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Unable to rip Black Panther in movie subtitles

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    Unable to rip Black Panther in movie subtitles

    I've had this problem with a couple movies in the past, but Black Panther is the most recent. When they speak in Wakandan the in movie subtitles are not showing. The subtitle options I have selected are currently set to "remux into file", in the settings under streams I have the option selected to preselect English and I have selected to "display only forced subtitles".

    Hi, Hurdler5280, please attach dvdfab_internal log to help checking out the problem, thanks.
    The default location is: For Mac: /User/User name/Documents/DVDFab10/Log


      I tried to attach, but it says that the file is too large.


        Is there a way to compress the file so I can attach?


          Hi, please double click on dvdfab_internal log to open it, then scroll down, (the newest entries are last for the dvdfab_internal log,) and find the log session which shows your problem (it starts with the DVDFab version number and the date). And copy and paste the selected part into the post. Thanks. Or you can clear your log folder and re-do the process to generate a new log file and send us this newest dvdfab_internal log, thanks.


            So I cleared the log and reran the process. I wasn't sure if there was a portion of the log to post so I'm posting the whole thing.

            DVDFab (2018/07/12 21:31:35) (MACOSX)

            0m 00.05s: Init Public log: enabled.
            0m 00.05s: Init Private log: finish.
            0m 00.06s: App info: 2018-1-18
            0m 00.06s: App info: 10077 Official
            0m 00.06s: Init CrashReportSettings: enabled.
            0m 00.06s: Init DVDInfo_Log: enabled.
            0m 00.06s: app info: compiled time Jan 18 2018 13:18:58
            0m 00.06s: app args: count 1,arg 0:/Applications/DVDFab,
            0m 00.06s: Init Qt_Log: disabled.
            0m 00.38s: UHD HANDLE: not NULL!
            0m 00.39s: UHD HANDLE: init success! 10c190b022383
            0m 00.39s: UHD HANDLE: init success! 10c190b022383
            0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
            0m 00.62s: Qt Translator file load success
            0m 00.62s: App info: client type 21.
            0m 00.66s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
            0m 00.68s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
            0m 00.68s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
            0m 00.79s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X0
            0m 00.79s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X0, 0X0
            0m 00.79s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X0
            0m 00.79s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
            0m 00.79s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0
            0m 00.79s: Init process: Load config successful.
            0m 00.79s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
            0m 00.79s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
            0m 00.94s: Init process: Mac os type is Mac OS X 10.10.5.
            0m 00.94s: Init process: appUuidForLastRun=cb9619ca-c141-443c-95e5-682f55b665d9, appUuidForThisRun=37dd456c-ba53-4203-8103-edacb1ed9711
            0m 00.95s: Init process: command line in is
            0m 01.33s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
            0m 01.35s: ShowStartupDialog: true
            0m 01.35s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1002:8260762964 )( 1011:8260762964 )( OV:10100 )( BV:10096 )( UT:0 )( ML:1-1-1 )( S:bacd57860206fcb19633eda334a16f17 )
            0m 01.35s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
            0m 01.35s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:0:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:0:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:0:0 )-( DVD Cinavia Removal:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Cinavia Removal:0:0 )-( DRM Removal:0:0 )-( Hi-Fi Audio Converter:0:0 )-( UHD Copy:0:0 )-( UHD Ripper:0:0 )-
            0m 01.37s: App info: language type ENU.
            0m 01.37s: App info: Install path /Applications/DVDFab
            0m 01.37s: Start Reg check: begin
            0m 01.37s: Init process: Set account info to DriveX.
            0m 01.37s: Export Blu-ray source information report: enabled
            0m 01.37s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
            0m 01.42s: SUCCEED: IServerService WebServer Init succeed.
            0m 01.42s: SUCCEED: IServerService MediaLibrary Init succeed.
            0m 02.05s: Reg check: cinavia connect result,(0,-100)
            0m 02.08s: Reg check: Serial number is: 2861D861-9FB5-5BA8-AFFE-47A81EECDCF9
            0m 02.08s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
