I keep asking what wilson asked and no one is answering this.
(would you please save to HDD first and check the actual output size?)
Do this by placing mouse over file and see what windows says the size of the dvd on the hard drive.
That's why it's spitting out the disk try a dvd9 8.5 gig disk and see if it works with the full disk.
For the main movie go into fab settings and for dvd burner change the pull down box from vso burner to fab burner then see if this burner will burn the main movie on dvd 5.
Last edited by 3dman; 10-28-2016, 01:40 AM.
Reason: Made changes
The last thing i would try is to use the clone mode to hard drive then burn the disk on a dvd9 disk,If I had this disk i would burn with img burn burner.
Staff will get this fixed so don't worry it's a matter of time.
Where's the newest log after you changed the vso burn engine to Fab burn engine there's a new (Fab burn log) for that burn engine with the main movie? you re posted the VSO burn log.
it doesn't appear as tho it is compressing it to fit like it would everything else and forcing it to reject at least that's my understanding with those logs