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DVDFab x64 Startup Error

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    DVDFab x64 Startup Error

    I'm getting a startup error message when running has been doing this since the previous program upgrade. I'm not 100% sure when it started though.

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    try updating to the latest beta version and see if you still get the startup error -


      If you still get that error with the latest beta version, you might also try going back to the version prior to when you started getting this error to see if it is something new in DVDfab conflicting with your environment or if a previous version that started up fine now gives this error as well, pointing to something in your system that might have changed to cause this problem. It is likely not a widespread issue or I assume we would be seeing a lot more posts about this. (FYI, I didn't get that error). Have you also tried, for testing purposes, to see if you get this error with the 32 bit version?

      Last edited by LaciBacsi; 08-11-2018, 04:01 PM.


        Beta version did not fix the problem for me.


          Thanks! Disk 4 according to the 'Disk Management Tool' is the USB flash drive port in my HP Officejet printer. The program for some reason expects there to be media in that drive. The USB drive port is enumerated by the USB driver for the printer and is reserved and assigned as drive 'E' in the windows environment, even though there is no media plugged in it. The question for me is why does DVDFab expect there to be media in that USB port? I have never put a flash drive in that port.

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  , after posting that info above I plugged in the flash drive I use for upgrading the movie server and started DVDFab...No error message! With the printer turned off no error message.

            ...The program needs to stop looking for media there, USB enumerated devices by their very nature may or may not be present on the system at any given instance. This needs to be forwarded to the development team to be included in the next release.
            Last edited by Dead Eye; 08-12-2018, 12:56 PM. Reason: Additional Info Added


              I now recall getting the same error back around March of last year. After digging through my old email threads to DVD support staff, I located this issue. My issue was with a multi-format card reader with four slots to which I had assigned 4 drive letters as W:\, X:\, Y:\ and Z:\ . I believe I simply hit the Cancel button and Fab would continue loading but was still as annoying as hell.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	Capture.PNG Views:	1 Size:	17.1 KB ID:	357937

              After several emails of suggestions back and forth with DVDFab support staff, (non of which worked), it appears that I finally solved the problem simply by uninstalling the device through Device Manager, rebooting the computer, and letting Windows reinstall it. At least that is what I replied in my email to support staff as the way I solved the problem. and I do not recall getting this error since then.

              Your situation may be little different since the USB issue is with the printer slot and not a separate card reader, BUT, you might want to try this. With your printer on, open Device Manager and expand 'Disk Drives'. It should show something like 'HP Storage USB Device' or something similar. Select and confirm the option to uninstall it. Then reboot your computer (with printer on) and let it reinstall the device. I have an Epson Printer with a USB slot and it appears that it uses a Windows native driver to access this USB slot, and not an Epson specific driver, so it may be the same for you.

              I only recalled this issue after reading your subsequent posts.
              Hopefully this might work for you. No idea why this happened.

              Last edited by LaciBacsi; 08-12-2018, 04:30 PM.


                Thanks LaciBacsi, I did try that awhile didn't work and it broke some of the features of the printer driver like "Scan to USB" and I ended up reinstalling the printer driver package to get it back. This error doesn't keep me from running DVDFab, I just click on continue and use the program.

                I dug around in my desk drawer and found one of those tiny little flash drives(16Gb) that I swear is smaller than my Logitech unifying receiver for my keyboard and mouse and just plugged it in to that port so the error doesn't regenerate.

                The program has no need to scan open USB ports...even if someone at some time used a USB storage medium as an output destination while using the DVDFab software. The 'Save To' pull down should not show it. Pretty sure it is a software issue on the developers side, and not end users like us.

                Have a great day!


                  Hi Dead Eye

                  I have forwarded what you reported to the developers for checking, thank you for the feedback.



                    Thank you Mona !!!


                      Hi Dead Eye,

                      We tested on Windows 10 and Windows 7, connected the PC to a printer, run DVDFab, we did not get that pop up message. Maybe there are other related info you can provide us?



                        Well Mona, was it the same model printer? Mine is an Officejet Pro 8710 and the USB port is enumerated and installed by the printer driver and is given a drive letter. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64bit with all current updates.

                        If the logs don't provide a clue as to what the problem is then I'm not sure what other info I can provide. Attached are all the logs created by DVDFab, one is a program startup without a USB flash drive and then another with the flash drive inserted.



                          ...attached are screen grabs from the Windows >> System event log entries after those two startups!

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                            The only thing that distinguishes the USB port on the printer from all the other USB ports on any given computer is the fact that the printer driver installs this port as a 'Generic Disk', that is the reason why it shows as a drive letter even though it isn't populated with media. The larger question is why does the program even care if there is media in that port. The other USB ports on this PC are present on the system through the chipsets hub and motherboards driver. Attached is a screen grab of the 'Computer' view, drive 'E' is the USB port on the printer and it has no media plugged in to it.

                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	358118


                              Hi Dead Eye,

                              Thank you again for the info, we will check again and get back to you ASAP.