            0m 02.08s: Reg check: 86b58c7d42a1054968b3e9a5d0dfdf1a, abc0a56a9ce9b24c7fe88987fc8061a3, 0b5a7de4e6d123fdd555712175b9ce92, b8d93ed80cd25e2d916a725003bd6098
            0m 03.70s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
            0m 03.70s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 1002:8260762964 )( 1011:8260762964 )( OV:10100 )( BV:10096 )( UT:0 )( ML:1-1-1 )( S:a4786c92bfdbc7ed1073c423aedcbff4 )
            0m 03.71s: FabAuthorize: CheckOption - success
            0m 03.71s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
            0m 03.71s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:0:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:0:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:0 )-( DVD Cinavia Removal:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Cinavia Removal:1:0 )-( DRM Removal:1:0 )-( Hi-Fi Audio Converter:1:0 )-( UHD Copy:1:0 )-( UHD Ripper:1:0 )-
            0m 03.71s: Start Reg check: end
            0m 05.81s: dpi: 72, deviceRatio: 1
            0m 05.81s: Burn engine: start init.
            0m 05.81s: Burn engine: set log folder.
            0m 05.81s: DVD: init read settings.
            0m 05.81s: DVD: init write settings.
            0m 05.82s: Init BurnLog : file(/Users/Nikki/Documents/DVDFab10/Log/burn_internal.log)
            0m 05.82s: BD: init read settings.
            0m 05.82s: BD: init write settings.
            0m 05.82s: bd set region A
            0m 05.82s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 begin.
            0m 05.82s: Burn engine: config engine type-3 end.
            0m 07.04s: Burn engine: writer count 2.
            0m 07.04s: Burn engine: 0-HL-DT-ST DVDRWGA32N.
            0m 07.04s: Burn engine: 1-HL-DT-ST DVDRAMGP65NS60.
            0m 07.04s: Burn engine: end init.
            0m 08.23s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
            0m 08.26s: ShowStartupDialog: false
            0m 08.26s: QtLog Mode = false
            0m 08.26s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3
            0m 08.49s: Get update info start
            0m 08.95s: Update version: 1.0
            0m 08.95s: Status is: 1
            0m 08.96s: Download url:
            0m 08.96s: Base url:
            0m 08.96s: Version Data:
            0m 12.62s: Start show MainUI.
            0m 12.62s: dpi scale: x scale 1.000000
            0m 12.62s: dpi scale: y scale 1.000000
            0m 12.62s: Init process: init main ui successful.
            0m 12.77s: UI manager: switch to Converter mode.
            0m 13.73s: Init process: show main ui successful.
            0m 13.74s: DriveX msg: Init driveX D with I/O mode: 0
            0m 13.74s: opening drive D
            0m 13.74s: service name: IODVDServices
            0m 13.74s: service name: IODVDServices
            0m 13.74s: device name: disk3, bsdid=3
            0m 13.74s: opened i/o
            0m 13.74s: Cinavia Version : 1.309.2.55
            0m 13.74s: got media type 4
            0m 13.78s: scene data: delete file /Users/Nikki/Documents/DVDFab10/Config/SceneData/7c641143-f7bf-4403-a41d-6c60fce06338.SceneData.xml result=0
            0m 13.78s: scene data: delete dir /Users/Nikki/Documents/DVDFab10/Config/SceneData/7c641143-f7bf-4403-a41d-6c60fce06338 result=1
            0m 13.79s: before exec()
            0m 16.01s: got max lba 3764322
            0m 16.01s: got disc type 10
            0m 16.10s: type DVD-VIDEO
            0m 16.10s: volume label BLACK_PANTHER
            0m 16.10s: DriveX msg: media open(false) sucess in driveX D.
            0m 16.11s: DriveX msg: add media success in driveX D.
            0m 16.11s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX D.
            0m 16.11s: bsdname=disk1s1 drive=10 suffix=1s1
            0m 16.11s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
            0m 16.11s: bsdname=disk0s1 drive=11 suffix=0s1
            0m 16.11s: bsdname=disk0s2 drive=12 suffix=0s2
            0m 16.11s: bsdname=disk0s3 drive=13 suffix=0s3
            0m 16.11s: bsdname=disk2s1 drive=14 suffix=2s1
            0m 16.12s: Source manager: add source id 0.
            0m 16.40s: Source open statusVD Yes, 2231-10-11
            0m 16.40s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1
            0m 16.40s: internal path D:/VIDEO_TS/
            0m 16.42s: got copyright 1 f6
            0m 16.42s: key method 0
            0m 17.58s: got udf/iso
            0m 17.58s: dvd discid 2D38363337353836393737313038333938313332
            0m 17.58s: dvd disable cloud decryption
            0m 19.11s: got discinfo
            0m 19.11s: pathplayer enabled
            0m 20.40s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_295 sector_119 count_5
            0m 22.10s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_0 end_16963 sector_5198 count_4
            0m 45.87s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_16964 end_33923 sector_17017 count_4
