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no PS3 export will work on my PS3

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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) no PS3 export will work on my PS3

    Dear Sirs,

    none of the export profiles in BD Ripper -> PS3 or MP4 will create a videofile wich is cappable to be streamed by avpnp to my PS3.
    DVD Ripper -> PS3 files work fine.
    I use DVDFab (beta) on a win7 64b HP System with nvidia CUDA 260.99 and Core AVC installed.

    My workarround is to use mediacoder to convert the exported files.
    One item i found in the profiles, the FOURCC Option is set to "1", but that is nonsense. i changed this to H264, but no effect.
    Any suggestions what to do?

    I tested the PS3 Export with BD AVATAR (Europe), 3rd Chapter only, Audio German, Subtitles German, forced only, direct rendered.

    Attached Files

    Have you tried to make a PS3 file with Cuda turned of in A/V Codec settings? If you have not I would go into common settings A/V Codec and change the available options to software to see if that will create a workable file



      i changed all A/V Codec Settings to "Software" and now the PS3-file will play on my PS3-System. See log attached.

      Do you mean this is a CUDA Problem, not a DVDFab one?
      Why does btw Mediacoder create usefull files with CUDA enabled?

      The fps without CUDA was near 24, with CUDA enabled near 40.

      Attached Files


        it may be bug but not sure as I not developer just a user like you who help out on the forum. But since you posted log file for with CUDA enabled and when Software Enabled the developers have something to look at to see what problem is.

        The conversion is faster using CUDA but is a new feature and some CUDA enabled graphic cards still not fully supported. If you know what version you have installed for your nvidea card you should say in a post and as well make sure you are using the most recent driver update for it as you need the latest update for CUDA to work correctly


          Hi all
          Sorry for this issue,we had know and devs do working for this,we'll try to fix it asap.
          thanks all

