my blu ray drive from LG to ASUS. I will try some of the Digistors; they may work better and save me some $. I read online that ASUS's drives are crappier than LG or Pioneer, the latter being the best. Do you guys agree? After the time, trouble, and expense, I'm about ready try another one. Supposedly cheaper chipsets in the ASUS. The ASUS firmware link you gave is the firmware I tried and is still installed, no help. When I had the LG, I had some burn issues and tried firmware for a similar but different model and had no more burn problems. (Just a side note) I finally found something about OPC in the ImgBurn forum and it said it is disabled by default. Couldn't find how to enable it, unless it is the Test Mode box under Write tab. When it is checked, the Verify box auto unchecks. It brings up a message saying this may write onto the disc. Is this it? If so, I will try it on and off. Couldn't find OPC in DVDFab. Thanks for all your help - you are awesome!
Turak: You mentioned that the problem seems to happen when I when the burn program switches to the 2nd layer. Is this why the burn errors happen when I'm trying to clone burn DL discs? Does it mean that the problem is with the ASUS drive? Someone online suggested that since burning DL blanks is very iffy by nature, you should always burn to a single layer disc, even if there is considerable compression involved. Haven't tried to burn any multi-episode 50GB discs to 25GB discs because the compression was always into the upper 30%ages. Will give it a try. On some great TV series, I'd really like to keep the blu ray quality even if the blanks are a lot more expensive. I didn't know there are programs like Opti Drive Control. I downloaded it and tried it on a copied 25GB movie and tried to make a Test Disc and only got error messages. I used the manual, but couldn't get it to work. I emailed the owner of it for help. This is SO over my head. Was hoping to learn something from it. Is there another program I can understand enough to run? I did learn that my ASUS drive is using Firmware 3. The ASUS firmware download I tried and 3dman7 linked to is V1.01.51, so maybe it is not running my ASUS drive??? Should I remove it?
You wrote: " EVERY disc I burn, I check the 'quality' of the burn afterwards, looking at the PIE, PIF, and PIO errors.....which is the only way to really see the quality of the burn. Mind you only certain Blu-Ray Burners can even scan the discs for this information." Does mine do it? Could you explain how to check this? I've looked at the DVDFab logs, and it is mostly gobbily gook to me. Doctor, could you explain this in layman's terms? Thanks so much for all the help. I've already learned more than I ever thought I would want to know about this, and it's still not nearly enough. I look forward to hearing from you.
Quick Update
Thanks for the replies again guys. 3dman7 and october212: i found the ImgBurn box to enable to enable OPC and am about to attempt a copy of a 50GB multi-episode disc, then a burn on ImgBurn. Will send the burn log with the next post. 3dman7: I loaded a Verbatim 50GB blank from a batch I just bought and ImgBurn says it will burn 2X, 4X, 6X, and 8X. From what you said earlier, these disc should be good quality, right? Turak: I checked out the link to the Verbatim 50GB disc you recommend and they slightly cheaper than mine. Also they are the first 50GB discs I ever bought and had great results with them. Had trouble finding them to re-buy but didn't think to google it either (DUH). After trying mine (50GB) first with OPC enabled, think I'm gonna try 3dman7's Digistor's next, then yours if I'm still having problems.
Will repost w/ ImgBurn's log soon as it's done. Next think I'll try switching my new ASUS burners. Anxious to see what the burn log will show and see if I get a good copy. If I do get a good copy, should I try using DVDFab's burn program and, if so, what settings should I be sure it is set to? When I start getting some good burns, then I can try experimenting with different speeds. I read somewhere tonight that burning blu rays at the top two acceptable speeds, like 6X and 8X on a 6X blank produces the best quality burns. You would think the slower the speed, the better the quality burn. I am gonna try this burn on Imgburn @ 2X.
