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StreamFab - Do we even get the Amazon High Quality back?

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    It will be fixed as soon as possible, they work on it every day. That is all that will be said and as yoyo57 observed, that should be enough.
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      Originally posted by yoyo57 View Post
      Time for some patience while it is being worked on. All the whining wanting to know what is happening and wanting progress updates on what is being worked on just helps Amazon put more resources on counter measures.
      So respectfully, please zip it, and no more posts on this. All the post do is help Amazon.


        Originally posted by signals View Post
        a violation of the forum rules if discussed here. Also would be the final post for whomever provides it.
        I do not intend to do so.


          I am getting a notice when I try to stream from Amazon with Streamfab. It says that my browser is out of date, and if I want to stream in high def after March thirty first, I need to update my browser. When I use Streamfab I have no choice of browser. Perhaps this will make sense to someone on the development team.


            Note: Even though I'm getting a notification that the browser is out of date, I'm still downloading at 1080p. As long as that's happening, I'm not going to worry about the silly notifications. Please - Just regard the previous post as information. No need to reply to these posts.


              Originally posted by supine View Post
              I am getting a notice when I try to stream from Amazon with Streamfab. It says that my browser is out of date, and if I want to stream in high def after March thirty first, I need to update my browser. When I use Streamfab I have no choice of browser.
              Just so you know down the line on this, it is referring to your main browser that you are using attached to StreamFab. The one you use to connect and use for the internet.

