My issue was a set top player setting. I've been playing MKV files on it and I guess it changes to look for files on the disc. I changed that setting for the disc to BDAV/AVCHD and now it plays them as it should. This is on the Panasonic 871.
No announcement yet.
World war Z not working
How to post the internal log
Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Albert Einstein
How about if copy to HDD first and then burning the folder or ISO to disc using ImgBurn?
WilsonPlease post your logs the default location is:
For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.
hi glens,
turned off pathfinder did a copy no luck will not play on stand alone or on my computer this was done on the new machine running windows 7 have enclosed internal log.
DVDFab (2013/10/26 10:31:31)
0m 00.14s: Start preload dll...
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: 91:8260762964
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: 1:8260762964
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: 20:8260762964
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: 60:8260762964
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: 200:1443824760
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: OV:9072
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: BV:9072
0m 00.81s: Parse string is: S:8d72733a9b2f76c220386f9204053cc9
0m 00.82s: Option check status: Local
0m 00.82s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
0m 00.82s: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 00.82s: CommmandLine:
0m 00.18s: Load dll successful.
0m 00.20s: Start load fabplay dll...
0m 00.20s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 00.88s: Start get sys number.
0m 00.28s: Load fabplay dll successful.
0m 00.28s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.28s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:\Users\user1\Documents\DVDFab9\Log\
0m 00.99s: Serial number is: 94-44-52-ed-ad-9b:f4-6d-04-32-e5-55
0m 00.99s: Reg URL link is:
0m 00.99s: Version is: 9072
0m 00.99s: Product is: 2
0m 00.99s: Connect type is: 0
0m 00.48s: fab_check_gpu is running ...
0m 01.40s: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 01.03s: fab_check_gpu run successful
0m 01.03s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 4
0m 01.03s: GPUAccelerate: 3
0m 01.03s: CUDA cap: 0
0m 01.04s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 01.04s: Graphics info: ATI Radeon HD 5450 : :
0m 01.05s: Load config successful.
0m 01.10s: Windows os type is: 13.
0m 01.90s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 02.15s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: 91:8260762964
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: 1:8260762964
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: 20:8260762964
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: 60:8260762964
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: 200:1443824760
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: OV:9072
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: BV:9072
0m 02.16s: Parse string is: S:09711f9656dd8880660ea98063ee879c
0m 02.17s: Option check status: NewWork
0m 02.17s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
0m 02.26s: Init internal engine successful.
0m 02.45s: locale: en_GB
lan: ENU
default font: ms shell dlg
use font: Arial
fonts: Aharoni,Andalus,Angsana New,AngsanaUPC,Aparajita,Arabic Typesetting,Arial,Arial Black,Batang,BatangChe,Browallia New,BrowalliaUPC,Calibri,Calibri Light,Cambria,Cambria Math,Candara,Comic Sans MS,Consolas,Constantia,Corbel,Cordia New,CordiaUPC,Courier,Courier New,DaunPenh,David,DejaVu Sans,DejaVu Sans Condensed,DejaVu Sans Light,DejaVu Sans Mono,DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed,DFKai-SB,DilleniaUPC,DokChampa,Dotum,DotumChe,DYMO Symbols,Ebrima,Estrangelo Edessa,EucrosiaUPC,Euphemia,FangSong,Fixedsys,Fran klin Gothic Medium,FrankRuehl,FreesiaUPC,Gabriola,Gautami,Gent ium Basic,Gentium Book Basic,Georgia,Gisha,Gulim,GulimChe,Gungsuh,Gungsuh Che,Impact,IrisUPC,Iskoola Pota,JasmineUPC,KaiTi,Kalinga,Kartika,Khmer UI,KodchiangUPC,Kokila,Lao UI,Latha,Leelawadee,Levenim MT,LilyUPC,Lucida Console,Lucida Sans Unicode,Malgun Gothic,Mangal,Marlett,Meiryo,Meiryo UI,Microsoft Himalaya,Microsoft JhengHei,Microsoft New Tai Lue,Microsoft PhagsPt 0m 02.09s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 08.12s: Init burn engine successful.