Turak: Thanks for your recommenations on burners. I'm starting to think that these ASUS burners may be the problem. I like your idea of using a Pioneer and a Lite-on because of the scanning disc capability of the Lite-on's. I was able to find a Pioneer BDR-2209 for about $80. Could not find a Lite-on iHBS 212. Two vendors show a Lite-on iHBS 212-08 but both are Out of Stock. Others have it discontinued. I have emailed Lite-on to find out if they are still selling them. Obviously gonna see if I can get the two ASUS's I have working OK first.
3dman7 and Turak: do you think I should uninstall the firmware I tried from ASUS? It has it's own uninstall, which I could use using Revo Uninstaller or Iobit Uninstaller - both use the program's own uninstaller and have a feature that removes leftover files. I could also uninstall it using a Restore Point. I made one before installing it. As I stated earlier, ImgBurn shows the firmware as 3, not the ASUS firmware Version name. Should I leave it, uninstall it (by which method), or wait and see depending on these new burn attempts? Sorry I'm so clueless on these issues.
Turak: Would you let me know if my ASUS shows the burn details you talked about on this ImgBurn? Might these details show on a DVDFab burn?
Incidentally, I tried burning a 50GB multi-episode disc down to a 25GB disc. Found out that using the Full Disc mode on DVDFab, using the burn back onto the blu-ray drive, it clone copies the disc first (I suppose to the DVDFab temp file) then compresses the burn process down to the loaded 25 GB blank. Well, after finishing the copy process and ejecting the 50GB disc, the program didn't make it's usual recurring sound to load a blank disc and when I loaded the blank 25GB disc and hit Start the program wouldn't start. Don't know why. I cancelled it out. Will try again later and see.
Will repost with the results and the ImgBurn log. Thanks again guys.
Read post #14 again look at the posted picture put the 50 gig disk in the drive and open Imgburn select discover from the choices displayed look and see what it says for disk manufacture that's loaded in your drive this is to make sure the disk is not made by Ritec or other manufacture.
When I say I generally find disks made that are 6x can be burned at 10x to be good disks I speak about these making no coasters with the drives I owned Pioneers and LG'S even at the 10x speed.I find the Fab burner slows down and speeds up where it feels it can produces good results and Img burn can also be set this way.General advice is to burn at 1/2 the disk rated speed however the variable burn speed also produces good results
This advice apply if the disk and burner likes each other not when they won't burn layer #2 on a 50 gig disk.As I said before I helped many people with this problem in the past changing to quality brands of disks always helped and with some players setting Img burn to OPC before burn and slowing disk speed down on cheaper blank media worked in some cases.Firmware updates are critical to maintain up to date burning and reading of disks so this comes first then everything else after.This is from many years of helping people.
Do you still have the other drives you had before you upgraded to windows 10 to give them a try?
About the 50 gig to 25 gig problem post the internal log file for it I believe this version of Fab has compression problems sometimes use version 9 of Fab and retry but post the log for staff to look at please.
Hi WhoDatRazor...
Typically, you CAN NOT uninstall firmware. It is not something that is part of the operating system on your computer. It is code that is copied into a ROM/Flash memory chip that is inside your Burner.
Typically when you upgrade the firmware, you can not go back to a previous version, unless the device allows you to downgrade the firmware, which they typically do not. Plus you would have to have the previous version of firmware in order to even try.
I am not surprised that you would have difficulty finding a Lite-On iHBS212, it is a fairly old burner. Unfortunately Lite-On quit making Blu-Ray burners some time ago, as did Sony.
If you really wanted one, you would probably have to go to EBAY. But I would only use it for scanning nowadays. If I were getting a new Blu-Ray Burner for burning Blu-Rays, I would go with a Pioneer. Here is the one I had bought, they are still available through Newegg;
VERY GOOD quality burns with 'good' Verbatim discs (i.e. Manufactured in Singapore, United Arab Emirite, or Japan). Fairly quality burns with Optical Quantum discs. Poor quality with Ritek and Smartbuy discs. Do not know about TDK discs. Remember that different burners can like/dislike different brands of discs. It really all depends a lot on what discs the manufacturer tested and optimized them for and the overall quality of the discs.
