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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) Bitrate Calculations Incorrect

    I know the last week or so there have been several releases to address issues with a couple Blu-Ray discs, including "The Dilemma".

    After updating to the latest version, I was able to successfully start a backup of "The Dilemma" Blu-Ray. The issue I ran into was that the UI wouldn't properly keep track of the selected file size/bitrate.

    If I entered "8053" as the "File Size", the bitrate would stay to some arbitrary low number, such as "559kbps". (see attached screen shot) The bits/pixel calculations to the right also confirmed that DVDfab was going to be using a very low bitrate during the backup.

    The final file size ended up being just under 1GB, most of which was the audio encode. The video itself was a very, very low bitrate & quality. I know there are going to be those that say enable/disable CUDA, but I believe this is a UI issue first.

    Has anyone else run into this problem?

    Thanks in advance!
    Attached Files

    I'm able to replicate this issue while trying to backup "True Grit" as well. This happens both when dragging the slider and manually entering a file size into the "Conversion Settings" window.


      I noticed in dvd ripper this and also no matter what changes I make in settings if I click set as default all go back to what dvdfab had originally set up. This includes even turning the volume up. This was not doing this in previous version I used yesterday. I can't even go back to previous version as I didn't save that version to my hard drive. I guess I got to go all the way back to 8085 as those are the only two versions offered to download. Hopefully when my disc comes in the mail it will have the last version 8097 on it.


        I've noticed the same thing--slide calculations are off and reset even after moving and setting as default...


          The pevious version 8097q was working way better for me than this version as I could do custom settings and was getting 55 fps in software mode with my very old Toshiba 1.83ghz Qosmio notebook. The only reason that I uninstalled and was forced to install this version then was because I got a problem that I ran into before with dvdfab as it seems like when it runs into something in cellphone rip mode that it has problems with the fps go down to like 10 fps and then it decides that your computer can only do all movies at 10 fps so I always end up uninstalling and re-installing and that solves the problem and brings me back up to 55 fps. however I wasn't expecting to have only 8098q to go to now. I guess I'll have to wait till they get some of the bugs out of this new release before I can copy any more tv shows over to ipad and cell phone.


            Hi dan76

            You could always save the installers on your computer.
            To do this make a folder in your downloads called DVD Fab Installers and when downloading a newer version click save and navigate to that folder and you will always have it there to reinstall in the future.

            Right click the version click run as administrator and install.

            I do something similar to this as I have 5 versions of 8 installed and running, if you would like to have different versions installed and choose which one to use see this.

            To do this:
            During install when the screen comes up when installing for destination folder I put C:\Program Files\DVDFab XXXX and start menu folder I put DVDFab XXXX, I change the blue from DVD Fab8xxx, and add the numbers of whatever version I am installing after the 8, which will allow me to have more than one version installed, right now I have 5 versions of 8 installed and running, make sure you select the option for an icon on your desktop, when done you may have to rename your desktop folder to the version that you installed also. See my pic

            Remember that older versions are not supported but, if you use the newer version for newer encryptions and an older version that is working for you for converting that is OK, as long as you get the desired results.

            Attached Files
            Last edited by CBR929; 06-09-2011, 08:15 PM. Reason: EDIT
            Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

            Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

            Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum


              Originally posted by CBR929 View Post
              You could always save the installers on your computer.
              Yeah, so I'm not quite a big fan of that logic. The issue I have specifically is that I'm trying to backup "True Grit" and "The Dilemma", both of which are only supported in or newer.

              It would appear that I'm just unable to manually set the file size and that my only option is to manipulate the bitrate to a point where I can achieve the desired file size.


                With the latest release 8098Qt, I am unable to adjust the bitrate, frame resolution, etc. when I try to select 1680 vs 1920 for example, it will not allow it. Even the bitrate slider functions incorrectly and resorts back to the same spot? I am trying to convert BD ISO's to Mkv files.

                Will this issue be fixed soon?


                  Originally posted by bigbwb View Post
                  With the latest release 8098Qt, I am unable to adjust the bitrate, frame resolution, etc. when I try to select 1680 vs 1920 for example, it will not allow it. Even the bitrate slider functions incorrectly and resorts back to the same spot? I am trying to convert BD ISO's to Mkv files.

                  Will this issue be fixed soon?
                  Seconded. The latest version of DVDfab is essentially useless to me until this gets fixed.


                    Dear all,

                    The problem will be fixed in next version, sorry about that.

                    Best Regards,
                    DVDFab is the all-in-one software package for copying Blu-ray/DVD and converting video file.


                      Originally posted by fengtao View Post
                      Dear all,

                      The problem will be fixed in next version, sorry about that.

                      Best Regards,
                      Always listening, and always quick to help... exactly why DVDFab always stays #1 in my book! I'm having the same issue with profiles noted above... and when I tried to use my "ps3.default" profile from an earlier version it caused DVDFab to crash. Anxiously awaiting the fix to this... thanks Fengtao!


                        This is still broken in the latest release (

                        Although it is fixed somewhat, the filesize/slider still have strange issues. Two I was able to recreate:

                        - Opening Video Settings window to Crop/Rezise a video caused the filesize to revert back to the default value.

                        - Entering file sizes manually causes what seems like the number keys to be mapped wrong. Entering "5" displays "4", "4" displays "3" and so on. Simply try to enter "8053" will come out "8042".

                        How do bugs like this make it through testing? Seriously?

