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Audio out of sync

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    Mona If the developers are still considering fixing this issue, I found a recent DVD that might point them in the right direction: "Emily the Criminal." Even 11 in MKV Passthrough mode fails miserably. At best, in 11's ripped version, the audio is at least 5 seconds out of synch. I suggest they check this DVD in particular because it's the only one I've found where 11 fails to rip it properly.


      Does anyone know if the DVD Ripper / MKV audio synch issue in version 12 has been fixed in version 13? I fell back to version 11 over a year ago and haven't kept up with the discussion.


        I was told that it wouldn’t be fixed in 12. So I keep copies of both 11 and 13 on my PC. Version 11 still works fine for ripping current content. I haven’t really experimented with 13, though. Perhaps I’ll try ripping some of the problematic DVDs and see what happens. I’ll post the results here.

        FYI: Only the Passthrough setting in 12 had issues with audio sync.
        Last edited by zapt; 12-17-2023, 12:24 AM.


          rowshom Just used DVDFab 13's MKV Passthrough option to re-rip two of the problematic Black Adder TV episodes I mentioned previously in this thread. No change. The audio is still horribly out of sync. I did not, however, also test with UniFab enabled because I don't own it. If you or anyone else has UniFab, it may be worth checking to see if it corrects this issue.


            Originally posted by zapt View Post
            rowshom Just used DVDFab 13's MKV Passthrough option to re-rip two of the problematic Black Adder TV episodes I mentioned previously in this thread. No change. The audio is still horribly out of sync. I did not, however, also test with UniFab enabled because I don't own it. If you or anyone else has UniFab, it may be worth checking to see if it corrects this issue.
            did you try going into common settings - av codec - switch everything to software - restart dvdfab
            and retry MKV Passthrough and see if you get the audio out of sync issue​ ??

            might also try what is posted in post #1 in this thread -
            Last edited by october262; 12-17-2023, 06:11 PM.


              For the discs that give you the sync problem, you may try
              1. copy video + compress audio
              2. compress video + audio​


                I see my post about having to revert to v11 has been removed to a private support page.

                I will post it again:

                I have the identical problem with my current v12.1.1.5
                I rip as PASSTHROUGH to .m2ts structure.

                Sync fails badly with Harry Potter Deathly Hollows, both parts 1 and 2.

                [ edit ]

                Downgrading to is the fix for the audio sync problem.
                What is real annoying now: DVD Fab has known about this bug all through the numerous v12 releases, and now into v13, and it is not fixed.
                Look at the v11 code... it works properly.

                Last edited by compudox; 01-11-2024, 04:47 PM.


                  I downgraded from 13 back to, and this is a big improvement.
                  However... v11 still has the problem with REDS 2.
                  I had to advance the audio about 1.0 second to get close to the lip sync.

                  There is a fundamental and long running bug in DVD Fab that remains unresolved.








                          So DVDFab and the latest Unifab STILL DOES NOT fix the audio synch issues. Really???? This is ridiculous. Can someone please post the good working 11 version that actually works correctly? I mean, quit producing new versions and other gimmicks. You can't even fix what's broken.


                            Bump again, still waiting.


                              The version of 11 that you mentioned above (ending in 7) was the final version. According to the developers, the MKV Passthrough profile will not be fixed, so there's no point in waiting. Although 11 isn't perfect, I've only run into one or two rips where the audio was out of synch. So the solution is to either use 11 for all rips or use a different profile in 13.