0m 10.12s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
0m 10.12s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
0m 10.15s: opening drive F
0m 10.18s: opened i/o
0m 10.18s: got media type 14
0m 10.19s: got max lba 0
0m 10.40s: opening drive D
0m 10.40s: opened i/o
0m 42.47s: opening drive F
0m 43.33s: opened i/o
0m 43.40s: got media type 5
0m 43.65s: got max lba 0
0m 45.65s: opening drive D
0m 47.25s: opened i/o
0m 47.26s: got media type 4
0m 47.35s: got max lba 3821711
0m 47.35s: got disc type 10
0m 47.38s: type DVD-VIDEO
0m 47.38s: volume label WORLD_WAR_Z
0m 47.42s: internal path D:/VIDEO_TS/
0m 47.44s: got copyright 1 ed
0m 47.76s: got udf/iso
0m 51.59s: got discinfo
0m 51.61s: pathplayer disabled 0
0m 55.19s: got dvdinfo
0m 55.20s: opened dvd
1m 13.02s: Burn data size is: 189
1m 13.03s: Burn disc space is: 4488
1m 13.97s: DVD Copy
1m 13.97s: Source: D:/
1m 13.97s: SourceSize: 33689 MB
1m 13.97s: OutputSize: 4300 MB
1m 51.27s: burn folder C:\Users\user1\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\FullDisc\WOR LD_WAR_Z\ with VSO
DVDFab (2013/10/26 10:55:40)
0m 00.12s: Start preload dll...
0m 00.17s: Load dll successful.
0m 00.17s: Start load fabplay dll...
0m 00.23s: Load fabplay dll successful.
0m 00.23s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.24s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:\Users\user1\Documents\DVDFab9\Log\
0m 00.26s: fab_check_gpu is running ...
0m 00.46s: fab_check_gpu run successful
0m 00.48s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 4
0m 00.48s: GPUAccelerate: 3
0m 00.48s: CUDA cap: 0
0m 00.48s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 00.48s: Graphics info: ATI Radeon HD 5450 : :
0m 00.48s: Load config successful.
0m 00.48s: Windows os type is: 13.
0m 00.54s: Parse string is: 91:8260762964
0m 00.54s: Parse string is: 1:8260762964
0m 00.54s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
0m 00.54s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
0m 00.54s: Parse string is: 20:8260762964
0m 00.54s: Parse string is: 60:8260762964
0m 00.54s: Parse string is: 200:1443824760
0m 00.56s: Parse string is: OV:9072
0m 00.56s: Parse string is: BV:9072
0m 00.56s: Parse string is: S:09711f9656dd8880660ea98063ee879c
0m 00.56s: Option check status: Local
0m 00.56s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
0m 00.56s: Start get sys number.
0m 00.57s: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 00.57s: CommmandLine:
0m 00.57s: Serial number is: 94-44-52-ed-ad-9b:f4-6d-04-32-e5-55
0m 00.57s: Reg URL link is:
0m 00.57s: Version is: 9072
0m 00.57s: Product is: 2
0m 00.57s: Connect type is: 0
0m 01.15s: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 01.55s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 01.55s: Parse string is: 91:8260762964
0m 01.55s: Parse string is: 1:8260762964
0m 01.55s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
0m 01.56s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
0m 01.56s: Parse string is: 20:8260762964
0m 01.56s: Parse string is: 60:8260762964
0m 01.56s: Parse string is: 200:1443824760
0m 01.56s: Parse string is: OV:9072
0m 01.56s: Parse string is: BV:9072
0m 01.56s: Parse string is: S:fd14cec8b634b93149aac64c96371e00
0m 01.57s: Option check status: NewWork
0m 01.58s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
0m 01.78s: Init internal engine successful.
