Brand new to BD to Mobile.
No matter what profile I've attempted...
MKV, AVI or MP4...
and no matter how I configure the conversion, 1-pass, 2-pass, alter various settings and toggle on/off CUDA (Decoder) and CUDA and software (Encoder)...
the conversion progressively slows to a crawl and eventually just fails to proceed at all.
I've tried this on about 6 flicks.
I've also tried this with v.7030, v.7035 Beta and v.7040.
Very similar to what we saw awhile back with certain versions of Fab and DVD to Mobile conversion problems.
I have no problems ripping BD discs to my hdds. I've also been able to play these to my TV via an Argosy media player (HV335T)
which has pleased me to no end.
(I wish I could figure out the subtitles, but that's another issue).
I've had great success with DVD to Mobile using GregiBoy's samsung profile and these conversion rates are ok with Fab
I'm seeing 300-500 fps depending on the profile.
Running win7 64-bit, core i7 920 (quad),
nVidia GTX 260 (896 MB GDDR3)
No matter what profile I've attempted...
MKV, AVI or MP4...
and no matter how I configure the conversion, 1-pass, 2-pass, alter various settings and toggle on/off CUDA (Decoder) and CUDA and software (Encoder)...
the conversion progressively slows to a crawl and eventually just fails to proceed at all.
I've tried this on about 6 flicks.
I've also tried this with v.7030, v.7035 Beta and v.7040.
Very similar to what we saw awhile back with certain versions of Fab and DVD to Mobile conversion problems.
I have no problems ripping BD discs to my hdds. I've also been able to play these to my TV via an Argosy media player (HV335T)
which has pleased me to no end.
(I wish I could figure out the subtitles, but that's another issue).
I've had great success with DVD to Mobile using GregiBoy's samsung profile and these conversion rates are ok with Fab
I'm seeing 300-500 fps depending on the profile.
Running win7 64-bit, core i7 920 (quad),
nVidia GTX 260 (896 MB GDDR3)