But you can NOT use it for scanning Blu-Ray discs. It can scan DVD's.
Pioneer's, LG's, and Plextor's CAN NOT do quality scanning of Blu-Rays.
The only burners I know that can do quality scanning of Blu-Rays are Lite-On and Samsung Blu-Ray Burners.
You might also find a 'rebranded' burner that is actually a Lite-On mechanism that can. Some Sony's were rebranded Lite-On's. But, it is not easy to tell what is a rebranded Lite-On. If you REALLY want to get into quality scanning your discs, I think you would be better off looking on EBAY for a Lite-On Burner and you might want to stay away from the used ones.Last edited by Turak; 04-07-2017, 03:56 AM.
3dman7 Latest Post Reply
Hi 3dman. I did look at the disc manufacturer on Imgburn. It shows that the manufacturer is indeed Verbatim, not a knock-off. The discs Are supposed to be from Taiwan, so according to you (or maybe Turak), they could a a lower quality than those from United Emirates or Japan or Singapore. You guys tell me. I burned a 50GB disc on Imgburn using OPC on at 2X and 6X, got those same error messages @ 73-74% when the burn switches to the 2nd layer. Will include the logs for them and the log for the 50GB to 25GB Full Disc copy If I can find it. Since DVDFab locked up and wouldn't start the burn that was compressing the clone copy it made, don't know if there is any log on that. If I can find something, I will include it 3dman7. Next, will buy a package of the 25GB and 50GB's you recommended and see if that helps. If it solves the 50GB burn problems, that will be great - and they are about half price what I'v been spending. I have already ordered a Pioneer BDR-209DBK from Newegg. It's a little cheaper than the Pioneer BDR 2209 is recommending. The difference is mine won't burn the Blu ray 100GB or 140GB's that's out there now, I guess. Don't know anything those. Dual layer BD's are giving me enough trouble as it is, LOL. Please let me know if spending $25 more on the 2209 vs the 209 is worth it in your opinion. If I get a reply ASAP, I may be able to change the Newegg order.
Changing the subject, I've started looking into multi backing up by computer using one of my external hard drives and maybe also to a cloud. I understand some of the clouds will let you also put large video files on them, and some not. I idea of putting some movies or TV episodes there to view on a mobile device is enticing. Any cloud suggestions for both applications. You sound like you know about this. Would appreciate your input.
Well, trying your discs on my (crappy) new ASUS drive and trying out a new Pioneer when it arrives, maybe I'll finally resolve this. Thanks again for all your help. With all the time and money spent so, Id like to solve this once and for all. I'll have 2 new ASUS drives that I may or may not be able to get any use out of. Oh well. Thanks again. Please respond ASAP if you think I ordered the wrong Pioneer, otherwise I look forward to your further responses. Bye.
Turak Reply
Hi Turak. I thought, as you said, that firmware updates should not show up as installed programs. The one I installed from ASUS must not be formware, I guess. The firmware showing up for my ASUS is different, so I'm going to uninstall that ASUS whatever it is. I just ordered from Newegg a Pioneer 209-BDK. Passed on your suggested 2099 BDK. It's about $25 more and has 100GB triple layer and 140GB quad layer copy(or burn?) capability. Never heard of that technology. Scares me a little, given the problems I'm having with Double Layer. If you can tell me about the worth of this technology and think it's worth the extra $, please let me know ASAP. I might be able to switch to buying it.