            0m 46.42s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 start_103240 end_104833 sector_103361 count_14
            0m 46.55s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 start_104834 end_106428 sector_104956 count_14
            0m 47.00s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 start_106429 end_108022 sector_106550 count_14
            0m 47.47s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_1 start_108023 end_109617 sector_108145 count_14
            0m 47.93s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_23 cell_1 start_109618 end_111211 sector_109739 count_14
            0m 48.66s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 start_119186 end_120209 sector_119305 count_4
            0m 48.80s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 start_122258 end_123282 sector_122378 count_5
            0m 49.36s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_39 cell_1 start_125333 end_126356 sector_125452 count_5
            0m 52.92s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_10 cell_1 start_33924 end_50895 sector_39122 count_4
            0m 53.60s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 start_50896 end_67854 sector_50949 count_4
            0m 54.07s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 start_111212 end_112805 sector_111333 count_14
            0m 54.18s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 start_112806 end_114400 sector_112928 count_14
            0m 54.64s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_26 cell_1 start_114401 end_115995 sector_114523 count_14
            0m 55.13s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 start_115996 end_117590 sector_116118 count_14
            0m 55.59s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 start_117591 end_119185 sector_117713 count_14
            0m 56.27s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_31 cell_1 start_120210 end_121233 sector_120329 count_4
            0m 56.41s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_35 cell_1 start_123283 end_124307 sector_123403 count_5
            0m 57.02s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_40 cell_1 start_126357 end_127381 sector_126477 count_5
            0m 58.59s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 start_67855 end_84810 sector_73047 count_4
            0m 59.40s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 start_84811 end_101756 sector_84864 count_4
            0m 59.91s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_32 cell_1 start_121234 end_122257 sector_121353 count_4
            1m 00.05s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_36 cell_1 start_124308 end_125332 sector_124428 count_5
            1m 00.63s: button: vts_7 menu_1 pgc_41 cell_1 start_127382 end_128405 sector_127501 count_5
            1m 01.74s: full disc copy/play is supported
            1m 03.48s: got dvdinfo
            1m 03.48s: opened dvd
            1m 06.00s: MoviePoster Log: Volume(BLACK_PANTHER), DiscID(9809157096601153484), Result((null))
            1m 06.19s: Cinavia: no cinavia repair data.
            1m 06.64s: Meta: the ownership is E_Meta_No_Owner.
            1m 06.91s: Source manager: open successful.
            1m 08.14s: Meta: editable flag is META_INFO_EDITABLE_FLAG_NOT_FOND
            1m 08.14s: Meta: Load meta info data from server.
            1m 09.48s: Work manager: create Converter work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0( title 0 ).
            1m 37.40s: ========WorkAttr::SetSource=======
            1m 37.40s: Source Video Size Original: 720 x 308
            1m 37.40s: Source Video Size Display: 849 x 364
            1m 37.40s: Source Video FPS: 24000 / 1001
            1m 37.40s: Source Video Bitrate: 1200
            1m 37.40s: Source Audio Bitrate: 448000
            1m 37.40s: Source Audio Channels: 6
            1m 37.40s: Source Audio Volume: 100
            1m 37.40s: Source Audio Bitdepth: 0
            1m 37.40s: Source Audio SampleRate: 48000
            1m 37.40s: Work Profile: MP4
            1m 38.28s: Meta: Load the default meta info data .
            1m 38.34s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
            1m 38.39s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
            1m 52.34s: UILog: OnMsgToolbar_Start
            1m 52.36s: UILog: Msg Start: ready start
            1m 52.46s: UILog: btn Visible: left btn 4 right btn 9
            1m 52.46s: UILog: Msg Start: start test run work
            1m 52.46s: UILog: Msg Start: run work
            1m 52.46s: UILog: Run current Work.
            1m 52.46s: UILog: Begin Work Ripper
            1m 52.50s: Start check DVD to Mobile register status.
            1m 52.50s: End check DVD to Mobile register status: Enable
            1m 52.52s: UILog: start running at thread.
            1m 52.61s: opening drive D
