Hi !
i'm using DvdFab to backup the Proposal. When I read the resulting files in the directory VIDEO_TS on my hard drive, I can hear the sound. However, when I burn those files (either using Nero or DvdFab burn), the movie on the DVD has no "voice"; I can hear the background sound but not the voices ?!? Tried playback with PowerDVD and Media Player, same result... any clues ??? Thanks !
i'm using DvdFab to backup the Proposal. When I read the resulting files in the directory VIDEO_TS on my hard drive, I can hear the sound. However, when I burn those files (either using Nero or DvdFab burn), the movie on the DVD has no "voice"; I can hear the background sound but not the voices ?!? Tried playback with PowerDVD and Media Player, same result... any clues ??? Thanks !