I used to rip dvd/bluray into mp4 for my home entertainment through as nas server. I'm wondering if there is anyway in dvdfab that I could manage the h.264 output quality besides bit rate and 1/2 passes? The reason I ask this is that some times I like to rip a dvd into fhd with up scaling and dvdfab does the job, however, the output quality isn't quite satisfactory, it's relatively blocky even though I have chosen high quality bit rate and 2 passes with software reading / encoding (so that it's independent to the video card driver), and best scaling method in setting.
I compared the fhd video output with simply playing a dvd with dvdfab player in fhd monitor, dvdfab player plays dvd better in fhd than dvdfab ripper fhd output file.
I compared the fhd video output with simply playing a dvd with dvdfab player in fhd monitor, dvdfab player plays dvd better in fhd than dvdfab ripper fhd output file.