Originally posted by unknownbluray
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BTW an upconverting DVD was worth writing home about to me! I purchased one as soon as I could afford it.

Please don't trust my perception, do your own testing and pick a size/bitrate that works best for you. I am not an expert on encoding, I found what works for me, anyone is welcome to take it, modify it or simply leave it.
I store and play my movies from my media tank, not BRD, even though HDD is fairly cheap these days, size does matter to me and this size/bitrate works for me. If I stored my movie backups on a BRD I would encode it to fit a BRD, that is, if the "movie only" needed resizing.
Yes, those items you listed will reduce your encoding time significantly. In my case, going from dual to quad (same MB) cut my encoding times almost exactly in half, so adding CPU's for encoding seems to be linear.
Also, what is your current setup? I was able to swap the CPU and still use the same MB because it supported quad. Is that an option for you?