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    Is that how moderation works? I see six views for my post, which means a few of you read it. But, since it does not make the product look good, do you ignore it and not make it public? I wasn't wrong in my content. I did not make false claims. I still get emails saying how your product does all these wonderful things, and while it did for the first month, it has since not performed anything work the cost. As I mentioned in my post, the Mac updates are way slower to release than Windows. I have tried for several versions now to download a TV episode from Hulu in 720p. The file size downloaded is about 2.3GB, but after StreamFab 're-encodes' it, I am left with a terrible 200MB file that sure it says 720p but such bad quality from all the pixelation it is useless. I have also tried to download a similar TV show episode from Netflix for a while now, and it has the same issue. Like others have suggested, you should stop releasing new downloaders until you fix what you have and stop false advertising. Should I start posting on Twitter and tagging StreamFab and DVDFab so that the public knows what you won't release as moderators?

    We've adjusted the Hulu Downloader in the latest version, please update to the latest Mac to try again. Thanks.


      Much much better thank you. Now how about Netflix?


        I just checked Netflix again with the new update and now my downloads just fail.
        Attached Files


          Dilligas Here is how Moderation works here: When you post about a problem but fail to supply anything that could contribute to a solution (facts, logs etc) your post stands a good chance of never seeing the light of day. Complaining endlessly helps no one, including you.
          Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
          Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....