0m 01.89s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 01.97s: locale: en_GB
lan: ENU
default font: ms shell dlg
use font: Arial
fonts: Aharoni,Andalus,Angsana New,AngsanaUPC,Aparajita,Arabic Typesetting,Arial,Arial Black,Batang,BatangChe,Browallia New,BrowalliaUPC,Calibri,Calibri Light,Cambria,Cambria Math,Candara,Comic Sans MS,Consolas,Constantia,Corbel,Cordia New,CordiaUPC,Courier,Courier New,DaunPenh,David,DejaVu Sans,DejaVu Sans Condensed,DejaVu Sans Light,DejaVu Sans Mono,DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed,DFKai-SB,DilleniaUPC,DokChampa,Dotum,DotumChe,DYMO Symbols,Ebrima,Estrangelo Edessa,EucrosiaUPC,Euphemia,FangSong,Fixedsys,Fran klin Gothic Medium,FrankRuehl,FreesiaUPC,Gabriola,Gautami,Gent ium Basic,Gentium Book Basic,Georgia,Gisha,Gulim,GulimChe,Gungsuh,Gungsuh Che,Impact,IrisUPC,Iskoola Pota,JasmineUPC,KaiTi,Kalinga,Kartika,Khmer UI,KodchiangUPC,Kokila,Lao UI,Latha,Leelawadee,Levenim MT,LilyUPC,Lucida Console,Lucida Sans Unicode,Malgun Gothic,Mangal,Marlett,Meiryo,Meiryo UI,Microsoft Himalaya,Microsoft JhengHei,Microsoft New Tai Lue,Microsoft PhagsPt 0m 07.57s: Init burn engine successful.
0m 09.54s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
0m 09.54s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
0m 09.80s: opening drive D
0m 09.81s: opened i/o
0m 09.81s: opening drive F
0m 09.84s: opened i/o
Try what Wilson say's download img burn
This is free software to burn DVDs and blu rays put the DVD on your hard drive by changing the output from your dvd drive to a folder in fab then just open img burn and drag and drop into img burn do the burn this way and see if it plays on all your players this will help Fab to see if this is a Fab problem or not.Try it with pathfinder on and off if you have a rewritable disk you won't waste those expensive blanks.Last edited by glenns; 07-14-2014, 09:19 AM.
How to post the internal log
Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Albert Einstein
Wilson can you explain this from her two logs.
This is with pathfinder off
0m 51.61s: pathplayer disabled 0
0m 55.19s: got dvdinfo
0m 55.20s: opened dvd
1m 13.02s: Burn data size is: 189 (This is not right)
1m 13.03s: Burn disc space is: 4488
1m 13.97s: DVD Copy
1m 13.97s: Source: D:/
1m 13.97s: SourceSize: 33689 MB (This is a dvd so this can't be right)
1m 13.97s: OutputSize: 4300 MB
This is with pathfinder on
3m 55.83s: Burn data size is: 6628 (OK here)
3m 55.84s: Burn disc space is: 8152 (OK here)
3m 56.74s: DVD Copy
3m 56.74s: Source: D:/
3m 56.75s: SourceSize: 35358 MB (This can't be right its a dvd)
3m 56.75s: OutputSize: 8100 MB
Mickey do you now have your burn file in Fabs logs? You did burn some different disks that worked after you say so check to see if the burn log is their now and if it has the disk that failed to play.If so send us the logs in a post if not you should have a burn folder in your logs.What region disk is this and where did you buy it?
hi all,
since my last posting I have downloaded and tried to copy world war z, which it did ok but again when placed in a stand alone player it would not run ( it said playing ). I then placed it in a finlux tv combi unit that I have and it started playing ok. so removed it and put it back in my sony stand alone player again it would not play then by mistake I pressed the pause button on the remote then pressed it again and the disc started to play, but found that I had to press the forward skip button on my Panasonic players to get the disc to play, so there seems to be a glitch in the program that requires you to press extra buttons on the remote to get this disc to play.
by the way these buttons also work on version that I copied early. perhaps someone else out there can try this to see if it works for them.
regards all
Mickey:This I believe is a UK problem with your players not a U.S. problem as no one else has complained about this disk with your exact problem that lives in the US and I had no problem with my US 3d copy.Did you try burning the disk with img burn? Most of the people that had problems used a free version of passkey or had different kinds of problems those in the topic's earlier posts.
I really believe it's the player's being different from ours as their was a big black screen problem in the past in the UK with UK players.Last edited by glenns; 10-30-2013, 07:00 AM.
hi there,
its me again, have just downloaded the ran my copy of world war z and you guest it it does not play on any of my stand alone players. it copys and burns ok just will not run in the players,it will run ok on dvdfab player but that does not help me, so unless someone out there has a different solution, and after 10 attemps on dl disc(verbatim) at a cost of allmost £10 i will admit
defeat, there does not seem to be a fix for this glitch. I will enclose the internal log file in case it helps some else.