As I said in the reply to 3dman7, I tried burning a practically virgin Band of Brothers multi episode disc copied on my C: drive using OPC @ 2X and 6X speed on ImgBurn. Got the error message on both right where it switches to the 2nd layer, around 74%. ImgBurn says my blank 50GB discs are in fact Verbatim manufactured discs, although the discs say they are from Taiwan. Gonna try 3dman7's cheaper discs and see how they do. Also gonna try all discs on the Pioneer I ordered (unless I switch to your suggestion) Think I may have found a refurbished Lite-on on Ebay, if memory serves. Given I may end up with 2 new ASUS burners that are pretty much useless, I'm undecided whether to get a not new Lite-on so I can scan copied blu rays. Would be nice to know I can analyze a copied BD, but is it worth it? Undecided. Pissed what a nightmare this has turned into. Wish I hadn't trashed my old LG blu ray burner. Was only having trouble with the eject and thought with all the burns I had on it, maybe was time for a new one. Obviously didn't research the ASUS adequately. Later. Let know ASAP about the Pioneers if you think I made a mistake. Made enough already, I think.
I would have waited until you tried the new disks why buy a new drive if all you needed was new disks? Anyway you will be happy with any Pioneer drive when you get it check for new firmware at the Pioneer web page before you start any burning.You can always sell the drives on Ebay or garage sale so it won't be a total loss but try the different disks first then I would keep one old drive and the new drive if the other disks will work in the old drives.Can the 2 the new Asus drives be returned?
Just a thought here have you tried to burn a regular movie that is big enough to use both layers but not the same episode disk you have been using a big movie uncompressed like Avatar to see if that iso your using is defective?
If you want to test the episode disk test for errors and test it's files with a free tester program called VSO inspector this will scan the disk or file and give a full report on if it's files are ok
download it here
If using a disk you load disk in tray select play on any media player then still it and place in tray now open VSO inspector select scan from the upper bar with selections and start a file and surface of the disk press start the disk will be scanned for errors and a full report will come up at end this can Take awhile.
For iso's on hard drive you also need Fab's free virtual drive program it's on Fabs front page if you don't already have it load the iso into Fabs virtual drive then open VSO inspector in VSO'a top menu select the pull down box where your drive is listed then you will see other drives on your computer select virtual drive with the iso in it now play the iso with a media player using the virtual drive as (play from) then still it then place media player in tray select scan from upper bar in VSO inspector choices and start. When done a full report will be issued to see if theirs any errors on that iso that will prevent burning the disk.Last edited by 3dman; 04-07-2017, 08:25 PM.
Hi WhoDatRazor. You should be fine with the Pioneer BDR-209DBK. The only real difference between the two is the BDR-2209 also supports the triple layer (75GB) and quad layer (100GB) disks, which are REAL expensive anyway.
I too had tried an ASUS drive and immediately returned it, before I bought my Pioneer Burner. Believe me, you will be VERY HAPPY with your Pioneer.
As for scanning discs, It is really only useful for telling the 'true' quality of the burns. When I buy a batch of discs, especially new or different brand discs, I like to run some test burns at 4x, 6x, 8x, etc and then scan the quality to see which speed is giving me the 'best' quality burn. You would think the lower the speed, the better the burn, but that is not necessarily true always.
I know, I am kind of a geek as far as the quality scanning is concerned. Most people are just happy if they burn successfully. They watch them (movies that is) and if they don't skip, hang, or stutter, they are happy.
I really find the scanning useful for telling which brands of discs truly work the best with my burner.
EVERY disc (CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray) has errors when they are burned. The error correction algorithms in the hardware minimize the effects of these errors. But if the errors are bad enough, it is one of the reasons that you get the skipping, hanging, stuttering, etc. when you try to play them.
But, is it worth the investment of another burner just for scanning.....well that is for you to decide.
As for your ASUS burner, you may find that it will work ok on a Windows 7 machine, or with some other brands of discs. Another thing you could try is to check the SATA controller driver being used on your machine. It could be using some generic/Microsoft driver. Your Motherboard manufacturer may have a custom driver made just for their motherboard/SATA Controller that works better. Or you may find that ASUS will release another firmware upgrade at some point which corrects the problem.
I feel sorry for you finding out the hard way that they are problematic burners. I know that wasting/failing double layer Blu-Rays burns can get expensive at $3-$5 a disc. You can always try contacting ASUS and explain to them that you are tired of trying to get them to work and would just like a refund. Many times, even if the place you bought them from won't give you a refund, the manufacturer may. Especially if they are still under the manufacturers warranty period.