            1m 52.61s: service name: IODVDServices
            1m 52.61s: service name: IODVDServices
            1m 52.61s: device name: disk3, bsdid=3
            1m 52.61s: opened i/o
            1m 52.62s: got media type 4
            1m 53.03s: got max lba 3764322
            1m 53.04s: got disc type 10
            1m 53.11s: type DVD-VIDEO
            1m 53.11s: volume label BLACK_PANTHER
            1m 53.11s: UILog: 0xeb429b30 work ctrl status 3->0
            1m 53.11s: UILog: return flag at start running at thread ok.
            1m 53.18s: OPList at DVD Converter: (480.2),(128.2),(32.32),(38.32)
            1m 53.18s: DVD Converter check watermark flag: 0
            1m 53.93s: UILog: 0xeb429b30 work ctrl status 0->0
            1m 53.93s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
            1m 54.09s: info: create config(dvd2video)
            1m 54.09s: info: crop value after clone: left = 2 right= 2 top=56 bottom=60 enable=1 mode=1
            1m 54.09s: info: use profile(MP4)
            2m 09.48s: info: dvd playlist(1),angle(0),chapter(1->19)
            2m 09.48s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
            2m 09.73s: info: UILog: work status: Notify 1 1 -1 not
            2m 09.75s: info: stream input@ Video(480)[codec(mpeg2video) size(720*480) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) duration(8064)sec opcode(compress) fmt(-1) profile(-99) level(-99)]
            2m 09.75s: info: perset file config OK !
            2m 09.75s: info: set output video frame_rate(24000/1001)
            2m 09.75s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 0, vc1= 0, mpeg2= 0, vencode h264= 0, hevc= 0 , plat = 0
            2m 09.75s: info: stream output Video(480)[codec(h264) size(720*308) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) bitrate(1318) duration(8064)sec fmt(0)]
            2m 09.75s: info: stream input@ Audio(128)[codec(ac3) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(448000) bitdepth(16) opcode(compress)]
            2m 09.76s: info: stream output Audio(128)[codec(aac) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(448000) bitdepth(16) opcode(compress)]
            2m 09.77s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(32)[codec(dvdsub) language(English) opcode(remux)]
            2m 09.77s: info: stream output SubPicture(32)[codec(dvdsub) language(English)]
            2m 09.77s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(38)[codec(dvdsub) language(English) opcode(remux)]
            2m 09.77s: info: stream output SubPicture(38)[codec(dvdsub) language(English)]
            2m 09.77s: info: SubMode(Remux) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(true)
            2m 09.79s: UILog: btn Visible: left btn 4 right btn 9
            2m 09.79s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
            2m 09.92s: info: ex process path= /Applications/DVDFab
            2m 12.12s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(1) level(30) bitrate(1318) crf(-1) interlace(0)
            20m 22.36s: bsdname=disk4s1 drive=15 suffix=4s1
            50m 41.06s: info: demux eof= 1, m_sequences= 241590, read_count= 0
            50m 42.08s: info: audio_decode finish job
            50m 44.48s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(1) level(30) bitrate(1318) crf(-1) interlace(0)
            113m 55.46s: info: demux eof= 1, m_sequences= 243530, read_count= 0
            113m 55.53s: info: audio_decode finish job
            114m 04.78s: audio_encode finish job
            114m 09.21s: ------------------ convert work finished ------------------
            114m 10.37s: UILog: 0xeb429b30 work ctrl status 0->3
            114m 10.37s: UILog: MsgWork:current work finish: 3
            114m 12.54s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX D.
            114m 12.54s: DriveX msg: remove driveX D.
            114m 16.36s: UILog: Run Work to end.
            114m 16.58s: UILog: btn Visible: left btn 0 right btn 7
            114m 20.57s: Source manager: open source flag:1,1,1,1,1
            114m 20.63s: Source manager: open source flag:1,1,1,1,1
            148m 47.81s: UILog: btn Visible: left btn 0 right btn 7
            148m 47.83s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
            148m 50.21s: Exit process: processBeforeClose.
            148m 50.21s: Exit process: clear temp folder.
            148m 50.22s: Exit process: stop quality task.
            148m 50.22s: Exit process: stop thumbnail thread.
            148m 50.25s: Exit process: save config file.
            148m 50.43s: Exit process: create jump list.
            148m 50.43s: Exit process: save meta info to local file.
            148m 50.47s: Exit process: stop running.
            148m 50.63s: Exit process: finish MainUI.
            148m 50.63s: Exit process: finish FreePref.
            148m 50.63s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.