DVDFab (2013/11/01 20:57:51)
0m 10.26s: Start preload dll...
0m 10.32s: Load dll successful.
0m 10.32s: Start load fabplay dll...
0m 10.42s: Load fabplay dll successful.
0m 10.42s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 10.42s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:\Documents and Settings\charlie\My Documents\DVDFab9\Log\
0m 10.50s: fab_check_gpu is running ...
0m 12.98s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 13.48s: fab_check_gpu run successful
0m 13.51s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 2
0m 13.51s: GPUAccelerate: 0
0m 13.51s: CUDA cap: 0
0m 13.53s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 13.53s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE : :
0m 13.53s: Load config successful.
0m 13.54s: Windows os type is: 9.
0m 15.20s: Option check status: Failed
0m 15.20s: HD Decrypter-1-0-215811
0m 15.20s: DVD to DVD (Gold)-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: DVD to DVD-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: DVD to Mobile-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: Blu-ray to Blu-ray-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: Blu-ray to Mobile-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: File to Mobile-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: Blu-ray to DVD-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: File to DVD-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: File to Blu-ray-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: File Mover-1-0-215811
0m 15.21s: Blu-ray to 3D-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: 2D to 3D-0-0-200011
0m 15.21s: Blu-ray Decrypt-1-0-200011
0m 15.21s: DVD Decrypt-1-0-200011
0m 15.21s: Start get sys number.
0m 15.23s: Serial number is: 00-22-75-92-f8-d0
0m 15.23s: Reg URL link is:
0m 15.23s: Version is: 9101
0m 15.23s: Product is: 2
0m 15.23s: Connect type is: 0
0m 17.81s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: 91:8260762964
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: 1:8260762964
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: 20:8260762964
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: 60:8260762964
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: 200:1443824760
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: OV:9072
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: BV:9101
0m 17.82s: Parse string is: S:35f0c2a9b75c8e21c122bd9edfa01d25
0m 18.28s: Option check status: NewWork
0m 18.28s: HD Decrypter-1-0-215811
0m 18.28s: DVD to DVD (Gold)-1-1-22311011
0m 18.28s: DVD to DVD-1-1-22311011
0m 18.28s: DVD to Mobile-1-1-22311011
0m 18.28s: Blu-ray to Blu-ray-1-1-22311011
0m 18.28s: Blu-ray to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 18.28s: File to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 18.28s: Blu-ray to DVD-1-1-22311011
0m 18.29s: File to DVD-1-0-215811
0m 18.29s: File to Blu-ray-1-0-215811
0m 18.29s: File Mover-1-0-215811
0m 18.29s: Blu-ray to 3D-1-0-215811
0m 18.29s: 2D to 3D-1-0-215811
0m 18.29s: Blu-ray Decrypt-1-0-200011
0m 18.29s: DVD Decrypt-1-0-200011
0m 18.29s: End check info.
