Could you please make it possible to make the configuration / change the drive and path for the DRM Downloader directories for MOVIES, AUDIO and TEMP?
It is currently hard coded into the users and documents folder.
This causes OneDrive / Pcloud (SYNC of the folders Documents) to want to synch the temp files as the shows are downloaded.
I would like to be able to change where these directories to keep my Crive "clean" and to prevent the sync.
At the currently I have to pause SYNC until the DRM download is completed.
Best regrads abd stay healthy,
Could you please make it possible to make the configuration / change the drive and path for the DRM Downloader directories for MOVIES, AUDIO and TEMP?
It is currently hard coded into the users and documents folder.
This causes OneDrive / Pcloud (SYNC of the folders Documents) to want to synch the temp files as the shows are downloaded.
I would like to be able to change where these directories to keep my Crive "clean" and to prevent the sync.
At the currently I have to pause SYNC until the DRM download is completed.
Best regrads abd stay healthy,