              When they speak in Wakandan the in movie subtitles are not showing.
              1. What is the timemark when those Wakandan subtitle appears? Please specify, also, please playback the original movie disc and take a screenshot of one of scenes the Wakandan subtitle appears and post it here.
              2. Please turn off Subtitle in Player 5 and then playback the original movie disc, see if you can have the Wakandan subtitle appeared.



                The first subtitle appears around 3:27. Attached is a pic of this scene in the movie. I'm not exactly sure what player 5 is and how to turn off subtitles for that. When you say playback in your step 2, do you mean the preview option in dvd fab?
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Hurdler5280; 07-24-2018, 03:02 AM.


                  Originally posted by Hurdler5280 View Post
                  The first subtitle appears around 3:27. Attached is a pic of this scene in the movie. I'm not exactly sure what player 5 is and how to turn off subtitles for that. When you say playback in your step 2, do you mean the preview option in dvd fab?
                  Hi Hurdler5280,

                  The pic is too small to see clearly.

                  You can download DVDFab Player 5 at
                  During playback, right click on the interface, and choose "off", see image attached.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Play with subtitle off.png
Views:	436
Size:	383.6 KB
ID:	357103


                    Not sure why the attachment is appearing like that. It won't seem to let me attach it properly. When I click on the pic on my computer its full size. I will download player 5.
                    Last edited by Hurdler5280; 07-24-2018, 01:13 PM.



                      The link you posted to the downloads shows the Player 5 you are talking about, but it says its for windows. Any suggestions on uploading the picture or do you not need it anymore. Not sure why the picture shows up full size when it is saved on my computer, but when I attach it it shows up small.
                      Last edited by Hurdler5280; 07-25-2018, 11:43 PM.


                        Originally posted by Hurdler5280 View Post

                        The link you posted to the downloads shows the Player 5 you are talking about, but it says its for windows. Any suggestions on uploading the picture or do you not need it anymore. Not sure why the picture shows up full size when it is saved on my computer, but when I attach it it shows up small.
                        If you don't have a windows PC, please ignore the player 5 suggestion now. About image, you can try to attach it to a word file or to google drive and then post the url here.

                        Please use the preview window in DVDFab to preview each subtitle stream, check which one contains the Wakandan subtitle, select it in DVDFab for the conversion, but do not seelct to "display only forced subtitles".
                        You can also disable subtitle in the preview window and see if the Wakandan subtitle can appear or not.



                          I'm not sure how to exactly preview each subtitle stream as you suggested. In the common settings I unchecked everything relating to subtitles so It currently says "none" under subtitles. I then hit the preview button and the subtitles don't show. I then right click the screen and options pop up. One of the options is subtitles. So while still in preview I click on the first English one and that doesn't work. I then click on the other English one available and that unchecks the first English one I checked, but I still don't get the subtitles.


                            Originally posted by Hurdler5280 View Post
                            I'm not sure how to exactly preview each subtitle stream as you suggested. In the common settings I unchecked everything relating to subtitles so It currently says "none" under subtitles. I then hit the preview button and the subtitles don't show. I then right click the screen and options pop up. One of the options is subtitles. So while still in preview I click on the first English one and that doesn't work. I then click on the other English one available and that unchecks the first English one I checked, but I still don't get the subtitles.
                            Please try to playback the movie disc on your TV, view which subtitle is the one you needed and then select the needed one in DVDFab to try again.


                              Sorry for the delay. So I played the movie in the dvd player and checked which subtitle stream was automatically checked. I then started dvdfab and checked which subtitle stream it was and it was the English forced stream. So I checked that and proceeded to rip the movie. After ripping I opened the ripped MP4 file with Itunes, like I do with all my movies and the subtitles when they speak Wakandan were still not there.