0m 18.57s: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 18.57s: CommmandLine:
0m 20.50s: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 20.51s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
0m 20.85s: locale: en_GB lan: ENU use font: Arial
0m 20.85s:
0m 20.85s: Arial,Arial Black,Arial Narrow,Arimo,Blackadder ITC,Book Antiqua,Bookman Old Style,Bookshelf Symbol 7,Bradley Hand ITC,Century Gothic,
0m 20.85s: Comic Sans MS,Copperplate Gothic Bold,Copperplate Gothic Light,Courier,Courier New,Curlz MT,DejaVu Sans,DejaVu Sans Condensed,DejaVu Sans Light,DejaVu Sans Mono,
0m 20.85s: DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed,Edwardian Script ITC,Engravers MT,Eras Demi ITC,Eras Light ITC,Estrangelo Edessa,Eurostile,Felix Titling,Fixedsys,
0m 20.85s: Franklin Gothic Book,Franklin Gothic Demi,Franklin Gothic Demi Cond,Franklin Gothic Heavy,Franklin Gothic Medium,Franklin Gothic Medium Cond,French Script MT,Garamond,Gautami,Gentium Basic,
0m 20.85s: Gentium Book Basic,Georgia,Impact,Jokerman,Juice ITC,Kartika,Kristen ITC,Latha,Lucida Console,Lucida Sans,
0m 20.85s: Lucida Sans Unicode,Maiandra GD,Mangal,Marlett,Matisse ITC,Microsoft Sans Serif,Mistral,Modern,Monotype Corsiva,MS Outlook,
0m 20.85s: MS Reference 1,MS Reference 2,MS Reference Sans Serif,MS Reference Specialty,MS Sans Serif,MS Serif,MS Shell Dlg,MT Extra,MV Boli,Myriad Web Pro,
0m 20.85s: Myriad Web Pro Condensed,OCR A Extended,OpenSymbol,Palatino Linotype,Papyrus,Perpetua,Raavi,Rockwell,Rockwell Extra Bold,Roman,
0m 20.85s: Script,Script MT Bold,Segoe Media Center,Segoe Media Center Semibold,Shruti,Small Fonts,Sylfaen,Symbol,System,Tahoma,
0m 20.87s: Tahoma Small Cap,Tempus Sans ITC,Terminal,Times New Roman,Trebuchet MS,Tunga,Verdana,Vivaldi,Vrinda,Webdings,
0m 20.87s: Wingdings,Wingdings 2,Wingdings 3,
0m 20.87s:
0m 25.42s: Init burn engine successful.
0m 30.53s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
0m 30.53s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
0m 30.53s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
0m 30.57s: opening drive K
0m 30.59s: opened i/o
0m 30.60s: got media type 14
0m 30.60s: got max lba 0
0m 35.79s: opening drive E
0m 35.79s: opened i/o
0m 35.90s: opening drive F
0m 35.90s: opened i/o
0m 35.92s: opening drive K
0m 35.93s: opened i/o
0m 35.93s: got media type 14
0m 35.95s: got max lba 0
1m 23.35s: opening drive E
1m 25.35s: opened i/o
1m 25.35s: got media type 4
1m 25.50s: got max lba 3821711
1m 25.51s: got disc type 10
1m 25.54s: type DVD-VIDEO
1m 25.54s: volume label WORLD_WAR_Z
1m 25.56s: Open blu-ray disc expired time: 22311011
1m 25.56s: internal path E:/VIDEO_TS/
1m 25.64s: got copyright 1 ed
1m 26.12s: got udf/iso
1m 31.35s: got discinfo
1m 31.39s: pathplayer enabled
1m 32.42s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 sector_125 count_7
1m 35.62s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 sector_5339 count_4
1m 44.87s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 sector_11016 count_4
1m 44.93s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_15 cell_1 sector_22524 count_3
1m 44.96s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 sector_22638 count_4
1m 45.00s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 sector_22754 count_10
1m 45.18s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 sector_22870 count_3
1m 46.07s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 sector_21936 count_14
1m 46.14s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_4 sector_22290 count_14
1m 46.17s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_2 sector_22054 count_14
1m 46.21s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_3 sector_22172 count_14
1m 46.26s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_5 sector_22408 count_12
2m 03.96s: got dvdinfo
2m 04.15s: opened dvd
2m 28.26s: Burn data size is: 6628
2m 28.26s: Burn disc space is: 8152
2m 30.12s: DVD Copy
2m 30.12s: Source: E:/
2m 30.12s: SourceSize: 35358 MB
2m 30.12s: OutputSize: 8100 MB
17m 32.43s: burn folder C:\Documents and Settings\charlie\My Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\FullDisc\WORLD_WAR_Z\ with VSO
Originally posted by mickey View Posthi there,
its me again, have just downloaded the ran my copy of world war z and you guest it it does not play on any of my stand alone players. it copys and burns ok just will not run in the players,it will run ok on dvdfab player but that does not help me, so unless someone out there has a different solution, and after 10 attemps on dl disc(verbatim) at a cost of allmost £10 i will admit
defeat, there does not seem to be a fix for this glitch. I will enclose the internal log file in case it helps some else.
Do you compress the WWZ to DVD 5? Is this issue only happened on this movie?User Manual for DVDFab v10 (pdf)
DVDFab log default location:
For Windows: C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab10\Log
For Mac: Finder> Documents> DVDFab10> Log
DVDFab Player 5:
For Windows:C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab Player 5\Log