Glad to try and help....Last edited by Turak; 04-07-2017, 08:42 PM.
Also recheck that you have the correct firmware for windows 10 64 bit it's here and says it's version 101.51 your logs show version 3.0 or no version listed after your drive in the latest logs you posted there's different firmware for each model of windows and also a pro model of your drive with the exact same model number with pro listed after the model number.Try burning this using this version of the firmware on one of the burners and see if it works any better or is the same.Use the pull down box select windows 10 64bit the first choice in the list.
ASUS internal Blu-ray drives open up the world of optical media with compatibility all the way to high-capacity BDXL – plus M-DISC™ support to save your precious memories for a millennium. Every drive includes robust, professional backup software, so it’s easy to keep your data safe.Last edited by 3dman; 04-07-2017, 09:33 PM.
Thx for the Quick Replies
Hello again guys. First, 3dman7: the firmware on this and your other firmware link is the one I tried downloading. It's the one that listed as an app that I mentioned earlier. It didn't help and I just uninstalled it using Revo. There were no leftover files to delet after using its own uninstall program. As Turak mentioned, being firmware (utility), it shouldn't have shown up as an installed program, making me wonder what the heck it is. Anyway it didn't help, and now it's gone. Next, I don't have a blu ray media player anymore on my computer. I used to have Total Media Theater, which worked well and sounded surprising good on my crappy Gateway 2 speakers and Woofer. I never watch blu rays on my computer, and since I would have to buy it again (yearly subscirption), I chose not to. An online source said VLC Media Player would work with blu rays, but does not. However, I did load DVDFab's Virtual Drive and the VSO Inspector program and loaded the iso onto the Virtual Drive and tested it on VSO Inspector. It came out 100% on the test. Don't understand why there is the intermediate step of playing it first on a media player and testing the media player. Anyway, just tested the original blu ray disc on VSO Inspector. It showed no problems or errors. I may have jumped the gun getting a new Pioneer drive, but am sick and tired of the DL frizbees. Also, I ordered some of your recommended Digistor 25GB and 50 GB blanks. If they work better than mine, it'll save me some big $. Thanks for that. I will try burning a long 25+GB movie just to see if I get the error, but I'm not optimistic. What's one more frizbee?I'll hold off asking about the Cloud stuff I mentioned in the last post. One at a time.
october 262: As these posts show, I'm still having the same problem. Thanks for asking.
Turak: Thanks for answering so soon. The Pioneer is on the way and I'm hopeful. It'll be well worth it if the problem stops. I agree it would be real nice to know the quality of each burn, especially while trying to find the best blanks to use, but I'll probably hold off awhile getting a refurbished Lite-on for that. I've already gone thru some serious $. Thanks for the suggestion of reselling one or both ASUS's on Ebay. I may very well do that. Can't return them now, too long. Gonna see how the Pro Digistor discs 3dman suggested will work first. Thanks for all the help and time guys. As they would say where I'm from, Ya'll are blowin' me away! Will keep you posted.
ASUS Firmware Updates
That program appears to be nothing more than a utility for reducing the power consumption of the drive.
I didn't see any firmware updates for the Optical drives. I also searched the web and can not seem to locate any actual firmware updates directly from ASUS.
I did find a site that indicated that the current firmware for the drive is 3.0.0. Not sure if that is totally correct or not.
It is possible that maybe you can install that program and there is an option in it for downloading firmware. Can't confirm that or not since I do not have an ASUS drive and do not want to install that software just to look.
I found firmware updates on the ASUS site for routers and motherboards, but nothing for the Blu-ray burners (optical drives).
Maybe someone can chime in who has actually performed a firmware update on an ASUS drive. Is there an option in the power consumption utility to actually update the firmware on the Burner???
WhoDatRazor, Did you see an option in that utility for actually downloading or updating the firmware in your ASUS drive?